NewyScruggs Blog: Wade Phillips Stands Behind Michael Vick

Pats Fan;1571071 said:
Hostile - Ask Pacman.

Vick is bad for the game. Much worse than Pacman and he was banned for a year.

What happens to him in terms of jail time is not the issue -- he is poison for the game. Absolute poison.

Vick is not bad for the game, in any more than his atrocious QB play is bad for the game.

What Vick is bad for is sensitive whiners who care more about what people do off the field, than what they do on it. Vick is bad for your perception of the character of the players in the NFL - he is not bad for the ACTUAL game, which is what I wish more people cared more about. Then we would have something done about steroid use, HGH, assault on the field - rather than people ****ting their pants because PacMan gets out of line when he makes it rain on dem ho's.
Hostile;1571084 said:
Let me tell you something Jay-D, I don't give a flying crap about how your offenses stack up to Mike Vick's. Nor anyone else's for that matter.

We need to stop rationalizing the wrongs of others because we ourselves are not perfect. That's a foolish thing and we all do it from time to time. I see nothign at all rational about saying, "you can't decry what Mike Vick has done because you are a hunter and you kill for sport."

That just doesn't make a lick of sense to me, because the hunter is not breaking the law. He's not involved in racketeering. He's not involved in stealth and attempting to hide his activities. He's doing something that he enjoys. I've known hunters who were more animal lovers than some people who won't eat meat because it was an animal. Do I understand that? Not really, but for me to paint them as cruel to animals is such a stretch. I can't go there.

I have nothing against those who speak out against the fur trade except one thing. Why don't they ever throw paint on biker's leather jackets? Why pick on women? Would I be upset if the fur trade ended? No. I wouldn't. But I also have nothing against a woman wearing a fur coat. Some do. I understand that, but not their methods. I find their methods cruel.

I have nothing against those who don't eat meat. You can tell me all the horror stories out there and I will never care. If that makes me a hypocrite so the hell what? I've already said we all are on some level or another. I enjoy my food. How it gets on my plate is something for you and fuzzy and others to worry about. That's your thing. Fine, so be it.

I eat just as much meat as any of us don't paint me as some kind of extreme animal rights person. I'm just more willing to admit that when I do enjoy animal products, I'm torturing and murdering an animal. I'm willing to go without the sugarcoating and just say it in plain English and not hide behind some facade about needing protien or some other nonsense.

Therefore I'm less willing to brand Mike Vick as some kind of monster....because if he's a monster....then we all are.

I own dogs and I love my dogs. I also know that there are people who own dogs and don't look at them as pets but as financial providers or entertainment. In much the same way that I look at a cow as a steak.

I'm eating a roast beef sandwhich right now....and it's legal, baby!
I just fed some of my roast beef sandwich to my dog.

This meat was provided by an innocent animal that was brutally murdered with my and my government's approval, and was fed to another animal which I cherish and treat like a human being. He even does little tricks for the stuff......which I taught him to do.

Inconsistant and hypocritical. Those aren't just the names of two strippers in Las Vegas!
Jay-D;1571101 said:
I eat just as much meat as any of us don't paint me as some kind of extreme animal rights person. I'm just more willing to admit that when I do enjoy animal products, I'm torturing and murdering an animal. I'm willing to go without the sugarcoating and just say it in plain English and not hide behind some facade about needing protien or some other nonsense.

Therefore I'm less willing to brand Mike Vick as some kind of monster....because if he's a monster....then we all are.

I own dogs and I love my dogs. I also know that there are people who own dogs and don't look at them as pets but as financial providers or entertainment. In much the same way that I look at a cow as a steak.

I'm eating a roast beef sandwhich right now....and it's legal, baby!

Jay-D;1571111 said:
I just fed some of my roast beef sandwich to my dog.

This meat was provided by an innocent animal that was brutally murdered with my and my government's approval, and was fed to another animal which I cherish and treat like a human being. He even does little tricks for the stuff......which I taught him to do.

Inconsistant and hypocritical. Those aren't just the names of two strippers in Las Vegas!
I'm not painting you as anything. I'm not painting Vick as anything.

I'm unpainting things.
All this arguing over whether the laws are hypocritical or not... There's an element of hypocrisy in a lot of laws.

Why is it illegal to drink and drive only when you have a BAC of .08 or higher?? If it's illegal to drink and drive, why is a line drawn? If you wanted to be truly free of hypocrisy, it would either be illegal to drink and drive no matter what your BAC registered, or it would be legal to drink and drive no matter how sloshed you were.

Why is it illegal to pay for and be paid for sex, but it's not illegal to have sex? If you wanted to be truly free of hypocrisy, it would either be legal to pay for and be paid for sex, or it would be illegal to have sex altogether.

The fact of the matter is lines are often blurry. But society has decided that lines have to be drawn somewhere. The line happened to be drawn at a .08 BAC, at paying for and being paid for sex, and at dogfighting.

There are endless "hypocrisies" in the law if you want to waste your time looking for them. But the bottom line is people decided dog fighting should be illegal, so here we are.
peplaw06;1571208 said:
All this arguing over whether the laws are hypocritical or not... There's an element of hypocrisy in a lot of laws.

Why is it illegal to drink and drive only when you have a BAC of .08 or higher?? If it's illegal to drink and drive, why is a line drawn? If you wanted to be truly free of hypocrisy, it would either be illegal to drink and drive no matter what your BAC registered, or it would be legal to drink and drive no matter how sloshed you were.

Why is it illegal to pay for and be paid for sex, but it's not illegal to have sex? If you wanted to be truly free of hypocrisy, it would either be legal to pay for and be paid for sex, or it would be illegal to have sex altogether.

The fact of the matter is lines are often blurry. But society has decided that laws have to be drawn somewhere. The line happened to be drawn at a .08 BAC, at paying for and being paid for sex, and at dogfighting.

There are endless "hypocrisies" in the law if you want to waste your time looking for them. But the bottom line is people decided dog fighting should be illegal, so here we are.
Good post Liar;)
Hoov;1571211 said:
Good post Liar;)

Disclaimer: Take everything I say with a grain of salt. I have recently learned that I am a professional liar.

I guess I need to start putting disclaimers on my posts huh?
peplaw06;1571235 said:

Disclaimer: Take everything I say with a grain of salt. I have recently learned that I am a professional liar.

I guess I need to start putting disclaimers on my posts huh?

LOL, I just couldnt resist. The professional liar thread is one i will never forget.
Jay-D;1571061 said:
While I know it is for my own benefit to follow and obey all laws.....I know that some laws are wrong and some are simply money-driven.

That's ;)

How is a law against cruelty to animals money driven ...... ?

Pats Fan;1571071 said:
Hostile - Ask Pacman.

Vick is bad for the game. Much worse than Pacman and he was banned for a year.

What happens to him in terms of jail time is not the issue -- he is poison for the game. Absolute poison.

Pacman had 5-6 run ins with the law in a single year, and his only year in the NFL .......... Pacman's strikes had run out.

You are so narrow minded that you view every situation as the same.

Pacman getting in trouble with the law 5-6 times is not the same .... he got multiple chances before being banned.

Killing for meat and killing just to kill are not the same thing.

Jay-D;1571111 said:
I just fed some of my roast beef sandwich to my dog.

This meat was provided by an innocent animal that was brutally murdered with my and my government's approval, and was fed to another animal which I cherish and treat like a human being. He even does little tricks for the stuff......which I taught him to do.

Inconsistant and hypocritical. Those aren't just the names of two strippers in Las Vegas!

So, lions are inhumane murderers for killing deer for food ....... and snakes are inhumane murderers for killing rats for food ........... and rats are inhumane murderers for eating bugs .......

The food chain means nothing ..........

And killing cattle under federal guidelines is the same as having two dogs fight to the death in a prolonged battle in which the longer the dogs fight and suffer the more entertaining it is deemed ............

Sport and sustinance equate to the same thing .........

peplaw06;1571208 said:
All this arguing over whether the laws are hypocritical or not... There's an element of hypocrisy in a lot of laws.

Why is it illegal to drink and drive only when you have a BAC of .08 or higher?? If it's illegal to drink and drive, why is a line drawn? If you wanted to be truly free of hypocrisy, it would either be illegal to drink and drive no matter what your BAC registered, or it would be legal to drink and drive no matter how sloshed you were.

Why is it illegal to pay for and be paid for sex, but it's not illegal to have sex? If you wanted to be truly free of hypocrisy, it would either be legal to pay for and be paid for sex, or it would be illegal to have sex altogether.

The fact of the matter is lines are often blurry. But society has decided that lines have to be drawn somewhere. The line happened to be drawn at a .08 BAC, at paying for and being paid for sex, and at dogfighting.

There are endless "hypocrisies" in the law if you want to waste your time looking for them. But the bottom line is people decided dog fighting should be illegal, so here we are.

Much of this is a reach.

The problem isn't drinking and driving - the idea is to prevent driving while impaired .... thus the line is drawn at a point in which people can reasonably be expected to become impaired.

The idea behind prohibiting prostitution is not to condemn sex, it's to curb what has traditionally been an industry of health hazards and corruption, and as a temptation that can destroy families.

Now I'm not so naive' as to believe their isn't at least some degree of hypocrisy in these or other areas, and I think there is big hypocrisy in some areas, but it's bogus to (A) say something is hypocritical unless it is ALL one way or ALL the other, and (B) to twist the intent of things to make them appear hypocritical, or more hypocritical than they really are.
Jay-D;1570326 said:
If you are not a vegetarian, a condecending opinion on dog fighting is hypocritical.

If you are a vegan, good for you.

:lmao2: if you can find me where the participants in dog-fighting eat the carcasses, then I'm w/ you pal
Jay-D;1570345 said:
I'm not saying dog fighting is a good thing, because it's not. But cattle slaughtering is a horrible business too.

yes, but at least cattle slaughtering serves some benefit

dog-fighting's benefit...noone

Jay-D said:
If anything, cattle slaughtering is MORE horrific. Anybody who has seen the inside of a slaughterhouse knows this.

again :lmao2: slaughtering cows isn't the drawn out process that dog-fighting is, dogs are tortured for days, even weeks on end, before they even begin to fight, then they get mauled for up to a minute, and then are executed, or if they win, go through the horrible process all over again, w/ cows it's just a nail to the head or whatever and it's done
aikemirv;1570504 said:
While I don't agree that dog fighting is anything close to killing cattle, I do agree that the entertainment value of the sport of dogfighting is very close to the entertainment value of ultimate fighting.

Choice really has no bearing on entertainment value, either you like watching two human beings or dogs beat the crap out of each other or it pretty much makes you sick IMO.

I fail to see this comparison, as the participants in Ultimate Fighting do so willingly, and hardly anyone dies from the effects and the fight's decision
Stautner;1571818 said:
Much of this is a reach.

The problem isn't drinking and driving - the idea is to prevent driving while impaired .... thus the line is drawn at a point in which people can reasonably be expected to become impaired.

The idea behind prohibiting prostitution is not to condemn sex, it's to curb what has traditionally been an industry of health hazards and corruption, and as a temptation that can destroy families.
OMG... I'm not intimating that there aren't reasons why these laws are passed. Of course there are. All I'm saying is that if lines are drawn in blurry areas of the law, then there can be an element of hypocrisy.

.08 is the point where "most people" are impaired... obviously. But there are also some people who aren't impaired at that point, and there are some people impaired long before.

And I'm not supporting prostitution laws being stricken down. I'm just saying that it's a little hypocritical to draw the line at money changing hands for sex. It's there if you WANT to look for it.

Now I'm not so naive' as to believe their isn't at least some degree of hypocrisy in these or other areas, and I think there is big hypocrisy in some areas, but it's bogus to (A) say something is hypocritical unless it is ALL one way or ALL the other, and (B) to twist the intent of things to make them appear hypocritical, or more hypocritical than they really are.
I agree wholeheartedly.

I think you just want to disagree with everyone for the sake of disagreeing without understanding what I'm saying.

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