Your premise is sound, Jay-D, and is basically just an outline on the moral relativity and hypocrisy of animal cruelty being wrong for one species because we've deemed them pets and friends, while it is ok for another species because we've deemed them food.
Some of the ways you present it are a little out there, but your premise is solid. You'll get nowhere, though.

Open-mindedness and anything farther than "OMG, you think dog fighting and killing cows are exactly the same" is a rare thing to find on this topic. Everyone's too emotionally attached to the animal in question to acknowledge that the morals on animal treatment are sketchy, and differ from culture to culture, even within America. Heck, Iran has nearly eradicated their dog population, and in many nations, they are food.
Morally, the distinction between two unnecessary evils of dog fighting and let's say cattle slaughter (among others) is fuzzy at best. Both are unnecessary for humans, and at the end of the day - the dog is just as dead as the cow, and both for our enjoyment. Somewhere along the line, we just decided dogs get rights and cows don't. Doesn;t make it right, just makes it the law.