Next Tournament Idea Thread (Balloting Has Ended)

Chose 4 Movie Genres OR Movie Pair Ups OR Franchise Series (read post #111 before voting)

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  • Poll closed .
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Perhaps but I may want to see it (again) way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way down the road.
Check your inbox hehehe


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I am thinking if we do Horror/Sci Fi, maybe we divide the monsters into two categories? Bigger than us and therefore can snack on us and same size or smaller and can hide in the closet and under the bed. I was always more skeert of the latter, checked under my bed for a year for a Body Snatchers pod.


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Sci- Fi Monster Tournament. Maybe the big guys Godzilla & King Kong get excluded and we put them a SUPERBOUT.


Toxic Avenger


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
@Tabascocat did vote for Franchise Series. The poll is multiple choice for all eight listed options. Since it is a multiple choice poll, it will allow any member to chose a maximum of four choices.

Now, a member CAN make whatever choice they want but my directions (shown above the poll) are for every voter to chose ONLY four of the six movie genres OR the single Movie Pair Ups option OR the single Franchise Series option.

I ***think*** I know what may have happened. Tabascocat did follow the directions correctly and voted one time (for Franchise Series) but wanted to cast additional votes for other options--which is not how I wanted members to vote. My goal is creating a single bracket for a single purpose, for decidinig either:

  • Genres OR
  • Movie Pair Ups OR
  • Franchise Series
My goal is not to have a mixture of two or all three.
I think that's what I said...with the possible exception that it should have been possible for him to break the rules you put in place.


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looks like the brackets will be sci-fi/horror vs a tion/adventure vs westerns vs comedy.

some difficult decisions ahead for me.
sci fi region...easy.
action/adventure....LOTS of hard decisions.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Please click on this link after reading the rules below:

The IDEA has been chosen!!! <insert extra exclamation marks here> !!! The next tournament will decide what is CowboysZone's Best Movie from the Comedy, Western, Horror/Science Fiction and Action/Adventure genres. Those four will make up the regions of the tournament.

Balloting has officially begun for deciding which movies will be selected for the tournament. The top eight (8) movies according to Genre with the most ballot points will populate each specific region. Below is a blank sample ballot format for members to use when submitting their choices!

01. ____________________ (32 points)
02. ____________________ (31 points)
03. ____________________ (30 points)
04. ____________________ (29 points)
05. ____________________ (28 points)
06. ____________________ (27 points)
07. ____________________ (26 points)
08. ____________________ (25 points)
09. ____________________ (24 points)
10. ____________________ (23 points)
11. ____________________ (22 points)
12. ____________________ (21 points)
13. ____________________ (20 points)
14. ____________________ (19 points)
15. ____________________ (18 points)
16. ____________________ (17 points)
17. ____________________ (16 points)
18. ____________________ (15 points)
19. ____________________ (14 points)
20. ____________________ (13 points)
21. ____________________ (12 points)
22. ____________________ (11 points)
23. ____________________ (10 points)
24. ____________________ (09 points)
25. ____________________ (08 points)
26. ____________________ (07 points)
27. ____________________ (06 points)
28. ____________________ (05 points)
29. ____________________ (04 points)
30. ____________________ (03 points)
31. ____________________ (02 points)
32. ____________________ (01 point_)

Simply copy-and-paste the ballot below in a blank reply then write a film title and genre for each nomination. Example: "21.___ Carrie, Horror___ (12 points)" Discussion may decide if members agree whether a particular genre is collectively agreed upon.

There is a hard cap of 32 films per each member's ballot list. Any additional films mentioned by a member before, during and after submitting their single official ballot list shall not be included in the final tally of all participating members' ballot lists.

The bracket will be populated according to the total number of votes per movie in a genre:

Top 8 voted Comedy films
Top 8 voted Western films
Top 8 voted Horror/Science Fiction films
Top 8 voted Action/Adventure films​

IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! The final tally may result in one or more genres having less than or greater than eight films in the top 32 nominations according to total points per film. In this scenario, each of the four regions will be filled as such:

Genre finishing with less than 8 films in the top 32 voted movies - one or more movies that accumulated the most points outside the top 32 voted movies will be added to the genre's bracket region.

Genre finishing with more than 8 films in the top 32 voted movies - one or more movies with the fewest points in a particular genre will be subtracted from the genre's bracket region.
Tiebreaker(s): Members are encouraged in offering suggestions for deciding how ties will be broken between films having the same total points. Tiebreaker(s) will also determine whether tied films shall receive a higher or lower seed among them. I am a big fan of's Top Movies lists. My suggestion is using their lists. A film ranked above one or more movies will break the tie in its favor. The option is problematic. AFI's lists are more 'classic' movie oriented and do not always include more contemporary films. Also, its lists can be more generic than certain genre based. Anyway, members (or I) will figure out something.

Balloting starts now and runs through Sunday, July 5 at 10:00 pm CDT. I anticipate starting the new tournament on Monday, July 6 (time TBA).
Last edited:


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I thought we were going to have 24 or 48 movies in each category face off in their own threads to end up with the top 8 in each one for the finals face off. I like that idea because someone will suggest a movie I had forgotten.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I guess it wouldn't have been easier to have 4 sets of 8.
My mind is getting old. Forgot when I decided to change from 4 of 8 to 8 of 4. The decision was made after cowboyec responded to my 32÷8=4 post with:
or let people vote on the genre's that will make up the bracket 4 genres will square off.
we list our top 8 in each.
I did not reply back but the idea sounded both easier and better at the time. Additionally, member participation was lower than I had the idea poll. That influenced me into making (what I feel) is a simpler tournament for anyone willing to dive into it. Now I am waiting-and-seeing if any ballot lists will start flowing in towards making even THAT happen! :laugh:


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I still don't like SciFi being grouped with horror, way too many choices. Maybe SciFi/Fantasy and Horror/Thriller or something :laugh:
I have faith Neo will persevere. Who cares what John Wick says? I believe. :D


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
My mind is getting old. Forgot when I decided to change from 4 of 8 to 8 of 4. The decision was made after cowboyec responded to my 32÷8=4 post with:

I did not reply back but the idea sounded both easier and better at the time. Additionally, member participation was lower than I had the idea poll. That influenced me into making (what I feel) is a simpler tournament for anyone willing to dive into it. Now I am waiting-and-seeing if any ballot lists will start flowing in towards making even THAT happen! :laugh:
I actually meant instead of raking 1-32, ranking 4 brackets of 8. But hey, you're the one doing all the work! lol
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