NFC Championship: Eagles - 25 vs Cardinals - 32 Game Thread

i'm so loving watching that overrated punk get his *** whipped.
DallasEast;2585870 said:

Crude photoshop, but funny as hell none the less
I just turned on the game... expecting to see a blowout (sadly).

I didn't expect it to be quite like this (happily).

Does anyone else find this eerily reminiscent of the second Dallas-Philly game? 24-6 at the half vs. 27-3. First drive of the second half ends with a QB fumble and turnover.
It's not how well you play during the regular season. Getting to the playoffs is great, but what matters most is how every single player and coach unite to win during the postseason. The Cardinals are doing just that. Maybe Philadelphia will pull out a victory, but Arizona's doing everything right so far.
If you haven't been over to "" yet, your days not complete. Your missing out BIG TIME!!!
DWhite Fan;2585883 said:
LOL! McFlabb getting what he deserves :laugh2:
I am going to borrow the quotes you have in your sig for a paper I have to write in my college leadership course if you don't mind :)
kewl. Glad to help. :)
Where's that piece of garbage Phoenix Talon? Oh, I forgot, he doesn't show up in times like these. See you next season, you weak *** *****.
lol, did Desean just make McNabb bend over to listen to him instead of getting up and going to his QB?
Kilyin;2585913 said:
Where's that piece of garbage Phoenix Talon? Oh, I forgot, he doesn't show up in times like these. See you next season, you weak *** *****.


He was on the board for 2 weeks straight ...... now he will be gone.
Dallaslullaby;2585902 said:
to be fair to mcnabb - he didnt stand a chance then

eagles oline looked like ours
Yeah, but he made another horrible throw to an open receiver(Curtis) on the play before. He's been the worst Eagle on the field.
zrinkill;2585856 said:
OK .... I am not gonna argue with a Cowboy fan anymore over the freaking Cards and Eagles :laugh2:

It already caused me to call a Cowboy fan an eagle.

I do not agree that the ball touched him when he was out of bounds.

You equally think it did.

Lets just enjoy the Eagles getting smacked around for this second half.

I hear ya. This is pretty satisfying.

5Countem5;2585857 said:

Well, he does need a new job, so why not? ;)
StylisticS;2585920 said:
To be fair, does Phoenix_Talon ever show up during his team games?

Don't know or care, woulda banned that guy 3 years ago tbh.