NFL Game day Thread

Jackson has thrown 4 int tonight? Good thing he doesn’t play for the Cowboys. He would be crucified already
I think he might lead the entire league in turnovers this year.

He's still so fun to watch, but he's had a down year and, imo, has not been deserving of any MVP talk.
He literally almost has more turnovers than Tds this year.

Still fun to watch though!
yeah is that allowed??:huh: I like brady and their team, also like the pats this season due to them drafting and starting mac jones.
I had a feeling during draft he might be a good one.
Nah totally fine.

Sometimes I root for the Eagles because green is great and I love cheesesteaks.

Nice Dallas fan.
Another stupid post by Dumb Dre. How many is that today? 400? LOL.

Lol..took your butt too the shed, you left eith posting dumb **** take your ball and go home, you've been cooked.