NFL Live (Werder) talking Pacman - 5/23/08

Viper;2092993 said:
I need to get with the program. Since Pacman might become a Cowboy, he's a good guy... right?
No, he's still a talented risk.

I don't like him much, but I'll hope that our magic for dealing with troubled players continues. IMO Calvin HIll is more valuable to thsi team than anyone really knows.
DaBoys4Life;2092991 said:
But still if he was playing the table and usch what does it matter. Unless they ban players from going to strip clubs i don't see how this is an issue.
If that's all he did, then it wouldn't be a problem. I remember the story of Joey Porter and Levi Jones getting into a brawl in a casino, and I don't think either of them got suspended.
Skinsmaniac;2093055 said:
If that's all he did, then it wouldn't be a problem. I remember the story of Joey Porter and Levi Jones getting into a brawl in a casino, and I don't think either of them got suspended.

EXACTLY; however this is the Cowboys and the league feels the need to make an example out of the Cowboys!
cowboyjoe;2092867 said:
what gripes me to no end about this, pacman, nfl investigating pacman his gambling, etc

but they do nothing about when belicheater cheats, they do nothing when belicheater is dating a married woman and giving her gifts, they do nothing when tom brady gets a woman pregnant, then has another baby with a woman;

then when it proven that belicheater violated rules by having injured players praticing, when their not suppose too, even michael smith a very good reporter said, he has talked to several former patriot players and staff, and they have confirmed belicheater using injuired players playing and praticing,

and even further, shows you how ill equiped the nfl security is, that when nfl security would drive up to inspect, the patriots would call in to the practice field and tell them to get those players off of the field.

now that is out and out deliberate cheating, and all of this along with the tapes, notes, is out and out deliberate cheating, lying, but does the nfl do anything, oh no,

that what gripes me, i sure hope that senator specter is getting all of this down, and taking notes, and he will blow the lid off of the patriots and belicheater how they cheated and lied, and how the nfl has been trying to cover it up, especiallly goodell

It is easier to go for the low hanging fruit.
lspain1;2093037 said:
Well, as it looks right now, I think we may be amazed at the mind-numbing stupidity of Pac Man Jones. Regardless of the circumstances, how do you let matters reach this point?

I think it had more to do with him being broke than anything else.
lspain1;2093037 said:
Well, as it looks right now, I think we may be amazed at the mind-numbing stupidity of Pac Man Jones. Regardless of the circumstances, how do you let matters reach this point?

No kidding, even if he isn't smart enough to nip this in the bud, his attorney should have.

Casts doubt on whether his judgement has improved.
jackrussell;2092907 said:
What sort of penalty, in your opinion, should the league dole out for a player getting a woman pregnant....and exactly what type of investigation would take place?

I'm countin' on ya son....I'm sure you won't disappoint.

Well, in some countries if your caught stealin', they CHOP your hand off.....................:chop: however, if they are a more civilized country.......:chainsaw: ..................both very effective.
yimyammer;2093119 said:
No kidding, even if he isn't smart enough to nip this in the bud, his attorney should have.

Casts doubt on whether his judgement has improved.


1) His attorney can't keep up with all the crap...................
2) He's of the same mental status as Adam..............
3) Both 1 & 2 are correct...............
Anyone who thinks a marker is only used for playing table games...

If the player needs a “marker” to play in the sportsbook, he’ll sign the appropriate paperwork or be given the dollar value in chips by the casino cage, and is then escorted over to the book to place the bet.

Barkley got his marker and walked over to the book where he placed a $500,000 bet on the Patriots at +14 and $50,000 on the Pats money line at over 3-to-1.

Shortly after the bets were placed, the sportsbook noticed that Barkley hadn’t actually signed the paperwork, the fault of the cage, making it a non-binding agreement. When he was tracked down off property, Barkley refused to sign the paperwork.

I have the unfortunate second hand knowledge, a very good friend of mine, who took out a $25,000 marker in Atlantic City and lost almost all of it betting on NFL games back in 2006.
The guy was betting on a craps table....I mean come on...this is not worthy of any kind of serious investigation.
CrazyCowboy;2093493 said:
The only place PACMAN should be seen in public is at CHURCH!
Well, there will be plenty of clergy lined up with collection plates yelling, "Make it rain, Brother Jones! Glory Hallelujah! Can I get an amen from the strippers! The Lord works in mysterious ways! Hallelujah!"
CrazyCowboy;2093493 said:
The only place PACMAN should be seen in public is at CHURCH!

Amen, Brother Crazy!!!
DBoys;2092934 said:

Another thing to add it has been said a few times by his agent and Pacman himself that he is broke.

If he is broke, why is he dropping 20K at the tables? Dude makes bad choices. I, for one, am not counting on him playing a single down this year.
Seven;2093120 said:
Well, in some countries if your caught stealin', they CHOP your hand off.....................:chop: however, if they are a more civilized country.......:chainsaw: ..................both very effective.

Maybe that is what happened to Crayton.
fortdick;2093581 said:
If he is broke, why is he dropping 20K at the tables? Dude makes bad choices. I, for one, am not counting on him playing a single down this year.

Don't we all? I don't think he was broke at beginning of last year. It is a recent thing.
fortdick;2093581 said:
If he is broke, why is he dropping 20K at the tables? Dude makes bad choices. I, for one, am not counting on him playing a single down this year.

Bad choices?

Going back to Vegas was more than a bad choice. This is the same city where at the present time he was being investigated for a shooting which left a man paralyzed. There isn't even an argument about who started the entire melee, Pacman did for anyone who doesn't know.

Now that we know for sure he was in Vegas I am sure Roger Goodell wants to know why he was in Vegas at that time. Was it just a random trip to do some gambling? Was he there because he was being questioned regarding the case? If so, then Pacman thought it was 'ok to hit the casino'? Was he there to possibly meet with the shooter and come to an agreement so that his name stays quiet? Since gambling in Vegas is legal does he plan on going there in the near future for some more gambling? Did he visit some scrip clubs while he was there?

You see all these questions and they are annoying you right. You are sitting there saying, 'well that's all speculation about what he was doing'.

Well guess what, the NFL commissioner has this kid by the balls because it's up to him whether he ever plays one down of football for the Cowboys. Pacman has put himself in this situation by his past actions. So this is the exact reason why this incident is such a bad thing. It opens up doors which lead to more doors and then before you know it Goodell wants to futher investigate before he makes a decision.

Some of you guys are making the mistake of seeing all this from only your perspective. It really doesn't matter what we all think, it matters what the NFL thinks and where they take this thing from here. The debt is paid which was step #1, now let's wait to see how big step #2 is and if it hurts Pacman's chances of being reinstated.
dcfanatic;2093605 said:
Bad choices?

Going back to Vegas was more than a bad choice. This is the same city where at the present time he was being investigated for a shooting which left a man paralyzed. There isn't even an argument about who started the entire melee, Pacman did for anyone who doesn't know. Actually there is, since the police even acknowledge in the police report that the manager of the strippers stole his bag of money with other personal belongings which were seized. So he did technically start the melee, but it was brought on by the man who stole the money.

Now that we know for sure he was in Vegas I am sure Roger Goodell wants to know why he was in Vegas at that time. Was it just a random trip to do some gambling? Was he there because he was being questioned regarding the case? If so, then Pacman thought it was 'ok to hit the casino'? Was he there to possibly meet with the shooter and come to an agreement so that his name stays quiet? The shooter actually lived in Seattle and the police have already cleared him from even knowing him other than the original contact outside the club and the extortion calls. Since gambling in Vegas is legal does he plan on going there in the near future for some more gambling? Did he visit some scrip clubs while he was there? I think the commissioner already knows that he was still going to strip clubs back in September of 2007 which is why he was never cleared to play after 10 games of that year.

You see all these questions and they are annoying you right. You are sitting there saying, 'well that's all speculation about what he was doing'.

Well guess what, the NFL commissioner has this kid by the balls because it's up to him whether he ever plays one down of football for the Cowboys. Pacman has put himself in this situation by his past actions. So this is the exact reason why this incident is such a bad thing. It opens up doors which lead to more doors and then before you know it Goodell wants to futher investigate before he makes a decision. I'm sure Goodell doesn't like any bad press (akin to when Tank Johnson was arrested for dui but later cleared when test results came back with him under the limit) but as long as there isn't a connection to betting on football this is just a minor blip on his radar. Some people just like to overblow anything involving this guy.

Some of you guys are making the mistake of seeing all this from only your perspective. It really doesn't matter what we all think, it matters what the NFL thinks and where they take this thing from here. The debt is paid which was step #1, now let's wait to see how big step #2 is and if it hurts Pacman's chances of being reinstated.

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