what gripes me to no end about this, pacman, nfl investigating pacman his gambling, etc
but they do nothing about when belicheater cheats, they do nothing when belicheater is dating a married woman and giving her gifts, they do nothing when tom brady gets a woman pregnant, then has another baby with a woman;
then when it proven that belicheater violated rules by having injured players praticing, when their not suppose too, even michael smith a very good reporter said, he has talked to several former patriot players and staff, and they have confirmed belicheater using injuired players playing and praticing,
and even further, shows you how ill equiped the nfl security is, that when nfl security would drive up to inspect, the patriots would call in to the practice field and tell them to get those players off of the field.
now that is out and out deliberate cheating, and all of this along with the tapes, notes, is out and out deliberate cheating, lying, but does the nfl do anything, oh no,
that what gripes me, i sure hope that senator specter is getting all of this down, and taking notes, and he will blow the lid off of the patriots and belicheater how they cheated and lied, and how the nfl has been trying to cover it up, especiallly goodell