NFL Live (Werder) talking Pacman - 5/23/08

dcfanatic;2093605 said:
Bad choices?

Going back to Vegas was more than a bad choice. This is the same city where at the present time he was being investigated for a shooting which left a man paralyzed. There isn't even an argument about who started the entire melee, Pacman did for anyone who doesn't know.

Now that we know for sure he was in Vegas I am sure Roger Goodell wants to know why he was in Vegas at that time. Was it just a random trip to do some gambling? Was he there because he was being questioned regarding the case? If so, then Pacman thought it was 'ok to hit the casino'? Was he there to possibly meet with the shooter and come to an agreement so that his name stays quiet? Since gambling in Vegas is legal does he plan on going there in the near future for some more gambling? Did he visit some scrip clubs while he was there?

You see all these questions and they are annoying you right. You are sitting there saying, 'well that's all speculation about what he was doing'.

Well guess what, the NFL commissioner has this kid by the balls because it's up to him whether he ever plays one down of football for the Cowboys. Pacman has put himself in this situation by his past actions. So this is the exact reason why this incident is such a bad thing. It opens up doors which lead to more doors and then before you know it Goodell wants to futher investigate before he makes a decision.

Some of you guys are making the mistake of seeing all this from only your perspective. It really doesn't matter what we all think, it matters what the NFL thinks and where they take this thing from here. The debt is paid which was step #1, now let's wait to see how big step #2 is and if it hurts Pacman's chances of being reinstated.

speedkilz88;2093611 said:

Excellent and thoughtful retort.
DallasEast;2093501 said:
Well, there will be plenty of clergy lined up with collection plates yelling, "Make it rain, Brother Jones! Glory Hallelujah! Can I get an amen from the strippers! The Lord works in mysterious ways! Hallelujah!"

Sounds like a job for....The Puttycat Preacher!
jackrussell;2093613 said:
Excellent and thoughtful retort.
Did you see the red retort in the quotes? I put that smilie because it wouldn't post otherwise and it fit the best. This one fits best for this post. :tongue:
speedkilz88;2093619 said:
Did you see the red retort in the quotes? I put that smilie because it wouldn't post otherwise and it fit the best. it.

I thought you were just being artful.:)
jackrussell;2093621 said: it.

I thought you were just being artful.:)
I added a smilie now. (Just so you know - I'm not mad, just having fun) Its difficult to show that sometimes people think you are really upset.
speedkilz88;2093623 said:
I added a smilie now. (Just so you know - I'm not mad, just having fun) Its difficult to show that sometimes people think you are really upset.

How can you really say that anything Pacman does these days is a 'minor blip on the radar'?

That's the problem. He didn't think this was going to be a major problem. It seems like he just told them, 'When I have the money I will pay it.' But the next thing you know they are requesting an arrest warrant.

There are no more minor blips on the radar for Pacman. Both of you, Pacman and speedkilz88, have to start realizing this.
dcfanatic;2092796 said:


Ed Werder says the NFL will now investigate what Pacman was actually gambling on when he incurred the $20,000 debt.

Please tell me Pacman was not in Vegas that week betting on the opening week's games. The 2007 season began on Sept. 6th with the Saints @ Colts.

Something tells me that ESPN just threw that out there "maybe he bet on football" - yeah thats it... go with that angle...
dcfanatic;2093700 said:
How can you really say that anything Pacman does these days is a 'minor blip on the radar'?

That's the problem. He didn't think this was going to be a major problem. It seems like he just told them, 'When I have the money I will pay it.' But the next thing you know they are requesting an arrest warrant.

There are no more minor blips on the radar for Pacman. Both of you, Pacman and speedkilz88, have to start realizing this.
See thats the problem, some of you overblow things and anything Pacman does is a big deal to you. Owing money to a casino is a minor blip on the radar. Its not a reason to suspend a player from the league. I am sure that Goodell doesn't like the negative press at all and might let him swing in the wind a bit longer because of it but in the long run its not a big deal. (Unless there is a connection to betting on football and thats pure speculation at this point)
speedkilz88;2093755 said:
See thats the problem, some of you overblow things and anything Pacman does is a big deal to you. Owing money to a casino is a minor blip on the radar. Its not a reason to suspend a player from the league. I am sure that Goodell doesn't like the negative press at all and might let him swing in the wind a bit longer because of it but in the long run its not a big deal. (Unless there is a connection to betting on football and thats pure speculation at this point)

See that's the problem. You think we matter.

We don't.

Roger Goodell does.

Going back the city to gamble, which you were probably told to stay away from by the league and by the authorities, where they are investigating you for being involved in a shooting, where someone was paralyzed, is a blip on the radar?

Google this ' Pacman $20,000 Vegas'.

Now tell me this thing is a 'blip' on the radar.

And swinging in the wind a bit longer is not a big deal to you? The kid has never been to one practice with this team. He has no idea what the defense is all about. He hasn't even played one down of NFL football in over a year. If anyone needs to be in all the OTA's and minicamps over the next two months it's Pacman Jones.

In many ways you sound like Pacman and his lawyer, lol.
speedkilz88;2093755 said:
Owing money to a casino is a minor blip on the radar.

:lmao2: .................minor blip................:lmao:
Speed, you just do not get it. When you have been in as much trouble as Pacman has over the last 4 years then EVERYTHING is on the table. No matter how minor. BECAUSE of the past. THERE is a TREND with Pacman continually getting in trouble. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is wrong- and not paying that marker is wrong- gets added in. GOING TO LAS VEGAS and gambling when you are broke and have had lots of trouble there in the past IS STUPID. DO you get THAT?
No one disputes that the guy has been stupid. Whats rediculous is the "moral police" like some of you who think this is a big deal.
Just cannot rap your brain around a simple concept= try this:

You have heard the saying about the final straw that broke the camel's back?


Do you get it yet?

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