NFL Network hates the Cowboys!

OmG.. they're doing a complete full recap of today's action with two live games on. They could do this at half at one or both of the games. They suck!
lspain1 said:
Folks..Here is my email I just sent.

To Whom it may concern.

This email is to express my deep disgust over your programming decision to feature the Packers vs Chargers on the NFL Whiparound after 10:00 PM Eastern time. You stayed with the Packers/Chargers even when the game was halted due to an injured official. We saw a total of maybe 30 seconds of play of the entire first quarter of the Seahawks/Cowboys and we never saw the Seattle first team offense or the Cowboy first team defense. This is unprofessional and toally unacceptable. It is decisions like this that make me understand why we need national coverage of the preseason games (like Sunday Ticket) because you can not be trusted to handle multiple games in an unbiased and professional manner. Thanks for nothing.
Good email. I sent mine in but I will say this about members here... Last year the same thing happened and I sent emails then and did what you are doing here asking the members to also send and few did. Why do people complain heck write here but not have the back bone, or desire to write to the network. Don't complain unless your willing to step up and let your opinions and voices be heard......
I'm looking for a phone number as we speak!

Butch Davis is as intersting as Bob Ross!
This is killing me! I can't believe how little Cowboys coverage we have seen!
guess whats next after "No Huddle"

CORRECT!! Green Bay at San Diego Chargers yay yay yay :banghead:
I also think they need to show the Vince Young Sprained ankle play about 300 more times. Can't get enough of that! :rolleyes:
Oh they're finally going to Dallas-Seattle albeit it's actually halftime..
I've turned off the set. I'm listening to brad & joe on the net. The NFL network disgust me. Live games are going on, instead their showing highlights of other games. The new commish must be a cowboy hater.

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