NFL Network... Poor game experience

I'm optimistic the NFL Network will improve their broadcast next year. Until then.......
Scotman;1238070 said:
Is it just me, or was that one of the worst announced games ever? Dick couldn't talk and finally gave up. Couldn't hear Faulk when he came in. Plus, what is up with trying to pan the dadgum camera around before each play? Just show me how they are lining up and let me watch the game. All the networks are doing that now. Drives me nuts.

The oly thing that saved it from misery was....

WE WON!!!!!! So, all's well that ends well.

I do not care..we won...and I had a great time ....met some great fans at the sportsbar....:) :) :) :) :)
The announcing was crap, but watching it in HD, it was the best picture quality I've seen since the Super Bowl on CBS a couple of years ago. I know some people don't like the floating camera above the field, but at least the picture quality was good. Every week when I watch the Fox 'feature game' with Aikman and Buck, I can't get over how bad the picture quality is on their overhead cam.
Thier were 2 major blunders in this game. Both by Gumbel.
1.The Cowboys were said to have been in the playoffs with this win. Not true.
2.Shot clock????I laughed because it was so bad.
Gumbel made disparaging remarks about the NFL earlier this season comparing NFL owners to slave owners. Now he his stinking up the joint on his broadcasts.
Explain to me again why he is employed by the NFL.
Anything would have been better than what I had to the play by play on the internet. No sound, no live, no nothing.
Oh well, life in Hawaii sucks...............
the HD feed here from comcast looked VERY good and the announcers weren't talking too much like ESPN/ABC does with the mon/sun games. the vick hype if this were fox/abc/espn would have been off the charts since it was their home game.
Scotman;1238070 said:
Is it just me, or was that one of the worst announced games ever? Dick couldn't talk and finally gave up. Couldn't hear Faulk when he came in. Plus, what is up with trying to pan the dadgum camera around before each play? Just show me how they are lining up and let me watch the game. All the networks are doing that now. Drives me nuts.

The oly thing that saved it from misery was....

WE WON!!!!!! So, all's well that ends well.
I don't like Gumbel, but mainly because of his voice. Weren't they down a person last night, and that is why Deion and Faulk had to get in the booth last minute?
They had a bad night. I don't mind Gumbel compared to Joe Buck. Vermeil is good when he has a voice. They'll get the bugs ironed out. All the other networks had problems when they began as well.
i like deion and faulk but gumble has to go! he is a whiny little rodent!
Despite what everyone else is saying I couldn't stand Deion. It seemed to me like he was slobbering over everything Falcon. Maybe I am just misremembering things, but it definately seemed like Deion was highly pro Falcon.
playit12;1238632 said:
I guess I'm in the minority here, but here is what I posted on another board...

I’d still like to hear Dick do some color commentary with a voice, but I have to say that the second half of this game was some of the best commentary I’ve heard all year.

We heard accurate descriptions of routes (Look route for instance) instead of ‘quick pass to the reciever’ and we heard real descriptions of progressions. Any other team this year would have spent 5 minutes bashing Vick for missing Crumpler on the 4th and 1 play. But Deion and Faulk correctly pointed out that the flow was away from AC and he really had no chance to make that play.

Also nice, TO drops one pass this game. Any other crew spends 10 minutes talking about his dropped passes being the story of the season. Mostly because they have a taped up intro of previous drops that have hurt them this season. But it certainly wasn’t the story in this game and it wouldn’t have added to the coverage. They guys gave it one stat line and moved on. Really, an all around good call on the game.

As for what was said here...

Yes Gumbell (sp?) has a bad voice, but I can deal with a bad voice if the end result is intelligent conversation. I can also excuse occasional errors on field details. It's nice if they correct it after the fact. When is the last time the Sunday night crew actually got a down and distance right?

Faulk was a little hard to hear at time, and Dick V needs to stop addressing his comments to Marshall. Deion shows a little bias at times, especially on Vick this game. However the end result tonight was 3 guys that actually knew something about the game and answered intelligently on comments. They understood routes, blocking assignments, coverages, penalties, and strategy. Even with their problems, I think the crew tonight was the best crew outside of the Excellent #1 Fox Crew of Buck and Aikman.

Agreed, except that Gumbel was bad all around. The other guys made up for it. I like hearing their perspective. I liked the "off the cuff" feel. Overall, it was much better than the usual bland booth work on NFL broadcasts these days. Picture quality was good and one thing I have noticed about NFLN that makes them stand out from other networks is that they show replays instead of booth shots. Bravo!
The announcers weren't that great.

But Cowboys in an exciting Saturday night game was awsome ! I could get used to Sat. night games !
Derinyar;1239290 said:
Despite what everyone else is saying I couldn't stand Deion. It seemed to me like he was slobbering over everything Falcon. Maybe I am just misremembering things, but it definately seemed like Deion was highly pro Falcon.

remember, deion wants to replace mora as the falcons head coach...

JJHLH1;1238265 said:
The league should be embarrassed with the production of their NFL Network games. Bryant Gumble is a horrible announcer. His voice is too high and his comments are frequently wrong. The halftime show was shown in standard definition, not HD.

At one point the were showing Barber's stats and instead of having Barber's small image next to the stats, they had T.O.'s. Inexcusable. My friend and I had a good laugh at that.

The only thing that was done well, production wise, were the blimp shots.

there was another time when they had Barbers stats up and Gumble said "as you can see there Romo is having a good day so far":banghead:
Aikmaniac;1238142 said:
It was nice to hear from Gumbel that Romo just barely beat the "shot clock".
You know who is the happiest this morning about Gumble's performance? All of the so-called "****ty" announcers on the other networks. We had no idea, until Gumble came along, how good you have to be to just be a "****ty" announcer.

He was so god-awful ignorant it was astonishing.

The other bad part was that most of the talk was about individuals and very little about the flow of the game. It wasn't until the two-minute warning that Gumbel made the point that the Cowboys had taken control. The Cowboys' clock management was brilliant and the Falcons' stunk -- it was the story of the 4th quarter and it went wholly unnoticed.
lurkercowboy;1239297 said:
Agreed, except that Gumbel was bad all around. The other guys made up for it. I like hearing their perspective. I liked the "off the cuff" feel. Overall, it was much better than the usual bland booth work on NFL broadcasts these days. Picture quality was good and one thing I have noticed about NFLN that makes them stand out from other networks is that they show replays instead of booth shots. Bravo!
I don't know. Marshall Faulk comes off to me as dumb as a post. Maybe it's just me.
JJHLH1;1238265 said:
The league should be embarrassed with the production of their NFL Network games. Bryant Gumble is a horrible announcer. His voice is too high and his comments are frequently wrong. The halftime show was shown in standard definition, not HD.

At one point the were showing Barber's stats and instead of having Barber's small image next to the stats, they had T.O.'s. Inexcusable. My friend and I had a good laugh at that.

The only thing that was done well, production wise, were the blimp shots.

Another of his wonderful announcements occurred when Atlanta scored to make the score 14-7 in the second quarter. Now keep in mind that 14-7 in the 2nd Qtr isn't exactly a high scoring's pretty average...but Gumble saw fit to proclaim that we had a "barn burner" on our hands. Now the game did turn out to be a high scoring affair, but unless his name is Gumble Nostradamus, he had no way of knowing that the game would turn out that way. Gumble is just ptifully horrible!
playit12;1238632 said:
I guess I'm in the minority here, but here is what I posted on another board...

I’d still like to hear Dick do some color commentary with a voice, but I have to say that the second half of this game was some of the best commentary I’ve heard all year.

We heard accurate descriptions of routes (Look route for instance) instead of ‘quick pass to the reciever’ and we heard real descriptions of progressions. Any other team this year would have spent 5 minutes bashing Vick for missing Crumpler on the 4th and 1 play. But Deion and Faulk correctly pointed out that the flow was away from AC and he really had no chance to make that play.

Also nice, TO drops one pass this game. Any other crew spends 10 minutes talking about his dropped passes being the story of the season. Mostly because they have a taped up intro of previous drops that have hurt them this season. But it certainly wasn’t the story in this game and it wouldn’t have added to the coverage. They guys gave it one stat line and moved on. Really, an all around good call on the game.

As for what was said here...

Yes Gumbell (sp?) has a bad voice, but I can deal with a bad voice if the end result is intelligent conversation. I can also excuse occasional errors on field details. It's nice if they correct it after the fact. When is the last time the Sunday night crew actually got a down and distance right?

Faulk was a little hard to hear at time, and Dick V needs to stop addressing his comments to Marshall. Deion shows a little bias at times, especially on Vick this game. However the end result tonight was 3 guys that actually knew something about the game and answered intelligently on comments. They understood routes, blocking assignments, coverages, penalties, and strategy. Even with their problems, I think the crew tonight was the best crew outside of the Excellent #1 Fox Crew of Buck and Aikman.

Well said.

I'm no fan of Gumble but I enjoyed the insights that Deion and Marshall brought.

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