Twitter: NFL season expected to be expanded to 17 games this week


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that is a good point, it favors the teams with the home games.
And a road game for game 17 when the team is really wore out, is going to be rough on those teams, then next week is playoffs.

I suspect the last game will be a divisional game as usual. However, if we have to go to New England for the last game, am I the only one seeing a problem here? Especially if our playoffs come down to that? That's where it's BS imo. They should vote it down and, next year, reconvene and agree to 18 if they expand the regular season. Otherwise, there will be legitimate gripes when (not if) the teams with the extra road game miss the playoffs. The NFL has not thought this all the way through imo.


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The simple fact of the matter is more games equals more revenue for all involved (except the players) and it also equals more injuries, shorter careers. and a continued watering down of the product. As with most things there is an equilibrium to be achieved. 12 games was not nearly enough.. 14 was a step in the right direction and 16 feels pretty much spot on. In reality the number of games should be dictated by criteria. Six division games, 4 out of conference games, 4 in conference games against the other divisions and then the two "wildcard" games. Adding a third wildcard game screws up the formula. If they added 2 games then you could make it 6 division, 6 out of conference and 6 in conference other division games to make 18. But that would make too much sense .. I still wouldn't like it, but it would at last add up logically.

For 18, I'd have one extra AFC game and one extra NFC game. Those would rotate home and away. One year, your AFC game is home and the NFC game is away. The next, it flips. This would be better than 17 games, and diminishes the legitimate complaint about an uneven schedule from those that have less home games than away.

Reverend Conehead

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Such a terrible idea. We already have enough injuries. 16 is already a lot of games, and playoff teams play more than that. I would honestly be fine with it if they went back to playing 14 games.


"We Are Penn State"
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Goodell's eyes are $ signs yet once again. Seventeen games are fine ONLY if the NFL establishes 2 bye weeks.

Too many injuries as it is w/just preseason let alone seventeen games. Really surprised this passed the Players Contracts. Ridiculous!


Well-Known Member
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Goodell's eyes are $ signs yet once again. Seventeen games are fine ONLY if the NFL establishes 2 bye weeks.

Too many injuries as it is w/just preseason let alone seventeen games. Really surprised this passed the Players Contracts. Ridiculous!
Eliminate Thursday games.
Start season the first Sunday in September. Get rid of the single Thursday "opening season kickoff" game.
First bye week after 6 games are played - half the teams are off, then other half week 7. Second bye week 11 & 12...then all teams go with a 6-game stretch to end season. Playoffs each weekend throughout - no 2-week Super Bowl buildup.