NFL Television Coverage Maps - Week 13

Any of you complaining live in Ohio? I live just North of the red in North Central Ohio, (Wooster), so I'm pretty sure I'll get the Cowboys' game. I did the last time they showed the map like that. It really does suck for WVA fans. I'll bet there are at least as many Cowboys fans in WVA as there are Stealers fans. (Misspelling on purpose, since I believe they stole the last SB by paying off the refs).
Cogan;1198454 said:
Any of you complaining live in Ohio? I live just North of the red in North Central Ohio, (Wooster), so I'm pretty sure I'll get the Cowboys' game. I did the last time they showed the map like that. It really does suck for WVA fans. I'll bet there are at least as many Cowboys fans in WVA as there are Stealers fans. (Misspelling on purpose, since I believe they stole the last SB by paying off the refs).

Alot more Cowboy fans than Stealer fans here (at least in the part where I live). This is just wrong. I'd say 20% to 40% of people that watch football in WV are Cowboy fans.
If anybody wants to make a trip to a fellow "blue spotter", I've got a big screen with the Sunday Ticket, both Guiness and a heffeweisen from a local brew pub on tap, a fully stocked bar and a great wood-fired pizza/wing place on speed dial.

The only problem (for me, not you) is that I'll be at an ice skating birthday party full of third graders.:mad:

I hate when they move the games.:bang2: :bang2:
I will be making posters tonight for the game.

4th row behind the endzone.

I'll have a RW double star jersey on.
amuze;1198067 said:
*** - being in SF, I'm always getting a lousy dose of Whiners and Gayders football. After seeing the ocean of red for the Cowboy game, I got excited until I noticed that little speck of white on the map where the Bay Area is (SF).

Anyone that lives in SF know of any Cowboy fanspots for Sunday games?

Does this also cover San Jose? I'm gonna be there all next week for training and have to leave out Sunday am. Also, why is that area not getting the game since San Fran is playing at 1 ET? If no game, doesn anybody know where I can catch the game around the San Jose area?
Slammin Bran 23;1198787 said:
I've seen every Cowboy game, without sunday ticket. I live in CT.

The only reason i don't have DirecTV and Sunday Ticket is because of my cable internet. I don't want to waste money with a phone line so I just get internet through the cable company.
Slammin Bran 23;1198787 said:
I've seen every Cowboy game, without sunday ticket. I live in CT.

I used to work for a company in Middlebury years ago. Never missed a Cowboys game when I visited, and ran into a boatload of Dallas Cowboys sweatshirts at Hartford International.

You guys are great Cowboys fans there bro!!!!

Slammin Bran 23;1198787 said:
I've seen every Cowboy game, without sunday ticket. I live in CT.

Im in CT and this is my 5th year of having Sunday Ticket in CT.... Sucks I paid for it this year.:bang2:
McCordsville Cowboy;1198822 said:

Im in CT and this is my 5th year of having Sunday Ticket in CT.... Sucks I paid for it this year.:bang2:

I love the pic of Calvin J. in ur sig.
theogt;1197782 said:
Well it's no wonder Dallas always have the highest ratings. People don't have any other choices.*

*Yes I know this begs the question.
Well, no. There realize Dallas gets the best ratings, so they are giving everyone that game. Maybe. Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Houston and Dallas play at the same time! Dang it, if there is a blackout I'm going to go bonkers.
Aikbach;1199149 said:
Houston and Dallas play at the same time! Dang it, if there is a blackout I'm going to go bonkers.

I was just wondering about that. The maps show the Texans and Cowboys opposite each other, and they usually don't do that. I know they did when we played the Skins, but that was a rarity.

Anyone in the Houston area heard anything about it for sure?
vicjagger;1198418 said:
I wonder who the Steeler fan at Fox is. There is no logical reason to move an inter-conference games between losing teams that are all but mathematically eliminated.

This has to be a personal decision, and its a bad one. I would love to hear the "rational lie" zation.

For 'Boys fans stuck in the "blue" areas, vent here:

I have left them feedback and I will be calling them in the morning. If the people from Ohio and WV complain, I'm sure we can get them to change it. This was done once before in my area. Last year the cable companies were flooded with calls from angry Cowboy fans and they switched to the game mid 1st quarter...LOL!

EDIT: I live in WV, if my sig doesn't give it away. So, there is at least hope for WV.
Wow, lots of Mountaineers here. I'm originally from Fairmont, WV. Well guys, I live in Oakland, CA now and I use a service that allows you to see all the NFL games online. All I can say is that the service is awesome (I watch MLB and NBA on it too; if you are a soccer fan you would be in heaven). Hate the Forty-Whiners and since you have the Raiders out here you hardly get any other games. I use to hang out at Ricky's in San Leandro -- it's a Raiders hangout but Cowboys also rule there too. Here is the service:
I live Ohio right on the river. I also sent a email to FOX. Hoepfully if we all complain they will change the game.
McCordsville Cowboy;1198822 said:

Im in CT and this is my 5th year of having Sunday Ticket in CT.... Sucks I paid for it this year.:bang2:

Lol...I'm in the same boat. Two things tho, I've seen other games (Philly and Washington loss's are always fun).

I'll just write it off as a business expense, or I could just call it Cowboys

By the way, if I didn't have cable also, which gives me 2 local Fox channels (NY and Hartford) I would have missed at least 1 game that was played on the Hartford channel and not NY, DirectTV's local channel package would have only included the NY local Fox.
shnagy;1197803 said:
Oh great, I get to watch the crappy Steelers and Bucs.

Yeah, that sucks. Right now, I'm temporarily living in Pittsburgh. If I were anywhere else other than here, I would be able to see the game. I wish the NFL would have kept the game in the 1:00 time slot.

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