The Cowboys ranked 10th overall among the league’s 32 teams. According to the NFLPA, Dallas is “excelling in several areas.”
“Their facilities, including the locker room and weight room, are top-tier, and they consistently rank among the best in how the organization treats players’ families. When the players were asked what the team is currently doing best, the most consistent answer was the leadership of head coach Mike McCarthy and the culture he fostered."
“The players identify the team’s training room as an area for improvement, with players requesting more physical therapists and better treatment modalities. The Cowboys have the fourth lowest score when it comes to whether players feel like they get an adequate amount of one-on-one treatment time."
“Having healthy players is in the best interest of all stakeholders in the football ecosystem (players, teams, fans, etc.) and hiring more staff to support this fundamentally important goal should be top priority.”