Nickname for Cooper Rush?

With the Cooper Rush hype peaking, I thought maybe it's time for a nickname. His name lends itself to a ton of nicknames, I had been calling him Adrenaline Rush and I just named one of my FF teams Cooper's Super Troopers. I've been thinking about it and with him being a ginger and Rush being one of my fav bands, I wanted to coin the nickname "Red Barchetta".
Great song and I could come up with a cool new sig.

Let's hear some other suggestions for our new QB2!


Just saw this and love it, you cant beat Rush and the Dallas Cowboys!
With the Cooper Rush hype peaking, I thought maybe it's time for a nickname. His name lends itself to a ton of nicknames, I had been calling him Adrenaline Rush and I just named one of my FF teams Cooper's Super Troopers. I've been thinking about it and with him being a ginger and Rush being one of my fav bands, I wanted to coin the nickname "Red Barchetta".
Great song and I could come up with a cool new sig.

Let's hear some other suggestions for our new QB2!


I call him Coop-deville.
Let Melonfeud's 'coop de' ville' be struck from the holy scrolls of anointment by appointment of Christendom!
A thousand pardons is begged of thee @stiletto for I truly remained unaware!
( I thought I've read this entire thread but have drank a few beers and slept since
it first startedo_O)


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