CFZ No more earning "Trust"


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Zeke made him look bad also and there was no lesson learned. At 80 it doesn’t even matter at this point.


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I was at the same bar table and he told you to go get your shinebox.
why be a dip****? Gregory couldnt have been more nice. We were meeting a friend that actually worked for the Cowboys, and when he arrived, Randy was with him. he couldnt have been a nicer guy, and we bukllshitted about football most of the time. My daughter did a couple shots with him. He talked about how he liked college football better than the NFL. He shOOK my hand and gave me the old bro hug, leaned in and said, Ill be back as we parted. IT was a cool day for me and he took all of my jabbing at him like a pro.

But why do you want to pop in and be an arse about something you dont have a clue about?


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I stopped supporting Jerry after the 09 clusterfudge draft, but I agree w/ everything you said. Good thread.
For me it was when Garrett was hired. Or, how it was done. Before Wade and all that. Wade wasn't head coach material but Jerry set him up to fail even before he accepted the position. Garrett had done nothing in Miami and never did come from a strong coaching tree other than being his dad's son.


Junior College Transfer
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why be a dip****? Gregory couldnt have been more nice. We were meeting a friend that actually worked for the Cowboys, and when he arrived, Randy was with him. he couldnt have been a nicer guy, and we bukllshitted about football most of the time. My daughter did a couple shots with him. He talked about how he liked college football better than the NFL. He shOOK my hand and gave me the old bro hug, leaned in and said, Ill be back as we parted. IT was a cool day for me and he took all of my jabbing at him like a pro.

But why do you want to pop in and be an arse about something you dont have a clue about?

Now go get your shinebox!


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I have always been a Jerry supporter. I have also believed that treating players as Jerry does couldnt but help us keep players that we want to keep. But after what just happened with Gregory, I hope our front office just learned a very valuable lesson that I actually learned about 20 years ago.

I coached club sports. I got along with my parents incredibly well and more importantly, my players did and most still do love me. I have been to 12 former players weddings and I have 2 more coming up in the next year. Players dont ask you to their weddings unless you mean something to them. One of the kids getting married this year, I havent coached since 2006.

That being said, we had a TREMENDOUS team and they were all age eligible to return to my team the following Summer. We would have dominated and had a legit shot at winning nationals. These parents all agreed they were going to return the following year. Then 3 "Gold," teams came calling. I wont explain it in detail, but these are older teams that were getting seen by colleges, even though my players were young. 3 of those players that were TREMENDOUS up and left me. It broke my heart, because, much like Jerry, I was more than just a coach. I loved those kids. In the end, those parents will always do whatever they feel is best for THEM. Screw the team and absolutely screw whatever relationship you think you have. I decided that year that I would NEVER allow myself to get that close to my players again as I couldnt take that stuff personally any longer, it was simply too emotional.

This is it for Jerry. Players will always do what is best for them.... the Cowboys better learn that and start doing the same. There is VERY LITTLE loyalty out there. Look how unhappy Rodgers was in GB. Remember when they drafted Love? All of the sudden it was about lack of respect and trust and Rodgers wanted out. 4 years and 200 million dollar contract later, the packers love and respect him

Players dont give one crap about you Jerry. You shouldnt give on crap about them. This is why I never shed a tear when we boot a player. My loyalty has and always will be about the team and never the player. I actually spent 4 or 5 hours at a bar table watching college football and sharing drinks with Gregory 3 years ago when he was suspended, I actually remember telling that to his face. He was cool and gracious, and I wish him nothing but the best......but the team is my concern, not the player. Time to wake up Cowboys... you just got the shaft. Dont cry about it, learn from it.
Watched undisputed the other day and skip made a great point (which you likely experienced with your players as well). Skip said that Jerry had an hr long conversation with Gregory to explain how much he wanted him on the team and how we was part of the family. Both Shannon and Skip agreed, that should have been a warning sign. Jerry's loyalty to RG was clear. That should have been a 5 minute conversation with RG. Jerry is a loyalty guy, but looking around the league it is clear that is gone. Brady to TB. Wilson to Denver. Adams to Oakland. Now Baker wanting out. Players have no loyalty to teams anymore...just as teams have had no loyalty to players for decades. This is all business.

Jerry's era is over, he's just too old to realize it. And unfortunately, his replacements were all taught an out of date business model.


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Lol, I completely trust the Jerry & Son will continue to make stupid decisions


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If you listed all the jobs you have worked at, you would most likely have a list of dumb stuff you had to do, dumb stuff the company did, companies that were ran bad, some good and some bad from a company, maybe a couple of good ones, and every type of employee working for them.

The cowboys and nfl is no different. If you think about the actual size and employment of these nfl teams, it is impressive. From travel, medical, financial, recruiting, stadium employees, practice facilities, player personnel, board room, accounting, sanitation, janitorial, landscaping, supply, chefs, and about 30 other departments.

There are only a couple of those people who are not replaceable. Mistakes get made, good people get let go, and bad people somehow stick around. Same with players, same with every job.

It is not a defense of the cowboys, but I don't get how people get emotional about this stuff, and try to analyze and critique something from the outside when there is no benefit from it. I don't get how people log on everyday and do this and complain. Go do something else


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I have always been a Jerry supporter. I have also believed that treating players as Jerry does couldnt but help us keep players that we want to keep. But after what just happened with Gregory, I hope our front office just learned a very valuable lesson that I actually learned about 20 years ago.

I coached club sports. I got along with my parents incredibly well and more importantly, my players did and most still do love me. I have been to 12 former players weddings and I have 2 more coming up in the next year. Players dont ask you to their weddings unless you mean something to them. One of the kids getting married this year, I havent coached since 2006.

That being said, we had a TREMENDOUS team and they were all age eligible to return to my team the following Summer. We would have dominated and had a legit shot at winning nationals. These parents all agreed they were going to return the following year. Then 3 "Gold," teams came calling. I wont explain it in detail, but these are older teams that were getting seen by colleges, even though my players were young. 3 of those players that were TREMENDOUS up and left me. It broke my heart, because, much like Jerry, I was more than just a coach. I loved those kids. In the end, those parents will always do whatever they feel is best for THEM. Screw the team and absolutely screw whatever relationship you think you have. I decided that year that I would NEVER allow myself to get that close to my players again as I couldnt take that stuff personally any longer, it was simply too emotional.

This is it for Jerry. Players will always do what is best for them.... the Cowboys better learn that and start doing the same. There is VERY LITTLE loyalty out there. Look how unhappy Rodgers was in GB. Remember when they drafted Love? All of the sudden it was about lack of respect and trust and Rodgers wanted out. 4 years and 200 million dollar contract later, the packers love and respect him

Players dont give one crap about you Jerry. You shouldnt give on crap about them. This is why I never shed a tear when we boot a player. My loyalty has and always will be about the team and never the player. I actually spent 4 or 5 hours at a bar table watching college football and sharing drinks with Gregory 3 years ago when he was suspended, I actually remember telling that to his face. He was cool and gracious, and I wish him nothing but the best......but the team is my concern, not the player. Time to wake up Cowboys... you just got the shaft. Dont cry about it, learn from it.

Bidness is bidness.

It's generational wealth. They need to do right by their families, not Jerry.


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I have always been a Jerry supporter. I have also believed that treating players as Jerry does couldnt but help us keep players that we want to keep. But after what just happened with Gregory, I hope our front office just learned a very valuable lesson that I actually learned about 20 years ago.

I coached club sports. I got along with my parents incredibly well and more importantly, my players did and most still do love me. I have been to 12 former players weddings and I have 2 more coming up in the next year. Players dont ask you to their weddings unless you mean something to them. One of the kids getting married this year, I havent coached since 2006.

That being said, we had a TREMENDOUS team and they were all age eligible to return to my team the following Summer. We would have dominated and had a legit shot at winning nationals. These parents all agreed they were going to return the following year. Then 3 "Gold," teams came calling. I wont explain it in detail, but these are older teams that were getting seen by colleges, even though my players were young. 3 of those players that were TREMENDOUS up and left me. It broke my heart, because, much like Jerry, I was more than just a coach. I loved those kids. In the end, those parents will always do whatever they feel is best for THEM. Screw the team and absolutely screw whatever relationship you think you have. I decided that year that I would NEVER allow myself to get that close to my players again as I couldnt take that stuff personally any longer, it was simply too emotional.

This is it for Jerry. Players will always do what is best for them.... the Cowboys better learn that and start doing the same. There is VERY LITTLE loyalty out there. Look how unhappy Rodgers was in GB. Remember when they drafted Love? All of the sudden it was about lack of respect and trust and Rodgers wanted out. 4 years and 200 million dollar contract later, the packers love and respect him

Players dont give one crap about you Jerry. You shouldnt give on crap about them. This is why I never shed a tear when we boot a player. My loyalty has and always will be about the team and never the player. I actually spent 4 or 5 hours at a bar table watching college football and sharing drinks with Gregory 3 years ago when he was suspended, I actually remember telling that to his face. He was cool and gracious, and I wish him nothing but the best......but the team is my concern, not the player. Time to wake up Cowboys... you just got the shaft. Dont cry about it, learn from it.

well said. There was once a time when a player like Gregory would have been without a career. Teams back than actually cared about character and adherence to rules

the sad fact is that If Jerry didn’t kiss Gregory’s ***, 31 other teams owners would probably welcome him with open arms and open wallet. The lunatics and their agents and the players union are running the asylum

I would normally say Jerry should have stayed in oil but………….