No suprise here: Arrington "won't be 100%" this year

CrazyCowboy said:
That is what he gets for knocking Troy into retirement.

What I truly find ironic is that some Commander fans in this thread are getting all upset about the Theismann video, but the majority of them reveled in the fact that Arrington scrambled Troy Aikman's grey matter and had that image as a symbol for their entire pathetic franchise for years.
Alexander said:
What I truly find ironic is that some Commander fans in this thread are getting all upset about the Theismann video, but the majority of them reveled in the fact that Arrington scrambled Troy Aikman's grey matter and had that image as a symbol for their entire pathetic franchise for years.

good point Alexander.......some of those knucklehead skins fans just don't seem to get it????? kinda funny actually!:D
1fisher said:
an inbred piece of trailer trash

This is the standard line for a skins fan. If you ever register at ES and don't tow the company line (kiss Art's butt) then you are labeled as an inbred piece of trailer trash. Lot's of thought went into that!

Actually, no.

I use that line to call some Cowboys fans that too (and I am a Cowboys fan).
RiggoForever said:
If you were a real man you'd be willing to tell someone when they are wrong even a fellow Cowboy fan.

yea because everytime you hear carlos rogers>>>t newman, andre carter>>demarcus ware you correct your fellow Commander everytime.:rolleyes:

SkinsandTerps said:


That's a keeper
Alexander said:
What I truly find ironic is that some Commander fans in this thread are getting all upset about the Theismann video, but the majority of them reveled in the fact that Arrington scrambled Troy Aikman's grey matter and had that image as a symbol for their entire pathetic franchise for years.

We have a winner

And Aikman was actually a class act, on and off the field. Theisman was and always will be a complete jack*** whose blind homerism numbs the minds of even his fellow Skins fans
HeavyHitta31 said:
We have a winner

And Aikman was actually a class act, on and off the field. Theisman was and always will be a complete jack*** whose blind homerism numbs the minds of even his fellow Skins fans

And he was a classless donkey on the field as well.

I will never forget him prancing about the RFK endzone while taking a safety in a game in 1978. I have hated him ever since.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Again, because his name is Joe Theisman. The only thing that could have made that better would have been LT taking out the other leg as well

Well, in that case, watching Arrington ending little Troy's career was HILARIOUS. Watching him looking for his baseball on the sidelines was hysterical.

stilltheguru said:
yea because everytime you hear carlos rogers>>>t newman, andre carter>>demarcus ware you correct your fellow Commander everytime.:rolleyes:


Hell yeah I do. I've said here and others can vouch...that I think Newman should have been in the Pro Bowl last year and that he's the top cover corner in the division.

As for Andre Carter being better then Demarcus Ware, they are both athletically freakish and fast. But I'd never give glowing reviews to someone who hasn't shown his abilities in a Skins uniform yet.
JohnLockesGhost said:
Well, in that case, watching Arrington ending little Troy's career was HILARIOUS. Watching him looking for his baseball on the sidelines was hysterical.


And I won't get my panties in a wad over it like you guys do, you unimaginable hypocrites :rolleyes:
HeavyHitta31 said:
And I won't get my panties in a wad over it like you guys do, you unimaginable hypocrites :rolleyes:

I've said nothing you could label hypocritical. And unless you've been joking about finding Theismann's injury funny, you have no point.
JohnLockesGhost said:
I've said nothing you could label hypocritical. And unless you've been joking about finding Theismann's injury funny, you have no point.

You = Skins fanbase in general

Laughing it up over Arrington knocking out Troy but whining when Cowboys do the same in regards to your former QB is the very definition of hypocricy
HeavyHitta31 said:
You = Skins fanbase in general

Laughing it up over Arrington knocking out Troy but whining when Cowboys do the same in regards to your former QB is the very definition of hypocricy

Uh huh, any idiot can setup a strawman to knock down.

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