Nors was right again

Let ole Zaxor try and put some perspective into this...

Can anyone (without looking it up) name me the backup for Indy
how about Cleveland
how about the Texans

what I am getting at is this... most to all backup QB's are not

1) very good
2) not worth arguing about
3) if the starter goes down so will the wins

now having said that
lets take our 1 canidate... Romo
thats right folks... Romo was brought in to be a backup..I don't think for one minute that anybody at the ranch is seriously thinking Romo as a franchise type QB... Romo should be able to by this point in his career be a semi competent backup...there should be no arguement from anybody on that...

now we have 1 Starter and 1 Backup now we need a developmental type for franchise QB that folks would be Henson like it or not...

So I am not sure what all the arguement is about they are vying for totally different positions and Henson is competing with himself and next years or the year after that college draft...

I think some are so desperate for a QB (me too) that they are about ready to stick anybody there and give it a go...but lets be reasonable

Bledsoe Starter (good or bad does not matter now)
Romo Backup (should be by now fairly competent)
Henson for the possible future (he has this whole year still to develop)


now comes the hard part

who do you play when the game either allows you to or the team is out of it

I would always play my future prospect which in this case would be Henson because (see the 3 reasons above) it would be prudent and allow me to evaluate progress and make corrections that needed to be made
You got me on Indy
Charlie Fyre will be #2 by the start of the year
Dave Ragone
Jarv said:
I thought it was the Al Singleton thread where he was called out on the crow avitar bet...
That is correct. He posted at least a half dozen times that day that Al Singleton would be cut. When it came to a simple bet where he could have had the last word on over 100 posters he decided it was Nors bashing and he left.

Fletch said:
LOL I wouldn't read too much into it. And no, Nors didn't break anything to anyone. Romo is the lead man. As he should have been two seasons ago being that he has played more than Henson. This is not earth shattering news by any means. Now if Romo can just hold on, then we might have something here. I am pulling for Romo. I am tired of the "bus driver" term. We need a QB who can carry a team when a team needs to be carried.

If it is Romo... awesome! If it is Henson... awesome! Hopefully Bledsoe can get it done. We shall see. This divided room on the backup QB's is quite amusing if you ask me.
It is very interesting to live in this house of Cowboy fandom and watch this "divided room" you speak of Fletch.Nice analogy by the way.I don't understand it myself.It speaks poorly of our society if you ask me.
For me personaly,I don't care if Wiley Coyote Bill Parcells calls up Acme Qaurterback and has a crated Q.B. pryed open during warm-ups as long as the sumb**** can sling the rock,move the chains and score touchdowns.
I think this board could be clinically studied, and much could be learned.Not exactly sure what, but some Eureka is bound to be spawned from what I witness on a daily basis oozing right through this divided room.Sometimes it can be interesting and entertaining.Sometimes it is so disgusting I want to get up from the table in this divided room and never come back.My love for the Cowboys however will not let me stay away.There are not many places where you can find a Fletch,an LTN,A Hos.a B.P, a juke, a sarge,a wg,a dale all in one place.There are many others whose name I left out that bring so much to the table,but its too damn early and besides we know who they are and so do they.
There I have vented a bit.Thanks Fletch for sweeping the ooze from the divided room and allowing me to walk through without feeling disgusted.Have a lovely day everyone,love one another PEACE!!! Forgeddeaboudit Imouddahere :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Hostile said:
That is correct. He posted at least a half dozne times that day that Al Singleton would be cut. When it came to a simple bet where he could have had the last word on over 100 posters he decided it was Nors bashing and he left.


That's crazy to think that was Nors bashing. As for myself, I think Al stays, so I voted that way. I would've been more than happy to let Nors have his fun and put up the crow avatar in place of my own.

Yet he wasn't willing to even go that far on a bet as simple as that. I wonder why?
Right now, I think it might be a toss up between Sorgi and Brown on the Colts back-up job.
Zaxor said:
Let ole Zaxor try and put some perspective into this...

Can anyone (without looking it up) name me the backup for Indy
how about Cleveland
how about the Texans

what I am getting at is this... most to all backup QB's are not

1) very good
2) not worth arguing about
3) if the starter goes down so will the wins

now having said that
lets take our 1 canidate... Romo
thats right folks... Romo was brought in to be a backup..I don't think for one minute that anybody at the ranch is seriously thinking Romo as a franchise type QB... Romo should be able to by this point in his career be a semi competent backup...there should be no arguement from anybody on that...

now we have 1 Starter and 1 Backup now we need a developmental type for franchise QB that folks would be Henson like it or not...

So I am not sure what all the arguement is about they are vying for totally different positions and Henson is competing with himself and next years or the year after that college draft...

I think some are so desperate for a QB (me too) that they are about ready to stick anybody there and give it a go...but lets be reasonable

Bledsoe Starter (good or bad does not matter now)
Romo Backup (should be by now fairly competent)
Henson for the possible future (he has this whole year still to develop)


now comes the hard part

who do you play when the game either allows you to or the team is out of it

I would always play my future prospect which in this case would be Henson because (see the 3 reasons above) it would be prudent and allow me to evaluate progress and make corrections that needed to be made

Good post, however it's a little troubling to me when our development type QB (ie.,Henson) has played a few snaps at QB in live action after only 1 year of playing time and our "backup" QB (ie., Romo) hasn't taken ONE snap in a regular season game and he's going into his 3rd year.
Seems to me Parcells is leaving us in a very vulnerable position if Bledsoe is hurt.

I'm glad Jimmy didn't take that approach in the early 90's. Jimmy was always concerned that we have an experienced, competent back-up for Aikman and it came in handy many times.
I didn't realize the back up QB had been announced. Is there a thread?
I didn't realize the back up QB had been announced. Is there a thread?

Umm, I think we all are just anticipating the inevitable. But you know Big Bill always tells us we get in trouble when we do that. :)
CaptainAmerica said:
Umm, I think we all are just anticipating the inevitable. But you know Big Bill always tells us we get in trouble when we do that. :)

Yeah, I also believe that Romo might be the back up but I'm not nearly as convinced as some that Henson is that far behind him. I actually thougth Henson played pretty well against Seattle and Az. An opinion that is not exactly universaly shared, I know, but never the less.

I suppose I can just chalk it up to homerisam. I'm sure somebody will be along shortly to confirm that suspicion.

I guess we will see.
Natedawg44 said:
You got me on Indy
Charlie Fyre will be #2 by the start of the year
Dave Ragone
Actually, Tony Banks is the backup for Houston. Remember him? :) If I'm not mistaken, Ragone is expected to challenge for the #2 spot next year and/or become trade bait.
I forgot about Sorgi. Isn't he the QB that Reynolds for the Buckeyes tried to choke during the OSU Wisconson game?
Natedawg44 said:
I forgot about Sorgi. Isn't he the QB that Reynolds for the Buckeyes tried to choke during the OSU Wisconson game?


Go Buckeyes!!!!!!

Hostile said:
That is correct. He posted at least a half dozne times that day that Al Singleton would be cut. When it came to a simple bet where he could have had the last word on over 100 posters he decided it was Nors bashing and he left.


Is that what happened?? I assumed his absence was probably due to something a little more serious than that. Nors doesn't strike me as the type to put his tail between his legs and run, but I guess I was wrong.

Although he has been right about quite a few things, I suppose too many bad and inaccurate predictions (Ty Law, "Trainwreck" at FS, going 3-4 last year, Gurode, etc.) finally took its toll on him.
He'll be back as soon as they get sick of him at DC Central, that is where he's at right now.;)

Oh, in back on topic.

Wasn't yesterday his prediction for Romo being named the #2? Seems he was not right after all.:D
blindzebra said:
He'll be back as soon as they get sick of him at DC Central, that is where he's at right now.;)

Oh, in back on topic.

Wasn't yesterday his prediction for Romo being named the #2? Seems he was not right after all.:D


knowing Booze, SB and all those guys, it shouldn't take long. But, then again, that's what I said when Valarie Bertinelli and Eddie Van Halen hocked up. Broke my damn heart. Now, 20 years later, not only am I not as young as I once was but I don't think I'm even as good once, as I ever was. :lmao2:

It's BS I tell ya!

Either way, your right. It's exactly the time frame Nors predicted Romo would become a fixture in the offense. As I recall, we were all to "Book IT". Tick-tock, tick-tock was, I believe, the catch phrase on that one.

I guess we can move on past the title of this here thread.

Who knows, we'll see what happens. Think I'll go over to DCC and check in on my old buddy Nors.

ndanger said:
It is very interesting to live in this house of Cowboy fandom and watch this "divided room" you speak of Fletch.Nice analogy by the way.I don't understand it myself.It speaks poorly of our society if you ask me.
For me personaly,I don't care if Wiley Coyote Bill Parcells calls up Acme Qaurterback and has a crated Q.B. pryed open during warm-ups as long as the sumb**** can sling the rock,move the chains and score touchdowns.
I think this board could be clinically studied, and much could be learned.Not exactly sure what, but some Eureka is bound to be spawned from what I witness on a daily basis oozing right through this divided room.Sometimes it can be interesting and entertaining.Sometimes it is so disgusting I want to get up from the table in this divided room and never come back.My love for the Cowboys however will not let me stay away.There are not many places where you can find a Fletch,an LTN,A Hos.a B.P, a juke, a sarge,a wg,a dale all in one place.There are many others whose name I left out that bring so much to the table,but its too damn early and besides we know who they are and so do they.
There I have vented a bit.Thanks Fletch for sweeping the ooze from the divided room and allowing me to walk through without feeling disgusted.Have a lovely day everyone,love one another PEACE!!! Forgeddeaboudit Imouddahere :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

ndanger, thank you my friend for the kind words. Yes, there are a lot of people in here, including yourself who add a lot to this awesome Cowboy's board.
LaTunaNostra said:
Speaking of Nors..I hope his hiatus is a short-lived one.

Sometimes it's good when folks are getting on your nerves to take a brief vacation, but here's hoping no feelings were irreparably hurt.

Nors, if you're reading are missed~~

Yeah. Come back Nors. Really. I miss you as well.

We need more chefs to stir the pot. I've retired from cooking...well mostly.
blindzebra said:
He'll be back as soon as they get sick of him at DC Central, that is where he's at right now.;)

Oh, in back on topic.

Wasn't yesterday his prediction for Romo being named the #2? Seems he was not right after all.:D

Wrong clueless wonder. I post there infrequently over past 2 years. I'm at another site posting reg under an alias!

I accept the avatar bet. Alsmall gets cut. No way does he stays and Thornton, Ogbogu get cut! Burnett instant upgrade.

All you clowns that wanted in bring it. Note it and wear my avatar crow for a week. Comedy central time!
Nors said:
Wrong clueless wonder. I post there infrequently over past 2 years. I'm at another site posting reg under an alias!

I accept the avatar bet. Alsmall gets cut. No way does he stays and Thornton, Ogbogu get cut! Burnett instant upgrade.

All you clowns that wanted in bring it. Note it and wear my avatar crow for a week. Comedy central time!

Where was the big announcement on Tuesday Nors?

Clueless and clowns, now you know that's a no-no.:D

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