Nors was right again

Nors said:
He went there - not me.

I see the Asl avatar bettors shriveled. They called and I raised.
Nors , was I in on this bet? And what was it about? Tony getting the back up job?

I've honestly forgotten.

If I was, tell me, and I will put it in.
ndanger said:
How bout you quit freakin' whinin about Henson huh how bout that.I got your whinin' "my man".There are a lot of people that come here to read and not necssesarily wollow in the sesspool that some regard as "talkin football"You can paint it what you will it just looks dumb to me and that's my opinion.I'm sure it's a hoot on our rivals forums though. ;)

ndanger, you don't like it. There is an ignore feature. Use it and quit your bellyaching.
Banned_n_austin said:
ndanger, you don't like it. There is an ignore feature. Use it and quit your bellyaching.
No problem,and I have as much right to bellyache as you do my good sir.I don't care to ignore you banned, I enjoy reading your posts for the most part.Where I come from it isnt tolerated to mock your teammates in such a manner.I use teammates rather loosely I admit but that's basically what we all are.we spend a lot of time in here together and we all think we are either managers coaches or could cover so and so better ourselves.There I'm done banned have a good life my friend.
ndanger said:
No problem,and I have as much right to bellyache as you do my good sir.I don't care to ignore you banned, I enjoy reading your posts for the most part.Where I come from it isnt tolerated to mock your teammates in such a manner.I use teammates rather loosely I admit but that's basically what we all are.we spend a lot of time in here together and we all think we are either managers coaches or could cover so and so better ourselves.There I'm done banned have a good life my friend.

No hard feelings, man.

Take it easy.
LaTunaNostra said:
Nors , was I in on this bet? And what was it about? Tony getting the back up job?

I've honestly forgotten.

If I was, tell me, and I will put it in.

The bet was Als would be cut. After watching Monday nights game I feel confident there is a good chance he will be. Loser has to wear crow avatar for a week.

The Al STRONG crowd disapearred!
Gotta love someone who took his ball and went home calling out 100+ people who took the challenge.

Lame, very lame.

You see Nors, no one feels the need to make constant pro-Singleton posts since you were not here bashing him.:rolleyes:
LaTunaNostra said:
Nors , was I in on this bet? And what was it about? Tony getting the back up job?

I've honestly forgotten.

If I was, tell me, and I will put it in.
I'm pretty sure you were LtN if I remember correctly I know I was.
blindzebra said:
Gotta love someone who took his ball and went home calling out 100+ people who took the challenge.

Lame, very lame.

You see Nors, no one feels the need to make constant pro-Singleton posts since you were not here bashing him.:rolleyes:

BZ, just a suggestion. Stop with all the animosity towards members of this board. You do it this every day to posters on this board. You make it personal. Never can there be a discussion without you making a personal attack on someone because their opinion differs from yours.

You're just as guilty as anyone else, yet you call people out all the time. Quit acting like your doo doesn't stink and get off your high-zebra ...

Talk some football and quit attacking people personally.
Oh, I dunno...I figured I'd stroll through just to make sure everyone was playing nice.

Banned_n_austin said:
BZ, just a suggestion. Stop with all the animosity towards members of this board. You do it this every day to posters on this board. You make it personal. Never can there be a discussion without you making a personal attack on someone because their opinion differs from yours.

You're just as guilty as anyone else, yet you call people out all the time. Quit acting like your doo doesn't stink and get off your high-zebra ...

Talk some football and quit attacking people personally.

I call out those who ARE NOT talking football but are trolling for reaction.

The fact that you are taking up for Nors speaks volumes in my book.;)
Wolverine said:
Ohhhh poooor hoo hoo.

I could archive your Henson posts last off season but that would be BAAAADDDDD for you.

Move on - Henson aint #2 and Als is going to be cut - GET YOUR AVATAR READY!
blindzebra said:
I call out those who ARE NOT talking football but are trolling for reaction.

The fact that you are taking up for Nors speaks volumes in my book.;)

The fact that half the time you're attacking a person and not their opinion speaks volumes in my book. You make it personal.

You troll more than anyone on this board - every day. Yet, you're continuously calling people out. You show hypocricy every day when you do this. And it doesn't go unnoticed.
blindzebra said:
I call out those who ARE NOT talking football but are trolling for reaction.

The fact that you are taking up for Nors speaks volumes in my book.;)
Well, I "take up for him", too.

Because it's a question of numbers...him against the hordes.

That night several threads were started, including a 'poll', with no intention but to call him out and was yet another 'overkill'. Another critical mass event. ;)

Then I jumped him in the Opinion Zone ..sorry Nors, bad timing.

I don't care how annoying he gets..the ignore button works two ways, and when we all pile on, it's both unseemly and unfair.

Nors is his own best "underdog", but because he's so outnumbered, and rarely loses his cool, it's the rest of US who end up looking like the idiots.

Banned_n_austin said:
The fact that half the time you're attacking a person and not their opinion speaks volumes in my book. You make it personal.

You troll more than anyone on this board - every day. Yet, you're continuously calling people out. You show hypocricy every day when you do this. And it doesn't go unnoticed.

Yeah, I'm sure all those posting just to stir the pot notice. I'll talk football with anybody...I even talked it with you today.:D
LaTunaNostra said:
Well, I "take up for him", too.

Because it's a question of numbers...him against the hordes.

That night several threads were started, including a 'poll', with no intention but to call him out and was yet another 'overkill'. Another critical mass event. ;)

Then I jumped him in the Opinion Zone ..sorry Nors, bad timing.

I don't care how annoying he gets..the ignore button works two ways, and when we all pile on, it's both unseemly and unfair.

Nors is his own best "underdog", but because he's so outnumbered, and rarely loses his cool, it's the rest of US who end up looking like the idiots.



Take notes of this, BZ. From one of the "more respected" members of this forum (LTN). You need to tone down your act just as much as anyone else, including me. I'm not acting like I'm the exception here. You are.

For the betterment of this board. Get off your high horse with the animosity towards members. It's fine to have an opinion and disagree, but attacking people personally doesn't do a thing for your case. In fact, it has been showing that you're being hypocritical ...
LaTunaNostra said:
Well, I "take up for him", too.

Because it's a question of numbers...him against the hordes.

That night several threads were started, including a 'poll', with no intention but to call him out and was yet another 'overkill'. Another critical mass event. ;)

Then I jumped him in the Opinion Zone ..sorry Nors, bad timing.

I don't care how annoying he gets..the ignore button works two ways, and when we all pile on, it's both unseemly and unfair.

Nors is his own best "underdog", but because he's so outnumbered, and rarely loses his cool, it's the rest of US who end up looking like the idiots.


Nors reaps what he sows.