I was thinking of asking you the exact same question. You said he was accused of rape, which is 100% incorrect. You said the university never even investigted the incident, which is 100% incorrect.
You're trying to make it sound like they pulled a Florida State and sat on the thing for months and months. She reported the incident 6 days after it happened and then killed herself 4 days after that. How the hell is the university supposed to conduct a thorough, outright investigation in a 4 day window? You do realize these things take time, right? An investigation was well underway, but the girl killed herself 4 days after reporting it.
He was interviewed by authorities 15 days after she reported it. If you think that is some incredibly inordinate, unusual time frame between reported sexual assault and interviewing the accused, then you just don't know how the system works.
Um, do ya know how stupid you sound to say that? Excuse me, but in the country I live, when someone is accused of a crime, I consider the fact of their guilt or innocence extremely relevant.
It was investigated as thoroughly as possible given the fact that the accuser, with a history of mental problems, killed herself 4 days after reporting it.
I am not making any sort of moral judgment about you, I am just (accurately) pointing out you don't really seem to know the facts of this case.
A healthy skepticism is a good thing. Presuming someone is guilty until proven innocent, not so much.