Notre Dame vs. USC: Who wins?

Devastating Loss!

You've got to give USC credit they are good...But also Lucky...a fumble that actually helps you!

Between this game and The Michigan Vs Penn St game and of course The Ohio St game..Some of the best Football to watch in a long time!
Rack said:
I disagree. Considering USC has a lot more talent then ND, I'd say Weis outfoxed Carroll. With all coaching being equal, USC blows ND out. Coaching is the only reason it was close.

Weis > Carroll. By far.

I hate notre Dame but I have to agree with this take.
Hell of a game by ND, but I knew they were gonna lose when 1) they kicked a FG instead of scoring a TD, and 2) they missed a FG instead of scoring a TD.
I agree rack, the annoucers said it at the begginging of the game,you cant beat USC with FG, and after the second time, i felt the game going to USC, and then they left them 2 minutes to go and score. Great game though
Just have one thing to say......What a great football game and Weis is one heck of a coach. Excuse me that was
Great game. Big play. Excitement. Toughness. It had everything.

I just don't see how the Irish corner let the receiver get behind him. It was 4th down and 9. I would play further off the receiver and even sacrifice the first down. You can't give up a big play in that situation. You have to force USC to inch down the field. Perfect pass and the receiver did his job.

Another great weekend of football.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I hate notre Dame but I have to agree with this take.

I sure hope Jerry is eyeing Weis for a couple of years down the road...
Notre Dame got jobbed big time. Leinert was pushed in by Bush. A penalty should have been thrown. No way he makes it without the push.

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