Jammer said:How many of us held our breaths when Vinny went back to pass?
i'm guilty of that, i hold my breath anytime i see him drop back to passJammer said:How many of us held our breaths when Vinny went back to pass?
Woody'sGirl said:Everybody, let's enjoy this moment. However brief it may be.
Westcoasthabsfan said:The beautiful west coast of Canada and yes life does suck right now being there is no HOCKEY and probably won't be for two years... GO HABS
jem88 said:You´re lucky you´re on the west coast these days. -21 degrees in Toronto last night!
Westcoasthabsfan said:Thats too bad because I grew up in Belleville and moved out here about 17 years ago.... by the way its about plus 8 right now and very sunny
DoomsDayD said:I just yelled out my door i got so excited. Of course i ducked in real quick considering i am surrounded by eagles fans here in philly.
DoomsDayD said:PLUS 8...you should suit up and hit the pool
They would murder me if i went to the game and rooted for the boys. I got into enough scuffles when i was younger. I am 40 now and about 150 pounds overweight which means i cant run as fast as i use to.Westcoasthabsfan said:You are one brave soldier... how come you are not at the game?