cowboys101 said:I was worried after hearing everything in the begin of training camp but after watching the last 2 games I have no worries. Henson will be very good!
He has a powerful arm and his passes were mostly thrown perfect. I just cant believe how hard this guy throws! After another year of learning he could be ready next year to take this team over.
If we had some guys that could hold onto his passes. I mean there was like 3 or 4 drops on perect passes.
Im just so happy we have a future QB that cant actually throw the ball hard!
Just dont give up on this guy give hime time t learn. He is going to be great!
Tripod said:Except that...our starting quarterback managed an 81 yardscoring drive ending with a touchdown pass and our starting quarterback did not throw an interception....oh and our starting QB will go over 40,000 yards in his first official game as a cowboy.
Other than that, you're right on the money.
NovaCowboy said:it doesnt really matter anyway, neither will sniff the field in any signifigant playing time as long as Parcells is here.
NovaCowboy said:it doesnt really matter anyway, neither will sniff the field in any signifigant playing time as long as Parcells is here.
HeavyHitta31 said:Nor should they, right now Bledsoe is the best QB on this team.
StanleySpadowski said:Do you guys use drugs? Romo's big completion to Crayton is an int against anything more than a guy who's bagging groceries next week.
HeavyHitta31 said:Best ball? No, thats Bledsoe
Better than Henson? Yes
NovaCowboy said:really man, open your eyes.... Bledose is a lame duck.
Romo looks to be the best guy out there.
HeavyHitta31 said:It's just lunacy at this point. Romo has complete comand of the offense when he steps onto the field, Henson couldnt command an army of 6 year old girls. Henson has thrown even more ducks this week than last, while Romo continues to put up better numbers with less turnovers. Its no longer a question of whose better: Romo is not only better but, hold your breath here, has more talent and smarts than Henson.
Feel free to scowl and moan, but anyone who hasnt had a labotomy can see these things.
StanleySpadowski said:Do you guys use drugs? Romo's big completion to Crayton is an int against anything more than a guy who's bagging groceries next week.