Didn't watch it the first time, and just a couple weeks ago tried to start it but didn't make it past the 1st episode. Sounds like I need to go back and power through the first few epis before I decide.
Just my opinion. The first six episodes are:
- Welcome to the Hellmouth
- The Harvest
- Witch
- Teacher's Pet
- Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
- The Pack
These first six episodes establish Buffy's significance, her mission, her inner circle of friends and their diverse personalities, and the importance of the town of Sunnydale.
Teacher's Pet is the episode that completely hooked me.
In my opinion, the show will not appeal to anyone who reaches
The Pack episode and still does not like it. The first half dozen leads up to the seventh episode,
Angel, which sets the foundation of the debut season's story arc.
Again. Just my opinion for which I could be completely wrong. Everyone likes what they like and dislike what they do not like.
I remember watching the pilot episode of
Star Trek | The Next Generation,
Encounter At Farpoint, and getting so disgusted at watching the primary and secondary hulls of the Enterprise separate that I turned it off. Was not used to seeing the Federation's flagship split into pieces.

And while at warp of all things.
About a year later, I was channel surfing and began watching the eleventh episode,
Contagion, just for the heck of it and got hooked. Maybe that kind of thing may happen for you if your next try watching Buffy strikes out too.