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Anybody watched Upload on Amazon Prime? I binged that. LOL I liked it. It was a bit cheesy but I liked the premise and the underlying tones of the show. Definitely worth a watch. I'll definitely be in for season 2.
Started Hollywood, Netflix, last night and I am not sure what to make of it or just how far they're going to go to make their point. It is mostly fiction, except the part about the gas station with special full services, that part was real, they just changed the guy's name. I am as easy as they come with most subject matter but this is getting really heavy into that Hollywood alt lifestyle to the point I wonder if they made this for me and my kind. It is nice to look at and listen to as this takes place in 1947 and asks the question what would have happened if Hollywood had jumped on the gender, race and religion equality kick back then instead of 40 years later. It offers not does art imitate life but could it possibly direct it. It is an interesting premise.

The final episode is extremely ridiculous...
The final episode is extremely ridiculous...
The whole series is ridiculous but it is aptly named. I thought the most interesting part of it was the central theme of "Peg" "Meg" and virtually every shot of that was awful.

In a way, it reminds me of that quirk about "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" in that it revolves around stand up comedy but all the humor is off the stage. You'd think if the writers could write that well, they could at least give the stand ups some better lines.

I got to the end of "Hollywood" and told myself "well, you would have just wasted 8 hours watching something else". Now watch them congratulate themselves with a bunch on Emmy nominations, completing the circle.
Watched Seinfeld's latest stand up, Netflix, and it was good. He's still sharp and spry at 65 and kicking off that the way he did was really inventive.
Trek Nation on Amazon Prime. It's a very informative and honest 2012 documentary by Gene Roddenberry's son, Eugene, with interviews of George Lucas, Stan Lee, and others. The effect of the show had a very wide scope, influencing a lot of people, some of whom would go on to work at NASA. Even if you're not a Star Trek fan, you might find it interesting.
Finally got around to watching Money Heist on Netflix.
Was binge watching it this weekend and only have a few episodes left in the last season.
It is a foreign show set in spain.
I have my netflix settings so it will play in english Dub. Makes it easier than reading captions all the way.
The Last kingdom season 4 just became available on Netflix. Great show. Worth a binge watch!

Here's the season 1 trailer...

season 4..

Love it, could do without the traditional Bebbanburg preamble at the start of the next series though
Surfing Netflix last night for something different and came across "What We Started", the story of the pioneers of Electronic Dance Music and how raves became the 100K+, 165K in Miami's Ultra, festivals around the world and follows the crazy career of Carl Cox and Space in Ibiza, voted the world's best nightclub so many times it's not a competition.

The shot of the Love Parade with 1.5M people is worth the hour watching it. I had to rewind on that and just take that in again, truly jaw dropping.

Doesn't matter whether you like EDM, I happen to really like it and I am an old rocker, it's the story of these guys that refused to give up on this dream and it's a great anthropologist's exploration of our communal and tribal roots and need to gather and it was surreal to see that many people gathered in one place, particularly at this time. It's like watching someone smoke cigarettes in old movies.

One of the more interesting parts is the reaction by the authorities because of the prevalence of drugs and this was the origination on Exstacy. Like drugs haven't been a part of all music since the 60's. But these raves were all ages shows so I get the elevated concern.
Solar Opposites on Hulu from same guys as Ricky and Morty. Not finding it as funny, but it's something new. I didn't realize thy have Arrested Development season 5 on Netflix too. It's pretty good after that poor season 4 hitch; mainly Gob and Tobias storylines.
Watched Seinfeld's latest stand up, Netflix, and it was good. He's still sharp and spry at 65 and kicking off that the way he did was really inventive.

The closing bit was so funny. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.
Cannot recommend enough GANTZ:0 on Netflix.

Watched it last night on a whim.

Stunning animation.
I don’t know where to put this, but.....

I started watching LA’s Finest on Spectrum on Demand because I love Jessica Alba :muttley:

It is kind of a cross between Lethal Weapon and The Rookie, two female officers with a love/hate relationship. It is intriguing but I don’t know where to watch the series if you don’t have Spectrum. I will have to find a way for season 2 when it released :thumbdown:
I don’t know where to put this, but.....

I started watching LA’s Finest on Spectrum on Demand because I love Jessica Alba :muttley:

It is kind of a cross between Lethal Weapon and The Rookie, two female officers with a love/hate relationship. It is intriguing but I don’t know where to watch the series if you don’t have Spectrum. I will have to find a way for season 2 when it released :thumbdown:
It's a spin-off of Bad Boys II, Gabrielle Union is still playing Syd from that movie. It looks like it's on amazon prime.
Finally got around to Ozark and I don't know why, the lead actors are two of my favorites. I liked it, didn't love it. The writing is a little too convenient but I will follow up, mainly because of all the positive reviews I've seen here about it and I really like Bateman's acting. Laura Linney is perfect as the wife, like she was in Mystic River.
The Wrong Missy on Netflix. Super stupid and super funny old school comedy with David Spade and Lauren Lapkus. There's a lot of familiar faces in it and it's worth a watch.

Never seen the girl in anything but she had me laughing pretty good a number of times.

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