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I decided to watch this darn show Ozark. I just finished episode 7-season one and am hooked. It is kind of slow but intriguing. Bateman is killing it in this role......

Slow... methodical kills in just about every episode (literally but sometimes figuratively speaking)

Soooooo many good and great episodes in your future. A couple of what the heck just happened ones too.
Update, The Outsider went from a possible 7 to a 3 and the casting was really off.

Looked like to me they were trying to channel True Detective without the acting chops.

No, I do not recommend. Unless I don't like you, in which case I recommend you buy the Blu Ray set when it comes out.


Yeah, It got wonky down the stretch.
First of all, this show is hilarious!

Did anyone here actually go to this dudes exotic cat park?
I looked it up online and it looks not far from Dallas in Oklahoma.
Must be pretty close to Winstar!
Just got caught up with Succession on hbo. Hooked ! Can’t wait for season 3
Watching season 6 of Bosch and liking it as well as the other 5 and I really like Titus Welliver in that part. But I keep waiting for him to revert to the Irish gangster and start whacking people. The only negative is that the actress playing his daughter shouldn't but the two old detectives make up for that. They remind me of Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets. I also haven't gotten tired of that opening theme after 58 episodes.

They announced the final season when this one was released. I like Netflix but I find that the Amazon originals like Bosch, The Boys and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel really connect with me more than their episodic originals, except for the Marvel stuff and that's going away.
Not sure if I mentioned it but I thought Locke & Key was pretty good.

Blazed through the Big Show Show. It was ok, basic sitcom.
Not sure if I mentioned it but I thought Locke & Key was pretty good.

Blazed through the Big Show Show. It was ok, basic sitcom.
Locke and Key was pretty entertaining, though I kept waiting for that great grandfather or whatever he was to help them somehow. Other than giving a tiny bit of information they could have gotten somewhere else, his character was moot.
Definitely recommend the Between Two Ferns Movie.

Its basically a punch of the FOD skits in road comedy form lol
I'm still chugging my way through Cheers on Netflix. With 11 seasons, it's taking me some time. I'm just into season 07 now. It's funny, some of the comedy on that show would be criticized so much in these times about being sexual harassment. :laugh:

I finally gave in to the hype and started this last night. Only 1 episode in but so far intriguing. I hear the story gets pretty wild.

These days a sneeze can be sexual harassment
Waco, Netlix, 7/10. I had forgotten some details about this and Ruby Ridge and this is told largely from the Branch Davidians standpoint and has been a long running he said/he said story about how it started and ended. Well acted and Taylor Kitsch, who also co-produced it, was very good and Michael Shannon is always good, who also co-produced it.

Be aware, the end is a real life horror so this might not be some people's cup of tea.
I'm a couple episodes in to Brews Brothers. So far I am enjoying it.
Waco, Netlix, 7/10. I had forgotten some details about this and Ruby Ridge and this is told largely from the Branch Davidians standpoint and has been a long running he said/he said story about how it started and ended. Well acted and Taylor Kitsch, who also co-produced it, was very good and Michael Shannon is always good, who also co-produced it.

Be aware, the end is a real life horror so this might not be some people's cup of tea.
Running out of things to watch but came across Waco, a six-episode series. It is good so far through #4 :thumbup:

Just finished that last night!! I enjoyed it as well. I know we cannot get into politics here, and I'm not taking sides, but I will say it shifted my original perceptions of the event.
The Last kingdom season 4 just became available on Netflix. Great show. Worth a binge watch!

Here's the season 1 trailer...

season 4..

Has anyone watched The OA yet? Wow! They cancelled season 2 but there is a theory that it’s a fake cancellation. I hate how they left S2 there is no way they can leave it like that what a mind bending show.
Has anyone watched The OA yet? Wow! They cancelled season 2 but there is a theory that it’s a fake cancellation. I hate how they left S2 there is no way they can leave it like that what a mind bending show.
I watched that, but it was so long ago I forgot all about it. You're right about the ending.
I watched that, but it was so long ago I forgot all about it. You're right about the ending.

I was reading that some fans think it’s a fake cancellation which plays into part of the theory about S3. I dunno we will see but it’s a good show. The cast is incredible as well
Started Hollywood, Netflix, last night and I am not sure what to make of it or just how far they're going to go to make their point. It is mostly fiction, except the part about the gas station with special full services, that part was real, they just changed the guy's name. I am as easy as they come with most subject matter but this is getting really heavy into that Hollywood alt lifestyle to the point I wonder if they made this for me and my kind. It is nice to look at and listen to as this takes place in 1947 and asks the question what would have happened if Hollywood had jumped on the gender, race and religion equality kick back then instead of 40 years later. It offers not does art imitate life but could it possibly direct it. It is an interesting premise.

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