OK I've decided, his nickname is Julius Maximus

Natedawg44 said:
I don't mind it. Anything but "JuJo". I cringe when I see that. JuJo sounds like a ****z Zu that eats dogfood out of a crystal bowl and wears a diamond collar.

silverbear said:
Why this overpowering need to give Julius a nickname??

Did Emmitt need a nickname?? I think not...

Did Troy need a nickname?? Again, I think not...

Now, if any of y'all can explain to me how a really cool name will help Julius PLAY better, sign me up... until then, I think that Julius will suffice...

Here's why:

Shorter nicknames are easier to type.

My impression is that it's not so much that he needs a nickname as much as he just needs something to speed up the 'Julius' and throw a bit of variety in there as well.

The hand wringing and gnashing of teeth is due to the fact that the guy's initial's are JJ, which is already a crowded monkier here at the zone, with Jerry Jones being the obvious owner of it for the foreseeable future. Now Jimmy Johnson, was just Jimmy, or Jimma or whatever.

To make matters worse, we can't even put down just "Jones" and be clear.

Bill Parcell's? Well...he's Bill, or BP. clear as day.

Emmitt didn't need anything because Emmitt is easy to type (unlike the awkward 'Julius' for us typographically challenged). He was alos clearly and "22" or "ES" that came up, as well as claming most ownership of most "Smith"s that cropped up.

Michael Irvin? Well he was Mike, or Irvin. Done.

Troy Aikman? Well, Troy was pretty clear. When Troy Hambrick came along he was given a load of nicknames to avoid any confusion. From Hammy to Dookie and on to many more colorful names that worked quite nicely.

Many players get these nickname here on the boards, which help in getting various points across by being clear who we are talking about without writing out the full players name every time.

It's not dicussed because, the given 'nickname' is automatically clear to everyone. We just read "BP" and know the following is about Bill Parcells. We read "Roy" or "Fergi" or "Key" and have no problems. We can even understand 'whitten' and know that we're reading about our star TE, despite the ubiquitious "H"

Julius Jones has the unlucky situation (for us) of sharing both the initials and last name of our owner, which disqualifies both.

This issue crops up from time to time simply because there's no obvious answer, and the purpose of the 'nickname' is to be easy and obvious.

Jujo is sadly lame on many levels, which is why it never caught on. "Juke" would be nice since it fits the name while implying his ability as the same time. Unfortunately, that's taken by some jackass down the road from me (relatively speaking) who posts here. (Just kidding around Juke);)

We're all just waiting to let something catch on.

Long winded I know, but there's your explanation. At least that's how I see it.
Natedawg44 said:
I don't mind it. Anything but "JuJo". I cringe when I see that. JuJo sounds like a ****z Zu that eats dogfood out of a crystal bowl and wears a diamond collar.

Sound like a cross betweenthe punchline to an anti-semitic joke and a crappy movie candy to me.
Nyks3 said:
didnt parcells already give him a nickname?


That would have been great, if it wasn't already taken by an 'alleged' murderer.
Funny when I think of Maximus, I'm thinking of Gluteus... :)

Julius sounds ok to me.

FWIW, I'm not opposed to Juice. I don't care who it was associated with 30 years ago. Nicknames get passed around all the time.
Woody'sGirl said:
Funny when I think of Maximus, I'm thinking of Gluteus... :)

Julius sounds ok to me.

FWIW, I'm not opposed to Juice. I don't care who it was associated with 30 years ago. Nicknames get passed around all the time.
OK, WG, you've forced my hand...That's the exit strategy in case he bombs. :D
silverbear said:
Why this overpowering need to give Julius a nickname??

Did Emmitt need a nickname?? I think not...

Did Troy need a nickname?? Again, I think not...

Now, if any of y'all can explain to me how a really cool name will help Julius PLAY better, sign me up... until then, I think that Julius will suffice...
Just because it's the off-season. When they start popping each other again, it won't matter, except for the occasional post-TD cheer.
Woody'sGirl said:
Funny when I think of Maximus, I'm thinking of Gluteus... :)

Julius sounds ok to me.

FWIW, I'm not opposed to Juice. I don't care who it was associated with 30 years ago. Nicknames get passed around all the time.

well, fair enough with "juice", although I think he'll need to do a bit more earning for that one.
I always liked Berman's classic:

Scott "Supercalifragilisticexpiali" Brochis
Ashwynn said:
One of my favortite bermanisms is regarding another favorite player of mine. Jeff "brown paper" Bagwell.
Dwight and The Family Stone was his best nickname.

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