Sittin here watching Boondock Saints. Stone cold sober, though.
Yeah, pigs, cows head for barbacoa, venison. It's a lot of work, takes time and quite a bit of beer. Haven't done it for a few years. Meat is very tender when done right.
Friday night! Where is everyone?
Had a big presentation today and it went well.
It's a celebration!
I'm here.
No We Don't!!
Hey brother!!! Miss you man.
Yo man you gave me my 1k like!!!!Max! Wussup my dude!?
Yo man you gave me my 1k like!!!!
I'm glad it was you bro!!
No but I loved Lyle He was a beast!!I feel so bad for this Lyle Alzado. Any of you guys watch this beast play?
What kind of vids man ? I will do.Thanks, my brother!! You got any vids? I'm tired man, wake me upor are you almost out for the count, too?
What kind of vids man ? I will do.