Old I love beer. A lot

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lol. I have a version of it as well..just to torture my English friends...Wolf Tones?? I think!

The wife's not a big fan of The Wolfe Tones. When we go visit my parents me and my dad have a habit of sitting up till the small hours drinking beer and whisky and listening to them, other Irish rebel bands and Scottish traditional/rebel songs on YouTube
I drink it at breakfast. I drink it at lunch. I drink it a dinner and even at brunch.

I drink German imports. Russian stouts. American IPA's. Italian lagers (not my favorite, very bland), American lagers (same taste profile, more or less, as their Italian counterpart), ales, Heffs... the list goes on and on, and I have many favorite brands. But this isn't about specific awesome beers (I'm sure there's a thread or ten on that subject, and I would love to add to that :) ).

I'm told these are signs of alcoholism (in all the literature I read on the subject, anything more than 14 drinks a week for a male is considered excessive, or 4 a day, by various studied sources).

I do that in one day, usually. I realize this is taboo, to admit to drinking this often in the open, and so nonchalant... and that I may be judged. So it goes. Here's my caveat:

I pay my bills, I have a home, I'm a great daddy, I don't drive drunk.

I'm jovial and expressive, instead of downtrodden and depressed.

The VA would rather give me a ton of medication and have me a zombie, yet beer seems to give me the same results: a positive outlook on life, and a way to get past the year that haunts me (not going there).

So, folks, anyone have any feedback. Am I in denial? I've made it no secret how much I drink in many of my posts (also to note, I'm 30). Many of my battle buddies and family drink, so I see them doing the same. That's no excuse, but again, I am harming no one (other than my liver).

What say you? Are there others here in the same boat? Please don't feel compelled to post in here, and if this thread gets buried, maybe that's a good thing. I'm also not some depressed dude, crying out for help. This is simply -- am I excessive and/or are there others here who indulge this much? Any sort of feedback is appreciated. :)

That's a complicated question.

I've had to deal with functioning alcoholics and they don't think their actions harm anybody else; however, that is far from true in my experience.

The complicated part is comparing the alternative. You're "functioning" so it could always be worse if you can't function without doing it.

If you have kids, then the time that they spend with you is the time that you're not at work. What percentage of non-work time are you drinking? You don't want your kids to only know your intoxicated personality.

Even if you only have a couple of drinks per evening, that can be a beat-down for people around you if you do it every day.

I know a guy that was drinking too much and decided to make changes. Instead of quitting, he made a pact with himself to not drink on consecutive days. It really worked well for him and his wife was very pleased.

If your wife or girlfriend or ones in the past have ever complained about your drinking, then you likely have a bit of a problem. If not, then there is a good chance that you don't.

I had to read close to 15 pages to catch up on what went down last night. Sorry my friend but you are the aggressor here. Who cares who gives likes to who on this thread or anywhere on the board. Trouty is a fine gentlemen who opened his heart about his drinking habits and we chimed in and multiple friendships were born. Now this thread turned into a daily check in spot for a few of us. I strongly suggest you become a part of this fine group regardless of your drinking habits. I only drink a bottle of wine with my wife while watching a good movie on weekends and at most a 6 pack while watching football Sunday. But I love coming to this thread and read the friendly conversation between good people. Cheers my friend. :)

I had to read close to 15 pages to catch up on what went down last night. Sorry my friend but you are the aggressor here. Who cares who gives likes to who on this thread or anywhere on the board. Trouty is a fine gentlemen who opened his heart about his drinking habits and we chimed in and multiple friendships were born. Now this thread turned into a daily check in spot for a few of us. I strongly suggest you become a part of this fine group regardless of your drinking habits. I only drink a bottle of wine with my wife while watching a good movie on weekends and at most a 6 pack while watching football Sunday. But I love coming to this thread and read the friendly conversation between good people. Cheers my friend. :)

Yes, I was the aggressor in this thread because he didn't want to provide an answer in a thread in which he was the aggressor. Have another one on me. :thumbup:
Okay but how is he the aggressor on this thread? I am not questioning you, just trying to understand your perspective. And I promise, I will have one for you on Sunday. :)

Can you read? I said I was the aggressor in "this" thread and he was the aggressor in another thread in which he wouldn't provide an answer. I figured he would talk in this thread. Time to move on.
Can you read? I said I was the aggressor in "this" thread and he was the aggressor in another thread in which he wouldn't provide an answer. I figured he would talk in this thread. Time to move on.
My bad. Sorry for misreading your first post. :) I understand. But why settle the account on this thread then? You definitely don't have to answer as I also like to move on.
My bad. Sorry for misreading your first post. :) I understand. But why settle the account on this thread then? You definitely don't have to answer as I also like to move on.

If you want to discuss it PM me.
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