Old I love beer. A lot

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When I was young, I thought I would have 3 or 4 ex wives. I married a HS valedictorian and Honors Grad from Univ. of Texas. I Thought she was to good for me and would wisen up once my looks were gone, but alas, 26 years later i must still be pretty good looking. :lmao2::lmao::lmao2:
When I was young, I thought I would have 3 or 4 ex wives. I married a HS valedictorian and Honors Grad from Univ. of Texas. I Thought she was to good for me and would wisen up once my looks were gone, but alas, 26 years later i must still be pretty good looking. :lmao2::lmao::lmao2:
You got big feet l know that!! 15 Redwings...GD
My ex stuck by, through PT and rehab and all my battles telling her to be patient. But she got restless.

I don't blame her. We talk everyday, but we've had a hell of a life together. More than most 3 or 4 times over
One of my brothers did too. Divorced for 5 years, partied his *** off and then remarried her about 15 years ago. They went 15 on, 5 off and then 15 more and counting.

Mine stuck by me for 5 years while I killed myself slowly. Slept with women in her bed, she even got me back into the the VA after all that. That poor woman. Even for what she did to me, it was my fault. I left her alone while I went berserk and lost myself.
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