Old I love beer. A lot

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Junior College Transfer
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I go through a 1.75 bottle of Cheap Vodka (usually Barton, sometimes Skol) a week, usually about 8-12 shots a night. I mainly do it to pass out, but I dont try and lie and say thats the only reason, I do like being drunk also. Despite the insomnia though, I do most of the time give myself 2 nights a week sober, and usually have one "beer night" , usually 8-10 beers or a couple 40's....Oh and I Never say Never anymore, but Im pretty dang sure I'll never turn into one of those drunk 24/7 people, alcohol is the furthest thing from my mind in the mornings and throughout the day, although after my weekly 2 night sobriety, I am pretty stoked durin that day knowin I can drink that night lol.

Used to be one of the biggest potheads in the world, from the age of 14.Then of course when I turned 21 and could get my hands on alcohol more regularly, I didnt smoke nearly as much....I will always be for 100% legalization though, even if I never smoke again, my wife does, so itd be nice to be able to just go out and get it at a store as easily as I go to the liquor store! itd also be nice to see more blue laws go away in states that still have them (Texas included).
Blue laws ... Is that like not being able to buy 18% alcohol Port after 10 p.m. on a Sunday?
At the docks in Liverpool they would die laughing at such laws.
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