Old I love beer. A lot

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Oh if you guys ever watch Star Wars clone wars. When obi and anakin chase doku to his hanger. They land and obi,anakin, and a clone trooper jump off the ship and run inside. The next scene only shows obi and anakin. Like wth happened to the trooper. Comeon.
Just got in from the gym, grab some McDonald's and ready for an relaxing night. It was 72 degrees at 3 pm and now it's 26 with windchill of 18 and it's dropping

This is in Texas, brody???

When I was stationed in the high desert (Barstow), there was nothing more beautiful than a cold, high desert night. Crystal clear skies, all the constellations in view, smell of creosote. Glory, bro
Some of these dudes have freaking reading comprehension problems. Good lord. I can't argue w dumb.

Topic was what we need to do in the offseason. I said draft defensive ends and get some good value free agent on the defensive side. Then i said let's do something similar to what the giants and broncos did in free agency for defense. These dudes comeback with the argument: we are better than them in standings. Huh? Huh x2! What does that have to do with getting better on defense in the offseason.

I can't take it
lol. You ain't kiddin. I stay out of the QB thread. Complete nonsense.
Oh if you guys ever watch Star Wars clone wars. When obi and anakin chase doku to his hanger. They land and obi,anakin, and a clone trooper jump off the ship and run inside. The next scene only shows obi and anakin. Like wth happened to the trooper. Comeon.

Gonna see the new Star Wars with my baby when he gets back from Mexico. I pick him up on Xmas day, if we don't go then, we are going the next day.

Lol!! That'll do it!

You'd loved me about ten years ago. I was a straight boozer, Haley!

I need to get my **** together here and buckle down and start drinking like a man. My buddy is passed out on my recliner.

My little boy has FaceTime'd a few times already, thankfully I was coherent. I hate it when he sees me drunk. I don't get drunk when he's around me, but there's times where when he's with his mommy (during the week) where I'll get the unexpected FaceTime and I'm a little tipsy. Have to use all my power to hold it back.
You will have to teach him how to drink.
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