Old people need to get with the times.

"Don't call me an old fool... I didn't get old by being a fool"...

Teren_Kanan;3579699 said:
Who the hell goes to the ATM anymore.. for anything?

I can't remember the last time I used cash.. for anything.


Sing it !!!

I have $100.00 in my wallet atm because it's my son's B-day money from his uncle. He gave it to me to carry because he knows I will never spend it because I have really never used cash around him. ;)
jimmy40;3580673 said:
yeah, we've heard of those, we've also heard of Redbox.com where you reserve your movie, then go to the box, swipe your card and pick up your movie. Now get the hell out of my way next time.

Make me brosef
Teren_Kanan;3579699 said:
Who the hell goes to the ATM anymore.. for anything?

I can't remember the last time I used cash.. for anything.

Cash saves small businesses serious money from reductions in credit card fees.
jimmy40;3580963 said:
didn't know that did ya?

Na I didnt but I dont imagine Ill ever do it. Is a nice feature though.

Im truly more of a quicksilverscreen.com guy myself. Hook up HDMI to flat screen, youre in business. But Im boring you now.
ologan;3580279 said:
It truly hurts me to see some of my "zone" friends in such a hurry. I thank God everyday for where I am now. At least twice a week,sometimes more,I have to travel up the mountain to the Highlands/Cashiers area of NC in order to "ply my trade",so to speak. Every time I do,I have to drive right by the following overlooks,and every time is different. I told myself when we moved up here and I got my business going,that the day that I drove by these spots,and didn't at least take a long glance at the beauty,that would be the day that I brought the stress of big city living back to my life. I normally stop and look for awhile,and reflect on the last time I talked to my sister from these spots,before she succumbed to pancreatic cancer.
We are not promised tomorrow,my friends,and those of you who run full out ,wide open all the time....well,hopefully you will learn to slow down and enjoy while you can.


Pretty cool pics.

Thanks for sharing.

Sorry about your sis.
TheCount;3580463 said:
How do you pay for your drugs?

Your Dealers suck. My boy takes credit! :laugh2:

Sorry, this forum is just so wholesome that I assume no one else does such evil things.

When I need cash for special instances, I go to a store and buy something I want (read: Munchies), and get cash back. I refuse to go to specific machines that don't charge my card a fee to withdraw, and I refuse to pay a fee. So it's cash back for me !

As far as my earlier comments are tho, I'm dishonest and a cheater. I'm a Server who brings home over 100$ a night in cash, so I always have cash! I just hate having cash as I use my debit/credit for nearly everything. Cash just makes me have to go to the damn bank more often than I want to =(
bbgun;3580081 said:
Likewise, you can't stick a credit card in a stripper's g-string.
Well, according to Nelly, you can.

Look up "Tip drill" on youtube..

One of those after dark type of videos that got yanked from TV. :cool:
WoodysGirl;3581470 said:
Well, according to Nelly, you can.

Look up "Tip drill" on youtube..

One of those after dark type of videos that got yanked from TV. :cool:

I remember VH1 had an after dark show. I got to see the Wicked Games video when I was like 12. Good times.
WoodysGirl;3581470 said:
Well, according to Nelly, you can.

Look up "Tip drill" on youtube..

One of those after dark type of videos that got yanked from TV. :cool:

you can see a womens who who in that video

jus sayin
locked&loaded;3581529 said:
you can see a womens who who in that video

jus sayin
the best part is that the chick breaks her g string at the end
Teren_Kanan;3581361 said:
Your Dealers suck. My boy takes credit! :laugh2:

Sorry, this forum is just so wholesome that I assume no one else does such evil things.

I'm completely shocked-- SHOCKED-- to realize that some in here engage in recreational drug use...

Not one of the bastidges has ever once offered to share with me...

Now, on the subject of this thread, I guess I'm a dinosaur; I carry cash, and I pay with cash... when my phone bill's due (for example), I stop by the phone company and pay it... about the only exception is my DirecTV bill, I put just enough money in the bank to cover it, and pay the bill online... there's just no place around locally that I can go pay that bill, or I'd do exactly that...

The chief advantage of that is I never bounce a check... I also don't have to buy checks very often... :D

I also find it easier to keep track of my finances when they can be found in my wallet...
silverbear;3581633 said:
I'm completely shocked-- SHOCKED-- to realize that some in here engage in recreational drug use...

Not one of the bastidges has ever once offered to share with me...

Now, on the subject of this thread, I guess I'm a dinosaur; I carry cash, and I pay with cash... when my phone bill's due (for example), I stop by the phone company and pay it... about the only exception is my DirecTV bill, I put just enough money in the bank to cover it, and pay the bill online... there's just no place around locally that I can go pay that bill, or I'd do exactly that...

The chief advantage of that is I never bounce a check... :D

I also find it easier to keep track of my finances when they can be found in my wallet...

I log onto my bank website and see the past 6 month transactions of my checking and savings account w/ a click. I can then export it out to w/e budgeting software Im using atm to balance.....

Nah..your right, old folks way is best. ;) Write a check....make us wait.

You all do it. You and yours with your little Rascal mobility scooters zooming up and down the food isles at break neck speeds. I see you!!!
what do you consider old Bob ?

I only have a credit card in case emergencies

even on a trip I perfer cash

I pay all my bills with good old cash - even use my change

I like the automatic billl taking from my account - Phone an utiluties

I have a ATM card and can use it
Dallas;3581642 said:
I log onto my bank website and see the past 6 month transactions of my checking and savings account w/ a click.

I open my wallet and look in it... gee, I wonder which one of us gets our balance quicker?? :D

Nah..your right, old folks way is best. ;)

I don't know about "old folks", but I know my way is best... always has been, simply because it's my way... I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong...

Write a check....make us wait.

Guess you weren't paying attention-- I pay with CASH...

But yeah, it's infinitely better to haul out your debit card to pay for a soft drink at 7-11... I wish I had a nickel for every time I've watched some college-age fool do that, while there's a line waiting to pay and get the bleep out of there...

You all do it. You and yours with your little Rascal mobility scooters zooming up and down the food isles at break neck speeds. I see you!!!

I probably don't write ten checks a year... and I use my debit card to pay my DirecTV bill online each month, that's the only time... I use CASH... you know, that paper with all the intricate engraving on it, and pictures of dead presidents... it's welcome just about everywhere...

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