Old people need to get with the times.

silverbear;3581633 said:
I'm completely shocked-- SHOCKED-- to realize that some in here engage in recreational drug use...

Not one of the bastidges has ever once offered to share with me...

Now, on the subject of this thread, I guess I'm a dinosaur; I carry cash, and I pay with cash... when my phone bill's due (for example), I stop by the phone company and pay it... about the only exception is my DirecTV bill, I put just enough money in the bank to cover it, and pay the bill online... there's just no place around locally that I can go pay that bill, or I'd do exactly that...

The chief advantage of that is I never bounce a check... I also don't have to buy checks very often... :D

I also find it easier to keep track of my finances when they can be found in my wallet...

Bob Sacamano;3583046 said:

Are you laughing at the concept of paying your bills, Bobby??

You really should try it sometime... :D
silverbear;3581633 said:
Now, on the subject of this thread, I guess I'm a dinosaur; I carry cash, and I pay with cash... when my phone bill's due (for example), I stop by the phone company and pay it... about the only exception is my DirecTV bill, I put just enough money in the bank to cover it, and pay the bill online... there's just no place around locally that I can go pay that bill, or I'd do exactly that...

Note to self: Extra $$$ for spur-of-the-moment Vegas trip, can be acquired at SB's place. Be sure to check mattress!
silverbear;3581633 said:
I'm completely shocked-- SHOCKED-- to realize that some in here engage in recreational drug use...

Not one of the bastidges has ever once offered to share with me...

Now, on the subject of this thread, I guess I'm a dinosaur; I carry cash, and I pay with cash... when my phone bill's due (for example), I stop by the phone company and pay it... about the only exception is my DirecTV bill, I put just enough money in the bank to cover it, and pay the bill online... there's just no place around locally that I can go pay that bill, or I'd do exactly that...

The chief advantage of that is I never bounce a check... I also don't have to buy checks very often... :D

I also find it easier to keep track of my finances when they can be found in my wallet...
:confused: :confused:
silverbear;3583091 said:
Are you laughing at the concept of paying your bills, Bobby??

You really should try it sometime... :D

You are assuming he has bills to pay :laugh2:
Bob Sacamano;3579944 said:
You guys still dont' get that it's rude to take your sweet time when people are behind you and are waiting, waiting, WAITING
Get with the program BS, it's time for you to start respecting and demonstrating patience for the elderly in this country. No elderly people are going to get with YOUR program.
silverbear;3581633 said:
I'm completely shocked-- SHOCKED-- to realize that some in here engage in recreational drug use...

Not one of the bastidges has ever once offered to share with me...

Now, on the subject of this thread, I guess I'm a dinosaur; I carry cash, and I pay with cash... when my phone bill's due (for example), I stop by the phone company and pay it... about the only exception is my DirecTV bill, I put just enough money in the bank to cover it, and pay the bill online... there's just no place around locally that I can go pay that bill, or I'd do exactly that...

The chief advantage of that is I never bounce a check... I also don't have to buy checks very often... :D

I also find it easier to keep track of my finances when they can be found in my wallet...


silverbear;3583091 said:
Are you laughing at the concept of paying your bills, Bobby??

You really should try it sometime... :D

I'm just laughing, thinking of the telephone people reaction is when you come sauntering in, or in your aged state, hobbling in, to pay your bill lol
Signals;3583597 said:
Get with the program BS, it's time for you to start respecting and demonstrating patience for the elderly in this country. No elderly people are going to get with YOUR program.

My program. The one where I don't inconvenience other people? It would actually be easier for them to check their accounts online as opposed to having to drive all the way there just to spend 5 minutes.
Bob Sacamano;3584007 said:
I'm just laughing, thinking of the telephone's people reaction is when you come sauntering in, or in your aged state, hobbling in, to pay your bill lol


You'll be old some day young man, and you'll be wondering what all the fuss is about with them dang young 'uns.
Though sometimes I do wish they'd stay off the roads at rush hour... :eek::
Bob Sacamano;3584009 said:
My program. The one where I don't inconvenience other people? It would actually be easier for them to check their accounts online as opposed to having to drive all the way there just to spend 5 minutes.

My mom, for example, isn't online. She has never used a computer and has no desire to learn. I even offered to send them a computer and pay for their Internet service.

Sometimes, people prefer to do things the way they know how to do it, and have done it for their whole life.
Bob Sacamano;3584009 said:
My program. The one where I don't inconvenience other people? It would actually be easier for them to check their accounts online as opposed to having to drive all the way there just to spend 5 minutes.

Sorry to burst your bubble but someone is always going to be inconvenienced in one way or another. It doesn't matter how perfect a world you create.
Yeagermeister;3584055 said:
Sorry to burst your bubble but someone is always going to be inconvenienced in one way or another. It doesn't matter how perfect a world you create.

Yeah, well. Old people should move into a home.
Look Old people can still wreak havoc

Old Person MugShot

Just last night I was at the grocery store, picking up some sundries, and as I head into line, a couple of young bubbas dash in to get in front of me. The one guy, with a phone glued to his ear, turns in some sort of exchange refund ticket. It's large, so they have to call the manager, who's unfortunately dealing with another issue. Guy continues to talk on his phone. Lines builds up on this and the only other cashier. Manager comes over, has to take the guy to a different station to sign something. Guy comes back, gets his money.....then tells the cashier he wants two Red Man pouches. Of course, it's under lock, and requires another lengthy trip before it can be delivered. Of course, he'd waited all that time to tell them this. Hey he was on the phone! Gotta have priorities!

Young people these days, inconveniancing everyone with their self centered ways! :)
arglebargle;3584118 said:
Just last night I was at the grocery store, picking up some sundries, and as I head into line, a couple of young bubbas dash in to get in front of me. The one guy, with a phone glued to his ear, turns in some sort of exchange refund ticket. It's large, so they have to call the manager, who's unfortunately dealing with another issue. Guy continues to talk on his phone. Lines builds up on this and the only other cashier. Manager comes over, has to take the guy to a different station to sign something. Guy comes back, gets his money.....then tells the cashier he wants two Red Man pouches. Of course, it's under lock, and requires another lengthy trip before it can be delivered. Of course, he'd waited all that time to tell them this. Hey he was on the phone! Gotta have priorities!

Young people these days, inconveniancing everyone with their self centered ways! :)

I'll give old people this. They don't talk on their cellphones in public. Which is annoying.

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