Old Timers: Would this help our O-line?

Star4Ever;2552835 said:
Two big differences between the OL in Landry's time and what we have today. First off, our OL then were very smart. Our OL now have trouble differentiating between a Tootsie Roll and a turd. Second, our OL then were much smaller and more mobile. OL today (not just ours either) are so damn big, they'd be too tired to do it in the second half.
The size difference is a big factor. The guys in the trenches have really metamorphosized over the last few decades. That being said, I miss the O-line hitch. It was uniquely Dallas and added to the Cowboys mystique.
Star4Ever;2552835 said:
Two big differences between the OL in Landry's time and what we have today. First off, our OL then were very smart. Our OL now have trouble differentiating between a Tootsie Roll and a turd. Second, our OL then were much smaller and more mobile. OL today (not just ours either) are so damn big, they'd be too tired to do it in the second half.
Oh, that's just plain harsh. :laugh2:
DallasEast;2552897 said:
Oh, that's just plain harsh. :laugh2:

I say we all send the players a little care package filled with "tootsie rolls" ....wink wink.
I think a sense of urgency would help this oline. We spend too much time messing around on offense letting the clock go to 1 second every flippin play. How about getting to the line and actually running a play. Tempo and rhythm are important.
the DoNkEy PuNcH;2550491 said:
With this OL, I wouldn't put another piece into their thought processes. They can barely get the ball snapped in unison.

Agreed. Let's not confuse the idiots.
Sarge;2553502 said:
Agreed. Let's not confuse the idiots.

They have telling the difference between turds and tootsie rolls. Now that is funny.

A sense of urgency could help the whole team......
Someone told me:
Q. What do the Cowboys O-line and a possums have in common?

A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road!

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