Olympics TV ratings down

I would say with ratings at 51% for primetime, NBC is going to the makegood well a lot to cover for that. That is a disaster for them but they were committed as well so they take their lumps.

Going to be interesting to track the college football and NFL ratings because every other sport has been off and some dramatically.

I wonder if this is because of the pandemic or are we seeing the trend they cannot ignore? Are we already in that area of too many distractions and offerings and the ratings for certain sports productions have peaked? College football and the NFL do not have to worry because they're still going to be the most viewed live events, and most likely not to get time shifted, each week but they are still subject to the ratings points the ad agencies demand.
lots of good questions that no one has answers to.

My personal take is that it is a number of factors. But one I think is over looked is that watching sports is a habit; like going to the movies. Once the habit is broken, a certain percentage will find they no longer are interested.
So, desperate for positive attention that you have to quote your own post. Very sad. Not as sad as current public awareness of track and field, but still sad.


I couldn't care less about any kind of attention, that means nothing to me, so...? Sad is you thinking it does,

I can see you know nothing about track and field either. I just left a forum that talks track that has more posters than this place.

Hell....more likes than posts so I guess I'm doing ok, so.....desperate????
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It is rather easy to spot those wanting attention. They are the ones denying they do.
I enjoyed watching the Olympics. I just watched athletes that I respected. I watched lot of different events many events that I would not normally watch. For me that is the best part of the Olympics being summer or winter is watching certain events that I would not normally watch or that is even shown on TV that often.
your rather insane devotion to Wilson does make many of us laugh

Just me trying to get others involved, stimulate some action. I had fun with it which is my bottom line.

So many things we can't talk about we have to make the most with what we can.
One of the biggest issues NBC had was just poor planning and execution.

It was nearly impossible to find what you did want to see.
I have every app and every channel imaginable and it was still a severe pain to find what I wanted and if I just turned on the TV chances are they were showing something I could care less about.
They really needed a much easier guide to watch was on what channel and/or app at what time.
Canadian broadcaster CBC had live, primetime coverage every night. I wasn't a hardcore viewer but I did see some great track and field, without all the virtue signaling from the network.

NBC should follow their lead.
For me it was lack of fans in the stadium, too many commercials, and just too many segments that weren't about the actual events. So I ended up watching most of what I wanted to on YouTube or on the DVR. But even with the DVR it was hard to find the events I wanted to watch.
NBC is so busy doing its social justice crap that they are blind to how many people are turned off by it. Add to that the fact that what THEY choose to show is not what a lot of Olympic fans want to see.
Always the same problem with every Olympics nobody knows when what they tune in to see is on, So ya watch all this stuff you really don't care about waiting for what ya do want to see. Yep...sucks!

The 400 high hurdles for both the men and women the highlight of these Olympics for me.

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