On This Day 10 Years Ago: The Dez Catch That Wasn't

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wow do you flatter yourself. I only poke fun at you when I am bored because it is so easy.
Maybe get a job if you're bored? This is the kind of activity one engages in over a period of years and you think that's "normal" somehow? Nice try fanboi. I only have followers like you when they've been roasted over the coals in a discussion. You're not the only years-long fanboi so don't go thinking you're special. I mean, you're "special" but not in the good way, lol.
When the ball pops up after hitting the ground and both hands come off the ball like the video shows, yes it does. That's the entire crux of the ruling. As I showed in the OP, Mike Pereira called it before it was even announced. Did he too "misinterpret" the rule or could it be that regular fans who don't even quote the rules when they argue against them are wrong? What's the simplest explanation here?
No it’s not the entire “crux of the ruling”, which is maintaining possession through the process of the catch through to the ground w/o making a football move, and was already established multiple times with multiple events. That’s why you keep ignoring the fact that all of the things Dez did were football moves and/or deny they occurred as such, and focus on him just “going to the ground”.
No it’s not the entire “crux of the ruling”, which is maintaining possession through the process of the catch through to the ground w/o making a football move, which was already established with multiple events. That’s why you keep ignoring the fact that all of the things Dez did were football moves and/or deny they occurred as such, and focus on him just “going to the ground”.
It's because I know the rules. None of the things you mention matter when you're going to the ground except a lunge and Dez didn't execute that. If Dez was upright, why didn't he just run into the end zone on his feet? Because he was going to the ground, hence the name. That's why that rule applies instead of the "upright" catch rules, therefore upright catch qualifications do not matter and the ground is everything. That's why you and the other catch theorists want to ignore going to the ground because it kills your case, even so much as saying the ball didn't hit the ground. Glad I cleared that up though.
I always look back on this game when criticism of Romo's playoff record is brought up. Not much more he could do there to win that game, but whether you believe the call was wrong or Dez didn't maintain possession, it still goes against Romo's record. That's one of the reason that I don't like QBs getting judged by the team's record when no other player is. If Patrick Crayton had continued his route against the Giants in 2007 and if Dez had secured this catch in 2014, we might be viewing Romo's record in a different light.

But this play also makes me think that there's always something with our team for the past 29 years. Playoff success is a combination of skill and luck. We have been woefully short on luck. About the only lucky break I can think of for us in the playoffs is when they waved off the interference call when we played Detroit. I still think that was the right decision, but I wouldn't have been surprised if it had gone against us.
If Crayton catches the 3rd pass that entire game is different. Would have never come down to him not finishing his route.
There was almost 5 minutes left on the clock. Yes it was a catch, but our defense could not stop Green Bay after that and that’s why we lost.
It's because I know the rules. None of the things you mention matter when you're going to the ground except a lunge and Dez didn't execute that. If Dez was upright, why didn't he just run into the end zone on his feet? Because he was going to the ground, hence the name. That's why that rule applies instead of the "upright" catch rules, therefore upright catch qualifications do not matter and the ground is everything. That's why you and the other catch theorists want to ignore going to the ground because it kills your case, even so much as saying the ball didn't hit the ground. Glad I cleared that up though.
No. The disputation is with the idea that he was “going to the ground”. Executing a valid football move nullifies the latter. The rule doesn’t say anything about “running upright”. A receiver can be running upright and not take two steps and lose the ball and not have possession. The loss of the latter has nothing to do with going to the ground. You’re just making crap up. It talks about football moves that signal valid possession. The “Calvin Johnson” rule was created because he caught the ball in the end zone but was in the air until the ground without executing any kind of move and then lost the ball but they still called it a TD, a completely different kind of play than what happened to Dez.

Let me ask you something. If Dez lunges and the ball crosses the plane of the goal line is it a TD, does it get nullified because the ball hits the ground in the end zone?
No. The disputation is with the idea that he was “going to the ground”. Executing a valid football move nullifies the latter. The rule doesn’t say anything about “running upright”. A receiver can be running upright and not take two steps and lose the ball and not have possession. The loss has nothing to do with going to the ground. You’re just making crap up. It talks about football moves that signal valid possession.

Let me ask you something. If Dez lunges and the ball crosses the plane of the goal line is it a TD, does it get nullified because the ball hits the ground in the end zone?
You can't ignore that Dez was falling to the ground the entirety of the play after he grabbed the ball. That's why I asked that question. If the upright rules apply, what demonstrated that Dez was indeed upright and not going to the ground? Running into the end zone would have been one way. Back then, you could not complete a catch while going to the ground and needed to survive the ground. Dez didn't. That's why you argue upright. If upright, why not run into the end zone? Because he was going to the ground. There's a rule for that and it nullifies all those "qualifiers" you list for a catch while upright except a lunge which Dez did not execute. Can't ignore it. Think I'm wrong? Show me from the rulebook where I am.
If Crayton catches the 3rd pass that entire game is different. Would have never come down to him not finishing his route.
I don't know if he scores on that one because he wasn't the fastest receiver in the world. But Crayton was playing a bigger role in that game because Owens was battling a high-ankle sprain and Glenn clearly shouldn't have tried to come back at all. I liked Crayton as a third receiver, but definitely not as a No. 2 having to be relied on as a No. 1. We targeted him seven times in the game and he made three catches for 27 yards. We also had an end zone drop by Anthony Fasano in that game.
You can't ignore that Dez was falling to the ground the entirety of the play after he grabbed the ball. That's why I asked that question. If the upright rules apply, what demonstrated that Dez was indeed upright and not going to the ground? Running into the end zone would have been one way. Back then, you could not complete a catch while going to the ground and needed to survive the ground. Dez didn't. That's why you argue upright. If upright, why not run into the end zone? Because he was going to the ground. There's a rule for that and it nullifies all those "qualifiers" you list for a catch while upright except a lunge which Dez did not execute. Can't ignore it. Think I'm wrong? Show me from the rulebook where I am.
Did you bring this up just so you could argue about it again? Let it go, man. At this point, you are not going to change the minds of those who believe it should have been upheld as a catch.
You can't ignore that Dez was falling to the ground the entirety of the play after he grabbed the ball. That's why I asked that question. If the upright rules apply, what demonstrated that Dez was indeed upright and not going to the ground? Running into the end zone would have been one way. Back then, you could not complete a catch while going to the ground and needed to survive the ground. Dez didn't. That's why you argue upright. If upright, why not run into the end zone? Because he was going to the ground. There's a rule for that and it nullifies all those "qualifiers" you list for a catch while upright except a lunge which Dez did not execute. Can't ignore it. Think I'm wrong? Show me from the rulebook where I am.
1. secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and



touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands;

3. maintains control of the ball after (a) and (b)

have been fulfilled, until he has the ball long enough to clearly become a runner. A player has the ball long enough to become a runner when, after his second foot is on the ground, he is capable of avoiding or warding off impending contact of an opponent, tucking the ball away, turning up field, or taking additional steps

As I said previously, even according to an interpretation of the rules in 3, Dez caught it. Dez held it long enough to become a runner due to all of the football moves he committed already discussed ad nauseum that indicated he was not bobbling the ball but clearly in control of it.. The phrase “going to the ground” doesn’t nullify possession just because the ball touches the ground, because possession is determined distinct from it via those qualifiers. The ball moved from his arm not because Dez didn’t have control of it, but because the momentum of how he caught it and the football act of him lunging and his arm holding the ball with only one hand reaching for the goal line and hitting the ground caused it to.
If Crayton catches the 3rd pass that entire game is different. Would have never come down to him not finishing his route.
Dallas dominated time of possession and 130 more yards, but a few plays did them in
Did you bring this up just so you could argue about it again? Let it go, man. At this point, you are not going to change the minds of those who believe it should have been upheld as a catch.
That's EXACTLY what I did, bro. I woke up and chose debate violence. And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids! Lol.
1. secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and



touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands;

3. maintains control of the ball after (a) and (b)

have been fulfilled, until he has the ball long enough to clearly become a runner. A player has the ball long enough to become a runner when, after his second foot is on the ground, he is capable of avoiding or warding off impending contact of an opponent, tucking the ball away, turning up field, or taking additional steps

As I said previously, even according to an interpretation of the rules in 3, Dez caught it. Dez held it long enough to become a runner due to all of the football moves he committed already discussed ad nauseum that indicated he was not bobbling the ball but clearly in control of it.. The phrase “going to the ground” doesn’t nullify possession just because the ball touches the ground, because possession is determined distinct from it via those qualifiers. The ball moved from his arm not because Dez didn’t have control of it, but because the momentum of how he caught it and the football act of him lunging and his arm holding the ball with only one hand reaching for the goal line and hitting the ground caused it to.
If you're going to quote rules, at least quote the correct ones. These are NOT the 2014 rules that applied at the time because "taking additional steps" was not part of the rules yet. Tsk, tsk, tsk. What a terrible web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Going to the ground nullifies possession when that rule says you have to keep the ball off the ground and maintain possession. As we saw (that you "doubted"), the ball hit the ground and came out of both of Dez' hands. If you don't do a lunge on your feet to show you aren't falling then the rules state you have to keep the ball off the ground and maintain possession after you hit the ground. Neither happened, hence the ruling. Pereira saw it before anything got announced. But he was "in on it" I guess. Lol.
If you're going to quote rules, at least quote the correct ones. These are NOT the 2014 rules that applied at the time because "taking additional steps" was not part of the rules yet. Tsk, tsk, tsk. What a terrible web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Going to the ground nullifies possession when that rule says you have to keep the ball off the ground and maintain possession. As we saw (that you "doubted"), the ball hit the ground and came out of both of Dez' hands. If you don't do a lunge on your feet to show you aren't falling then the rules state you have to keep the ball off the ground and maintain possession after you hit the ground. Neither happened, hence the ruling. Pereira saw it before anything got announced. But he was "in on it" I guess. Lol.
I got that off the internet as the rules. You haven’t countered anything. You continue to focus on the stupid idea that “going to the ground” is all there is. That would mean that if some player caught the ball and landed on his back, bobbled it on the way down, possessed it in his hands with his back on the ground, wasn’t touched, and then turned over to reach for the goal line, and the ball hit the ground and popped out of his hands, it would be ruled incomplete. Your interpretation is ******** because it rules out the entire idea of control and possession which is established by the football move.

Also, Pereira isn’t the sole arbiter of the rule. The English language and its meaning of terms is.
That's EXACTLY what I did, bro. I woke up and chose debate violence. And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids! Lol.
Maybe it wasn't your intention, but that's what you've done. But you seem to enjoy it and this is a messageboard, so grind your axe.
I got that off the internet as the rules. You haven’t countered anything. You continue to focus on the stupid idea that “going to the ground” is all there is. That would mean that if some player caught the ball and landed on his back, bobbled it on the way down, possessed it in his hands with his back on the ground, wasn’t touched, and then turned over to reach for the goal line, and the ball hit the ground and popped out of his hands, it would be ruled incomplete. Your interpretation is ******** because it rules out the entire idea of control and possession which is established by the football move.

Also, Pereira isn’t the sole arbiter of the rule. The English language and its meaning of terms is.
Sorry but why are you arguing rules you don't know the evolution of? If you don't even know that how can you argue from any position of strength or certainty if you haven't been following? No wonder you're convinced. You're arguing from the standpoint of the current rules that changed AFTER the Dez play. Of course it's a catch by those rules -- because they changed them afterwards. I wonder how many others are doing the exact same thing and then claiming the NFL "cheated" the Cowboys. Wow. I use Pereira because he is far more decisive and direct than others who explain it like Blandino did. Since you didn't know the rules changed you need to look at Pereira's video below as he explains the mechanics of the rule before it changed.

I argue going to the ground because that is what applied on the play. I also covered the upright rules catch theorists need to be true and how Dez didn't complete those. If he doesn't then the subset rule takes precedence and those rules need to be followed, just like for a sideline catch. This isn't hard. In 2014, if you are upright, you keep doing upright things like just running into the end zone. If you are not, you are going to the ground. That's how that rule worked back then. It was either/or. You could not complete a catch while going to the ground until after you hit the ground. Today that would be a catch by the rules on the books, but not then.

In your example, that is a catch because by logic the player stops while on his back and then turns over to reach which satisfies the time element of a catch. It's not an all-in-one motion like in Dez' case. If not near the goal line, your example would be a fumble since the process of the catch was completed and he was not touched.

Sorry but why are you arguing rules you don't know the evolution of? If you don't even know that how can you argue from any position of strength or certainty if you haven't been following? No wonder you're convinced. You're arguing from the standpoint of the current rules that changed AFTER the Dez play. Of course it's a catch by those rules -- because they changed them afterwards. I wonder how many others are doing the exact same thing and then claiming the NFL "cheated" the Cowboys. Wow. I use Pereira because he is far more decisive and direct than others who explain it like Blandino did. Since you didn't know the rules changed you need to look at Pereira's video below as he explains the mechanics of the rule before it changed.

I argue going to the ground because that is what applied on the play. I also covered the upright rules catch theorists need to be true and how Dez didn't complete those. If he doesn't then the subset rule takes precedence and those rules need to be followed, just like for a sideline catch. This isn't hard. In 2014, if you are upright, you keep doing upright things like just running into the end zone. If you are not, you are going to the ground. That's how that rule worked back then. It was either/or. You could not complete a catch while going to the ground until after you hit the ground. Today that would be a catch by the rules on the books, but not then.

In your example, that is a catch because by logic the player stops while on his back and then turns over to reach which satisfies the time element of a catch. It's not an all-in-one motion like in Dez' case. If not near the goal line, your example would be a fumble since the process of the catch was completed and he was not touched.

You provided no evidence whatsoever that the rules I stated were post Dez-catch. Just a claim.

Also, I highly doubt your claim too because the rule has to define what the term possession means and it can’t be limited to being just upright.
You provided no evidence whatsoever that the rules I stated were post Dez-catch. Just a claim.

Also, I highly doubt your claim too because the rule has to define what the term possession means and it can’t be limited to being just upright.
And sorry, Mike’s example is not exhaustive of receiver possession, and completely ignores the perfectly valid example I gave of a receiver who catches the ball while bobbling it on on the way down and lands on his back but maintains control with it on the ground, stays on the ground, turns over and reaches over the goal line with the ball which then hits the ground and comes loose. Not once is the receiver ever a runner nor in an upright position.
You provided no evidence whatsoever that the rules I stated were post Dez-catch. Just a claim.

Also, I highly doubt your claim too because the rule has to define what the term possession means and it can’t be limited to being just upright.
Holy Toledo, bro. Is this just a troll attempt or are you really this uninformed? You literally have been trying to debate using 2024 catch rules not knowing that the rules were different in 2014? This is not the time to keep up the discussion. It's a time for slinking away slowly and hoping no one notices. When someone comes at me sideways, I love to slaughter them in debates (just ask @gtb1943 how it felt years ago, lol) but I at least like it to be a fair fight. You might want to read up on the rules history and then come at this topic another day. I'm going to relent here and leave you to that.

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