This is why I sarcastically posted 'instigator' earlier. As any member (who has ever engaged in the conversation previously) knows, this topic has been broached countless times over the last decade. There is exceptionally little doubt
a member would not have created a thread on its anniversary. That particular member was you.
It can be argued that, within the context of numerous discussions made between the 'HE CAUGHT IT!' and 'HE DIDN'T CATCH IT!' observers here, you are the latter's most ardent and unabashed member. I believe you would agree the former group would repeat themselves mentioning just how adamant you have been objecting their stance continually from day one.
For that reason, there is no way you would be caught unawares as to the usual unusually strong disagreement, that would be directed at you, if you posted this topic. That's Deja Vu 101. There is nothing wrong with posting the topic that
some other member would have eventually done. Additionally, there is little reason to believe members would have been... shocked... with you posting your viewpoints once more.
So, let's put aside the innocently understated '10 years is simply a noteworthy milestone' rationale hooked to your explanation. No one, not you, not any other member who has read your commentary on the subject in the past, will buy it. Instead, let's allow the fun-and-games to rerun for the umpteenth time without that
you know what.