Only Dallas media member who did their job today


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So Booger keeps telling us that there is, "No check that I wouldn't write for a championship".....but one of the reasons the conman is back appears to be not wanting to write a check for 5 million....5 million that does not count against the cap I might add. Just pathetic!!!

Janes a star. Sure beats “ Mickeroo “ and the folksy preaching coming from Sham


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According to Slater, Vrabel, Harbaugh, and Belichick all wanted to coach the Cowboys.
Disciplined head coaches who would at least impose an accountability culture in the locker room.
I wanted BB, but the other 2 would be better than MM !

I think jerry according to jane, is such a tightwad with his own money that he doesnt want to pay mike for the last year of his contract !!
Paying mike and hiring a new HC like BB, see to jerry he is paying mike for nothing and even though he has 8 BILLION,, he cant lose 6 mil
for a new coach right now, next yeat ok but not this year lol.

Thing is these coaches will have jobs next year ! lol
So to a logical person this makes no sense if you want to do better in playoffs. and Have good coaches.
So it would seem jerry is more concerned about making mike work for the money, he will pass on a legendary coach, and 2 other vg coaches,
and bring back the bozos who gave us the GB game. All because he doesnt want to pay mike to not work!

Paying the coaches comes out of his pocket, not the salary cap $.

Fans should not go to the home games next season! They are meaningless games if they are gonna play like they did the last 2 years.
To me the season games have become boring, they win 12, go to playoffs , one and done we will get better, it is a process! lol
We are close,(which they arent lol) rah rah blah blah.
Time to find other team or teams to root for, and maybe watch cowboys occasionally not caring if they win or lose, ,maybe even root for them to lose.
Might be fun.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
All good HC options . Until you understand who's the real HC here.
Now you know why they didn't get calls.


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Based on what? All his success without Brady?
Lol.. guy has Cleveland improving to 10-6 without a QB in an era of non-FA in 3 years on Jimmy Johnson pace of a turnaround. They started off the next year winning, but the owner was moving to Baltimore and nobody even knew the state of the franchise, so everybody checked out. His next chance was NE. He has Cassel at 10-6 and was good with Jimmy G. The first SBs were won because of dominant defensive play and his DBs, which was his specialty.

Brasy sucked his last year there too. He had one good season on Tampa and the defense actually won them the SB. And the next year they were awful.

Everybody that played for him, including Brady, thinks he’s the best to ever do it. And BTW, it’s wasn’t Brady just leaving, it was BBs right hand men retiring by low key in Ernie Adama and his OL coach of around Dante Scarnecchia


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I actually read on IG if X that neither Bellichek nor Harbaugh expressed interest in the Cowboys or Eagles job, though apparently both organizations were interested.

Rumor is BB doesn’t want to deal with a big market and he’s going to coach Atlanta.