Opinion: Dak may not start game one plus?


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Is there an emoji for brain blowing up?



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Dak has said several times , he will be ready when it "matters"
Now to me if he was sure that would be game one, he would have said when the season starts.

I am positive Dak will not play in PS if nfl has PS games, which I think they may not.

I think Dak and Jones boys are thinking dak will be ready by say 1st of Oct, possibly sooner.
But game one is still a question mark and they wont know till the week before the game.

Dak has also said he has done everything the doctor's plural have told him to do, so he isnt going to
play until they say the leg is ready.

I agree with this, but not sure how it will work out, because I know dak wants to play game one,
and as it gets closer, that desire will increase, and same thing for jones boys lol . But I dont think
they will pressure him to play, but I think they will allow him to if he wanted to go ahead and play.

If they are uncertain of when dak will be approved to play, then that could mean they will keep Dalton so he
can start the season.

So what is the order in which you would want to see disaster befall dak and the cowboys? Let me take a stab at it:

-Dak gets cut (too late)
-dak gets injured again in preaseason, career or season ending injury
-dak isn’t ready to start the season, is rusty in his return, plays poorly
-dak returns and plays bad, cowboys come in last place

Are these the things you dream of now?


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Dak has said several times , he will be ready when it "matters"
Now to me if he was sure that would be game one, he would have said when the season starts.

I am positive Dak will not play in PS if nfl has PS games, which I think they may not.

I think Dak and Jones boys are thinking dak will be ready by say 1st of Oct, possibly sooner.
But game one is still a question mark and they wont know till the week before the game.

Dak has also said he has done everything the doctor's plural have told him to do, so he isnt going to
play until they say the leg is ready.

I agree with this, but not sure how it will work out, because I know dak wants to play game one,
and as it gets closer, that desire will increase, and same thing for jones boys lol . But I dont think
they will pressure him to play, but I think they will allow him to if he wanted to go ahead and play.

If they are uncertain of when dak will be approved to play, then that could mean they will keep Dalton so he
can start the season.
So, in your expert medical opinion, Dak won’t play until October

I know last time I was at the doctor and I told him I had a sprained ankle and that “I think it will be ok”, he knew I was secretly sending him code words like “when it matters”, so he ignored his own skills and experience and told my employer I needed to be out 12 weeks


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Dalton is gone. He wants to be a starter. Dak's well on his way to be released by medical staff to play come September.
This is how certain members of the CZ will interpret your post

Dak’s well on his way to be released

When you come to the site, you have to check the logo. Here, the unwritten tag line is “haters welcome!”


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The truth is nobody really knows, so some contingency needs to be put in place. Even if a starting QB is fully healthy, a FO needs to have a plan - football is a contact sport where injuries happen.


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I love Dak, I don’t love the deal but it’s the going rate . If Dak doesn’t start season this contract was really bad. Like cowboys are a true laughing stock bad.


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When Dak first got hurt I watched Dr. Chao and another sport's Orthopedist? (Bone Surgeon) and both said the biggest fear was infection.
If infection isn't a problem the bones and ligaments should be 100% in 9 months.


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How stupid. The OP was just wondering if Dak is going to be ready for game one.

You would have thought he had said dak is a goldbrick and probably is going to lay around for the first 5 or 6 games before he decides to play.

The emotional love-struck fans are pitiful.

oh yeah, I need to throw in some of those juvenile emojis to make it look legit.



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I believe he will be ready to go week one. It will be awhile before he has any designed runs though. I expect them to work his legs in gradually.


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Interesting thought! He has been seen doing some drills but he hasn't shown any full speed stuff and it's going to take some time. Even when he gets back to full speed I don't think he will be the same as before. That could affect his mechanics and it's been my experience when you have to work hard on that area of throwing it's going to take a while to get that back.
What experience is that?


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I fully expect him to play in at least one pre season game. I don't even think he wants to just show up for week 1. I think if he's capable, he'll play in pre season. This shouldn't be a problem for him. Dak is a pocket passer first and foremost.


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@DandyDon52 It would not surprise me if Dak is not ready by July. It would not surprise me if Dak begins the season on PUP, which means he would miss about half the year. It would not surprise me if Dak has a setback and can’t play the whole year.

Hopefully, he is ready but I have my doubts. We will find out soon enough.

I’m not going to worry about it since the mega contract was to appease the ticket-paying fans who would have revolted if they did not get their way. I am pretty sure we won’t hear any news on Dak’s ankle until certain ticket sales have been met.


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Dak has said several times , he will be ready when it "matters"
Now to me if he was sure that would be game one, he would have said when the season starts.

I am positive Dak will not play in PS if nfl has PS games, which I think they may not.

I think Dak and Jones boys are thinking dak will be ready by say 1st of Oct, possibly sooner.
But game one is still a question mark and they wont know till the week before the game.

Dak has also said he has done everything the doctor's plural have told him to do, so he isnt going to
play until they say the leg is ready.

I agree with this, but not sure how it will work out, because I know dak wants to play game one,
and as it gets closer, that desire will increase, and same thing for jones boys lol . But I dont think
they will pressure him to play, but I think they will allow him to if he wanted to go ahead and play.

If they are uncertain of when dak will be approved to play, then that could mean they will keep Dalton so he
can start the season.
From someone who’s had close to same injury, he’ll be ready to play months before the season opener!
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There hasn't been a syllable coming out of the Star that says he won't be ready by opening day.

I'll go with that over the anti-Dak doctors around here that hope his leg falls off.