Oregon for Fiesta Bowl

Tio said:
And its this flawed philosphy why the worse team is getting a chance to go.
Oregon has pulled in more ratings this year. I don't care about ND, I care about seeing the best teams play in the bowls.

First of all, please prove to me that Oregon has pulled in more ratings nationally, I really want to see that. I'll be waiting. How many games did Oregon have on national TV this year? ND was on national TV every week, some were regional coverage. I guarantee more people watched ND football than Oregon football. Oregon may have did well in Eugene, but ND did well in South Bend and in NYC and DC and Boston and so on and so on. So once again prove to me how Oregon has pulled in more ratings this year.

If you care about seeing the best teams play in the bowls, then you should care about seeing ND play. You obviously either don't like them or haven't watched them play or both. Who really knows which of these teams(ND, OSU, Oregon and Auburn) is better? You don't and neither do I. It's open for discussion and the Fiesta will discuss that and choose ND.
Again, Im not arguing with the fact that nationally, more people care about ND.

Thank God Oregon has Phil Knight in it's corner. That might have some influence, just maybe.

In fact, I saw ND Michigan. I saw Michigan St. ND. And I saw USC ND. So that's 3 games, probably alot more than you can say Oregon you've seen Oregon play. Not to mention ND Stanford.

And also, your argument of who has Oregon played, and how weak their schedule is, you can't say that without completely ****ting on NDs schedule.

Your argument about national recognition is spot on, and I'm not even trying to argue that with you. In fact, it's almost a given. ND is getting an at large bid, and they will probably get the Fiesta. Now all I hope is that people decide to say, OSU has had it 3 times out of the last 4 years, so they may be reluctant to give it to them all together.

Again, OSU Oregon would be the "Best" teams IMO. But like you said, it's hard to say who really is better.

Realistically its ND vs Oregon/OSU/Auburn...I think oregon should go, but that's my homerism mixed with their 10-1 record. If we had played and beaten UCLA this year, we'd have a clear cut case.

Auburn would really piss me off, because they are the least deserving of all of them. I think West Virgina is a team that completely throws the whole BCS thing off because of their automatic bowl bid as the Big East winner, which is a joke.
OK, BB, I got you now. In my head I was always thinking ND-OSU. But that would be interesting, ND-OU. I guess that would settle our discussion once and for all. Thanks for the good conversation.
I would love to go see the Ducks again. It's been 5 yrs since I was at fighting ducks quack attack game in Eugene. We use to go to all the home games. They are a great team to watch. I could even wear my Oregon Duck hoody (my son says I can't call it a hooded sweatshirt anymore..LOL) and duck faced "fear this" ball cap...

And I love their uniforms... sorry - the girl in me had to come out for a minute
ConcordCowboy said:

OSU is going down! ND is back!

Oregon is out of BCS. No griping though, ND gets an automatic BCS bid becasue they finished in the top 6 of the BCS. This is true for teams that are either 1) An independent or 2) Member of a non-BCS conference.
Glenn Carano said:
OSU is going down! ND is back!

Oregon is out of BCS. No griping though, ND gets an automatic BCS bid becasue they finished in the top 6 of the BCS. This is true for teams that are either 1) An independent or 2) Member of a non-BCS conference.

Great matchup......I'm very excited!

congrats on the bids. I dont feel that ND and OSU dont deserve BCS bids, it just sucks that the system is so bad.

2nd year in a row Pac 10 gets screwed over. Regardless of weather or not you tihnk Pac 10 is a good conference, #5 team int he country, 2 years running, and we get ****ed.

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