Original Zoners

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Well-Known Member
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was anyone here a part of the about.com forum? I was there for a few years with the same name. There were some pretty heated battles there with the members but it was a pretty lively group of guys. I got into it a few times with the guy that ran it, don't remember his name now, and I just kinda stopped going to it..

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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I think I started posting around 2002, and then post counts and everything re-set in 2004.

Some of my fondest memories were the discussions/debates we'd have in the Political Zone before that sub-forum was closed down. I'd wager 50% or more of my total posts came from the Political Zone. Definitely miss those debates, but understand why it was shut down as the arguments there would get ugly and make their way into the football forums.

I used to host a Cowboys Zone tailgate here in Washington DC every year when the Cowboys came into town... got to meet a lot of Zoners back then and made some friendships that continue to this day.

A lot of fond memories from the early days of this board.


The realist
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Been here from 2006 , I think. Hopped around from a few other cowboys forum , blogs etc.


Active Member
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Lol. He was the fake news guy right? Name definitely rings a bell.

SilverBear, Houston Sucks, FlaCowpoke, Rack, ChocolateLab....some names that come to mind when thinking of that place.

Has anyone heard from any of these people in a while? I tried to search for SilverBear a few weeks ago because of his being such an active member of the old newsgroup (and later web boards). Couldn't find much...even though I started with better recollection of some his personal details than many of the others I looked for.

Mr Cowboy

Well-Known Member
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What ever happened to Rack?

During the lockout about 10 years ago, I had a friend working for the NLRB when they first started negotiating. He was assigned to that negotiation, and would send me emails of what was going on. I would forward them to Hostile and he would post them on here. He took so much grief for the information I was forwarding him and he was posting. After about 2 weeks they left NLRB and the info stopped.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Has anyone heard from any of these people in a while? I tried to search for SilverBear a few weeks ago because of his being such an active member of the old newsgroup (and later web boards). Couldn't find much...even though I started with better recollection of some his personal details than many of the others I looked for.

I'm seriously flattered that anybody would go to the trouble of looking up my crusty old butt... I'm alive and more or less well-- I got a bad flu bug a few years back, it got into my heart, came down with viral cardiomyopathy that led to congestive heart failure... been maintaining it with meds, but it recently got to the point where they're gonna implant a biventricular pacemaker right after the first of the year... I'm actually looking forward to it, CHF makes you shortwinded and tired all the freakin' time, and I'm ready to get some of my old energy back...

Then the end of last October-- you guys are gonna shake your head at this one-- I slipped in a pool of oil in the parking lot of the hotel I'm working at part time in my semi-retirement, and smashed my left kneecap, breaking the hell out of my femur in the process... the docs said I needed a plate in my leg, and scheduled me for surgery the following Monday... sent me home on crutches, loaded up on Vicodin, leading me to fall the next morning on the way to the bathroom... threw my left arm out to make sure I didn't fall on my left side, and broke my arm right behind my wrist... now I'm looking at two surgeries... seriously, have any of you EVER heard of anybody breaking two different bones, on consecutive days??

So after surgery, it was 20 days in a rehab center (what a freakin' nightmare that place was), and a total of 11 weeks off of work... I'm as healed now as I'm ever gonna get, but I'm not much more than 90 per cent of what I was before all this... ah well, getting old sucks, but it beats the hell out of the alternative... you've just gotta roll with the punches...

I don't post as much anywhere these days, maybe if the pacemaker gets me a little more energy I'll get back in the swing of things... I still live and breathe the draft, though...


Well-Known Member
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I haven’t been here long. Only about 3900 posts, although post counts don’t really matter. Came over from the forum at the “official” team site. Had about 20,000 posts, then they rebooted. I was close to 10,000 when they shut down. Many of my pals there came here to Cowboy Zone, so I followed. Shout out to Couch Coach, Gp_cowpolk, Streetwise, Runwild, daboyzruleperiod, Glimm, Death Monkey, Greg, Jumbo, CERN, and all the others! All the best! And a shout out to Mark Lane!


Vet Min Plus
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What ever happened to Rack?

During the lockout about 10 years ago, I had a friend working for the NLRB when they first started negotiating. He was assigned to that negotiation, and would send me emails of what was going on. I would forward them to Hostile and he would post them on here. He took so much grief for the information I was forwarding him and he was posting. After about 2 weeks they left NLRB and the info stopped.

@Rack pm him, he will typically respond...


Well-Known Member
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I think my all time favorite threads here were a bit more recent ( although I do remember that discussion ) but the MS paint threads imo were the best

This is one of mine from back then. As you can see, nothing has changed with JG.



Well-Known Member
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I'm seriously flattered that anybody would go to the trouble of looking up my crusty old butt... I'm alive and more or less well-- I got a bad flu bug a few years back, it got into my heart, came down with viral cardiomyopathy that led to congestive heart failure... been maintaining it with meds, but it recently got to the point where they're gonna implant a biventricular pacemaker right after the first of the year... I'm actually looking forward to it, CHF makes you shortwinded and tired all the freakin' time, and I'm ready to get some of my old energy back...

Then the end of last October-- you guys are gonna shake your head at this one-- I slipped in a pool of oil in the parking lot of the hotel I'm working at part time in my semi-retirement, and smashed my left kneecap, breaking the hell out of my femur in the process... the docs said I needed a plate in my leg, and scheduled me for surgery the following Monday... sent me home on crutches, loaded up on Vicodin, leading me to fall the next morning on the way to the bathroom... threw my left arm out to make sure I didn't fall on my left side, and broke my arm right behind my wrist... now I'm looking at two surgeries... seriously, have any of you EVER heard of anybody breaking two different bones, on consecutive days??

So after surgery, it was 20 days in a rehab center (what a freakin' nightmare that place was), and a total of 11 weeks off of work... I'm as healed now as I'm ever gonna get, but I'm not much more than 90 per cent of what I was before all this... ah well, getting old sucks, but it beats the hell out of the alternative... you've just gotta roll with the punches...

I don't post as much anywhere these days, maybe if the pacemaker gets me a little more energy I'll get back in the swing of things... I still live and breathe the draft, though...

I remember every year you would post all the different internet draft resources/links. That was helpful.

Sorry to hear how things have been going physically. Glad to hear your spirits are up though.


Well-Known Member
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Mr bill?
Those were the days, my friend.

Coogs and Doc and can't remember the poster from the old board that everyone claim was a closet Giants fan. But I remember Coogs and I getting jumped on a thread about Witten and not being able to get yards after the catch. Lol

Risen Star

Likes Collector
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
LOL, I actually put someone on ignore that was insulting me. Then brought up that my likes to posts ratio was why my post to him didn't mean anything. He said since my ratio was bad I must be stupid. I explained to him, first I didn't care, and then about many on here posted long before that feature started.
I think my ratio was about 50% at that time.

He didn't like it, and called me ignorant, so he went on ignore. :laugh:

You can come up with all the excuses you want. The numbers don't lie. You've said over 700 things on this forum that nobody liked and that speaks volumes to me.

Reality should be knighted for the likes feature. We can finally keep score and know who's winning.


To The Moon
Reaction score
Everybody’s join dates were reset in 2004. The board is much older than that, though. I’ve been told how much older, but I don’t remember.
I was here in 2004. :flagwave:

This is the place I go to for any and all Cowboy’s info. Always!
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