OU/Texas Pics to keep you going.. =)

DallasCowpoke said:
Trust me Wally, the FIRST UT grad I meet, that calls someone who doesn't know the difference between "bread", and bred, or "quiet", and quite, “BOSS”, I'll personally "off" my-own-self w/o a trepidation!

Now, I suggest you go study, you NEED it!

I dont think you get the point. Notice on your keyboard the E is close to the A and in the process of hitting the E I accidently hit the A as well because I have the typing skills of a man with mittens on. Thus, it came out "bread" instead of "bred". As to quite, I simply hit the T after the E instead of before it because, once again, I have minimal typing skills. I do happen to know the difference in these words, though. And for the record, I would place my intellect against yours anyday of the week because you would have no chance. I would also own you on a basketball court :D
DallasCowpoke said:
Trust me Wally, the FIRST UT grad I meet, that calls someone who doesn't know the difference between "bread", and bred, or "quiet", and quite, “BOSS”, I'll personally "off" my-own-self w/o a trepidation!

Now, I suggest you go study, you NEED it!

Sit down Francis !!!
phillycowboyslover said:


this is their year!

I hate that, "hook'em horns" You are basically cheering for something you are going to eat the same night at dinner....
HeavyHitta31 said:
I hate that, "hook'em horns" You are basically cheering for something you are going to eat the same night at dinner....

yes, nothing says a great slogan like "gig 'em"

HeavyHitta31 said:
I hate that, "hook'em horns" You are basically cheering for something you are going to eat the same night at dinner....

Yea, and you're "cheering" for something you're going to take out on a date AFTER!!
HeavyHitta31 said:
Please elaborate, I fail to see your point.

You are cheering for a team in this game (OU) that your team (A&M)will be playing later.
BrAinPaiNt said:
You are cheering for a team in this game (OU) that your team (A&M)will be playing later.

Boy, I have no idea how you got that from his statement. But whatever. Like I said, I always root for A&M over OU when they play.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Boy, I have no idea how you got that from his statement. But whatever. Like I said, I always root for A&M over OU when they play.

I know why you are doing it as I have read your responses before on the topic....but Cowpokes explanation was obvious to me. :cool:
HeavyHitta31 said:
Please elaborate, I fail to see your point.

By your incredibly insightful post, we’re "cheering" for a cow, you're "cheering" for a DOG, see the "point" NOW Rainman!!!???
DallasCowpoke said:
By your incredibly insightful post, we’re "cheering" for a cow, you're "cheering" for a DOG, see the "point" NOW Rainman!!!???

That doesnt tie into that statement you made earlier, and by my logic you would eat the Longhorn because it is meat, you eat it. You dont eat dogs. So the fact I said you eat what you cheer for doesnt apply to A&M.
SoTex said:
You are correct. Great flick.

Damn right.

You guys want some chaw?