Over the Cap analyzes NFL team's FA success


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You won't find the Cowboys on the chart at the beginning of the article. They spend so little compared to most and suck at the little they do spend, they skewed the results. So OTC didnt' even put them in the chart and listed them last in the data file. LOL.


Smh...thanks for posting.

"If you are searching for the Cowboys you wont find them so don’t go crazy looking. This is because they hardly spent anything and had such an awful return it messed up the graph. Ill put them at the end in a table, but that’s why I did not include them." LOL!


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Ranking of Super bowl champions in that time period:


getting only 3 free agents like Dallas did and being ranked low because 2 didn’t turn out doesn’t tell a whole lot


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Wow this is pathetic. But not surprising.

Honestly I can appreciate the fact that they don’t like to spend like drunken sailors in FA.

that being said. They SHOULD be trying to target 1-2 actual good players per Fa period. That can actually contribute.

as opposed to signing 5-6 bottom barrel guys who barely belong on an NFL roster.

I would take 2 solid contributors or starters. Over 5-6 fringe backup types.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I think that having had success in the past, the FO gets locked into a particular approach and rarely, if ever, evolves or shows the least bit of innovation. A prime example is Garrett's nearly decade long pursuit of the 1990's offense.

To be fair, the Cowboys have had some success with the bargain basement approach. I get the sense, though, that they follow this strategy, not because they are case-strapped, but because they think they are smarter than other organizations or, maybe, there is a belief the team can "coach 'em up".


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Wow this is pathetic. But not surprising.

Honestly I can appreciate the fact that they don’t like to spend like drunken sailors in FA.

that being said. They SHOULD be trying to target 1-2 actual good players per Fa period. That can actually contribute.

as opposed to signing 5-6 bottom barrel guys who barely belong on an NFL roster.

I would take 2 solid contributors or starters. Over 5-6 fringe backup types.

The first year of that analysis is 2017.

Here was our FA signings - Carroll (was cut by October), Paea (retired in October), Moore (who was cut in October) and Bell (who wasn't very good).

If anyone wants to know why this franchise can't get over the hump understand that Jerry and his son suck at two things - free agency and the hiring of coaches.


More than meets the eye.
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The front office waits out the first waves of free agency and then hopes to find the “hidden gems”. That way, they’re always in a low risk, high reward situation. Unfortunately, the hidden gems all end up being cubic zirconia and off the team by midseason.

Their philosophy relies on outthinking and outfoxing every other front office. Unfortunately, nothing about the Jones boys says clever or smart when it comes to football.

In the end, “low risk, high reward” becomes wasted money.


Chris in Arizona
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Well-Known Member
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Wow this is pathetic. But not surprising.

Honestly I can appreciate the fact that they don’t like to spend like drunken sailors in FA.

that being said. They SHOULD be trying to target 1-2 actual good players per Fa period. That can actually contribute.

as opposed to signing 5-6 bottom barrel guys who barely belong on an NFL roster.

I would take 2 solid contributors or starters. Over 5-6 fringe backup types.
Most of our defense barely belongs on an NFL roster. Tank, Gregory, Diggs would be the only players that could be starters on other teams. The rest of the secondary and LBers would at best be backups or not on a roster. If they sign anyone that is a fringe player that it'll be an improvement. How much it would improve the team would be debatable. But Jerry and co would sell it with unrealistic expectations.

I'm curious now what they'll do because the last couple years you can argue they purposely went cheap to save cap room for Dak. Now Dak is on the books I wonder what their excuses will be now for not signing anyone.


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And yet these two STILL insist no one can do the job better.

Its beyond a joke at this point.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I think that having had success in the past, the FO gets locked into a particular approach and rarely, if ever, evolves or shows the least bit of innovation. A prime example is Garrett's nearly decade long pursuit of the 1990's offense.

To be fair, the Cowboys have had some success with the bargain basement approach. I get the sense, though, that they follow this strategy, not because they are case-strapped, but because they think they are smarter than other organizations or, maybe, there is a belief the team can "coach 'em up".

This is not the reason that has been given by the Joneses for their philosophy. They believe that the FA spending, especially on the initial days of FA, is so exorbitant that you cannot get a good return on the investment. They adapted the philosophy particularly after Brandon Carr proved to be not worth the money, but there were other examples. It's an overreaction, which is what the Joneses tend to do.

I hold out some hope that McCarthy can get them to change the approach some, but based on last year, I don't expect it. The Joneses want to patch holes with bodies and then replace those bodies with draft picks, but this has rarely proven to be successful for any team. Strategic FA shopping is what is needed.


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This is not the reason that has been given by the Joneses for their philosophy. They believe that the FA spending, especially on the initial days of FA, is so exorbitant that you cannot get a good return on the investment. They adapted the philosophy particularly after Brandon Carr proved to be not worth the money, but there were other examples. It's an overreaction, which is what the Joneses tend to do.

I hold out some hope that McCarthy can get them to change the approach some, but based on last year, I don't expect it. The Joneses want to patch holes with bodies and then replace those bodies with draft picks, but this has rarely proven to be successful for any team. Strategic FA shopping is what is needed.

That doesn't completely make sense though when they pay their own players basically the same money they would get in free agency. The Cowboys didn't get a deal on Amari, Dak, Zeke, or D Law. Those deals were market rate or over.


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It should be clear by now their lack of involvement in FA over the years is strategic. They'd rather build the team through the draft and keep as many of their own players in FA. I don't see that changing.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
You won't find the Cowboys on the chart at the beginning of the article. They spend so little compared to most and suck at the little they do spend, they skewed the results. So OTC didnt' even put them in the chart and listed them last in the data file. LOL.

The last decent free-agent we signed was the Corner back and I forget his name. This was like five years ago. I really think we get another one this year. We don’t believe in free agency with the other team have the high price prima donnas I believe in signing our own players and going through the draft. We’re just not very good at it. Although are you getting better with Maclay


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Yes, the Cowboys suck at free agency, but I don't know if I buy this analysis.