Over The Top?

Risen Star

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mr Risen--- both Kwynn and i several times asked for you to put up a Risen PLAT but you refused
Because I care about people. Unlike someone else. I don't want to see them lose it all and become homeless wondering how they're going to support their family.

You plat carelessly. It's not right.


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Because I care about people. Unlike someone else. I don't want to see them lose it all and become homeless wondering how they're going to support their family.

You plat carelessly. It's not right.
dear mr Risen---as much as i would like to believe your statement....we were not asking you to PLAT

every game....just one?....nothing but crickets....unforntunately it worked its way down and Cowboys went

into toilet and a Flat screen was murdered on video.......i hope you can carry that weight during the off-



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Dear Zoners---some may feel this 8 second clip is a bit over the top?...personally i am not quite this enthusiastic but i feel his pain

a week should i be moving on to great things Jerry and gang no doubt

will share how Cowboys will adjust and retool for 24-25 season?

any thoughts??

fellow Zoner

I don’t understand hurting an innocent TV because the Cowboys sucked. How’s that the TV’s fault. Maybe some anger management therapy for that guy.


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He bet the house based on the plutonium plat, guy probably jumped out a window
Brax---i put dont bet disclaimer...dont bet house and the ranch...and i say i dont gamble...its all about rah rah


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I don’t understand hurting an innocent TV because the Cowboys sucked. How’s that the TV’s fault. Maybe some anger management therapy for that guy.
i totally see your side on one way...but i can also see the other side.... a guy who is already an emotional

egde type guy and then buy into the Kool-aid and then it hits you...i have been lied too this whole season

and too much for the OCD guy who probably was drinking and in a split moment lost it?...i heard the

background what seems Japanese woman and she seemed not to be too

surprised?.in Japan if men have been drinking they get a lot of lee-way as long no one hurt....but i have

never punched a TV i have thrown pillows...but nevertheless the Flat screen was murdered cold blood

but the guy does have a decent "right cross"....glad not someone's face



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In the words of Pantera “ it’s on sale at the bleeping dollar store”
Maybe he did it for all of us who were put through most difficult crushing playoff defeat in cowboy history?


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Dear Zoners---some may feel this 8 second clip is a bit over the top?...personally i am not quite this enthusiastic but i feel his pain

a week should i be moving on to great things Jerry and gang no doubt

will share how Cowboys will adjust and retool for 24-25 season?

any thoughts??

fellow Zoner

I guess you all realize that video was posted 11 months ago! haha lol Seem like its last years game against 49ers. And this poster makes you think its about the Green Bay game :muttley: :p:thumbdown:


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I don’t understand hurting an innocent TV because the Cowboys sucked. How’s that the TV’s fault. Maybe some anger management therapy for that guy.
Yes he did murder a flat screen in cold blood...that flat screen had no shot

Gangsta Spanksta

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Dear Zoners---some may feel this 8 second clip is a bit over the top?...personally i am not quite this enthusiastic but i feel his pain

a week should i be moving on to great things Jerry and gang no doubt

will share how Cowboys will adjust and retool for 24-25 season?

any thoughts??

fellow Zoner

He will feel even more anger once someone tells him to find another team ;)

Gangsta Spanksta

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dear mr Risen---as much as i would like to believe your statement....we were not asking you to PLAT

every game....just one?....nothing but crickets....unforntunately it worked its way down and Cowboys went

into toilet and a Flat screen was murdered on video.......i hope you can carry that weight during the off-

The Risen brand is a high quality brand name. He can't afford to have it besmirched with a loss


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He will feel even more anger once someone tells him to find another team ;)
Gangsta----yes that does hurt....when they bring back same coach...who tells us we have a chamionship program just not a world championship program?....that

came close to wanting me to take a swing at my monitor?....you were brought in to get over the hump for a world championship....all other coaches did same as

you...could not make it past divisional....and McCarthey straight up lied to get the job....oh yeah spent all offseason i was not coaching watching film and what

not ....and later said...nawww i really did not do that?.....what...is any part of you real????....only team we thought was good we beat during season was Sheagles

but we see what they really were???...the rest we got our behinds either handed to us....its all on the coaches and Jerry....now we got a 1st place schedule 2024

we will be playing against?....so fat Mike not courageous enough to be real with fans and the rest avoid the mic and camera.....yes this hurts....i dont blame the

for murdering his flat screen in cold blood....the Kool-aid was lies and he drank it...then sat and watched it come apart....then Jerry too old and wanting the comfort

of less change as possible....no respect for the fans that give our all as fans.....sorry i am still very upset....and nothing they even do in regular season can mean

a thing...so we have to wait another year...if we even make playoffs?....i said too much....


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All in fun I hope you understand
mr Brax--- all good NP:thumbup:
I guess you all realize that video was posted 11 months ago! haha lol Seem like its last years game against 49ers. And this poster makes you think its about the Green Bay game :muttley: :p:thumbdown:
mr Ben7---- for me that makes it even worse....if for second straight year we lose to 9ers causes such a reaction....he either learned his lesson and did not allow

himself to get invested in team.....or....he punched out even a bigger screen but it was not at his house and got hauled off to jail maybe?....last years loss to 9ers

did not make me feel like a patsie as Green Bay loss did....now everything has to be questioned....
I pick up a couple when I go hunting, they are cheaper than toilet paper. I feel sorry for the guy who finds them buried in the woods.
mr Crash----ouch...remind me not to go hunting with you after a cowboy playoff loss???...Where did GORICO GO???....oh man he has been gone no trace

Jerry needs to know ...dont mess with people's heads?.....it aint cool