Pa. governor sues NCAA over Penn State sanctions

joseephuss;4956716 said:
Do you have a link for this? Like I said, I have not seen any reports of Paterno insisting on a meeting and being turned down.

Most of what I know isn't from reading it but I'm pretty sure if you search Scott Paterno's comments, you'll find it.
joseephuss;4956741 said:
The whole premise is that Paterno did know something about Sandusky earlier than the 2001 incident, yet here he said he didn't. That can be classified as a falsehood.

So you're saying you know that Paterno heard a rumor?

He may or may not have been informed about '98 after '01, that's up for debate, but there's never been a single source to show that he knew of '98 before then.

The biggest problem with people reading the Freeh report emails is that they assume "the first incident" refers to the '98 investigation. Again, that may or may not be the case but people read into that what they wish.
joseephuss;4956714 said:
The grand jury found no fault with Paterno because he lied to them and they didn't realize he was lying.

Now you are just lying. Nothing like that has ever been said or even intimated.
The Grand Jury was convened to get an indictment against Jerry Sandusky. That was the focus. The focus at that time was not to bring indictments against Paterno, Spanier or Curely. It isn't surprising that they didn't find that Joe Paterno did something wrong. Paterno's grand jury testimony lasted all of 7 minutes. It is surprising that the other guys were interviewed long enough to hang themselves. Paterno got treated with kid gloves by the grand jury, which is not a shock sense the whole point was to go after Sandusky.
StanleySpadowski;4956770 said:
So you're saying you know that Paterno heard a rumor?

He may or may not have been informed about '98 after '01, that's up for debate, but there's never been a single source to show that he knew of '98 before then.

The biggest problem with people reading the Freeh report emails is that they assume "the first incident" refers to the '98 investigation. Again, that may or may not be the case but people read into that what they wish.

Cajuncowboy;4956771 said:
Now you are just lying. Nothing like that has ever been said or even intimated.

That is the whole point. Paterno knew about the 1998 incident. Not just a rumor, but Paterno knew what had happened. And if he knew, then his grand jury testimony is a falsehood. If no one is saying that and especially if the people that have a say in the matter aren't saying that, then why did things go down the way they did. You figure someone in charge would have stepped in and said otherwise. Nope, PSU just took it. That is very telling.
joseephuss;4956795 said:
That is the whole point. Paterno knew about the 1998 incident. Not just a rumor, but Paterno knew what had happened. And if he knew, then his grand jury testimony is a falsehood. If no one is saying that and especially if the people that have a say in the matter aren't saying that, then why did things go down the way they did. You figure someone in charge would have stepped in and said otherwise. Nope, PSU just took it. That is very telling.

It's telling there was a witch hunt and a power grab.
StanleySpadowski;4956124 said:
Again, you want the NCAA to have a "moral" authority.

Criminal activity is the purview of government, not the NCAA. Even if you could somehow stretch NCAA bylaws, thousands of cases have set a precedence regarding NCAA inaction on previous activity. What sanctions did Baylor basketball face? Where is the death penalty for Syracuse due to Fine?


Again, Is cheating a moral issue? Under what basis are these laws against cheating instituted?


So what if there was past precedence of others getting away scot-free? Don't you think one should be complaining about those cases where guilty people got off scot free, not the case where the guilty were rightly punished. "Well, he murdered people and escaped so why can't I get away with it?"


I still get it. So essentially your arguing that a corporation has no moral place to fire it's president for molesting children inside his home and should further cover it up, because it has no place playing the 'moral authority'.
The irony is almost comical...

Innocent people being punished for what Sandusky did is wrong, and in the same sentence, 'innocent' athletes being punished for other athletes receiving a few perks to play at a school is not wrong...

Essentially it comes down to this.. molesting kids and using the university to facilitate this activity is not as bad as a bunch of poor athletes taking a few gifts from boosters, because one actually went to Penn State or one hates the NCAA...

I wonder what USC students think of this...
rickjameschinaclub;4958513 said:
The irony is almost comical...

Innocent people being punished for what Sandusky did is wrong, and in the same sentence, 'innocent' athletes being punished for other athletes receiving a few perks to play at a school is not wrong...

Essentially it comes down to this.. molesting kids and using the university to facilitate this activity is not as bad as a bunch of poor athletes taking a few gifts from boosters, because one actually went to Penn State or one hates the NCAA...

I wonder what USC students think of this...

Well, nice to see you boiled it all down to one misconstrued observation but given the lack of credulity of your argument I guess you have to resort to that.
rickjameschinaclub;4958493 said:
I still get it. So essentially your arguing that a corporation has no moral place to fire it's president for molesting children inside his home and should further cover it up, because it has no place playing the 'moral authority'.


McDonalds CEO is found to be raping children at a Ronald McDonald house. The SVP finds out about and contacts his internal security and they discuss it and choose not to do anything about it.

Your solution is to punish the McDonalds restaurants and it's employees by forcing them to cut wages, hours and benefits. (NCAA sanctions) Further, you think it is wise to also force them to charge more for their food. (NCAA Penalties) and oh by the way, let's make all of the people who work for McDonalds a pariah along the way.(Media witch hunt).

Cajuncowboy;4958531 said:

McDonalds CEO is found to be raping children at a Ronald McDonald house. The SVP finds out about and contacts his internal security and they discuss it and choose not to do anything about it.

Your solution is to punish the McDonalds restaurants and it's employees by forcing them to cut wages, hours and benefits. (NCAA sanctions) Further, you think it is wise to also force them to charge more for their food. (NCAA Penalties) and oh by the way, let's make all of the people who work for McDonalds a pariah along the way.(Media witch hunt).


That's not my solution, I'm just laughing at your hypocrisy. Reference Post #77 for the sake of memory..

Because when it concerns an athlete taking a few bucks, you got no problem saying that it falls within NCAA jurisdiction to punish the rest of the athletes and fans that weren't involved in the taking of the money, but when it comes to an issue a lot worse, which is molestation of kids being covered up a a school thay you so happened to attend, one is now suddenly appealing to concepts of justice and morality and the punishment of innocent fans and athletes and the unjust NCAA..

Like I said, USC is laughing at people like you who went to Penn State and is suddenly on the high horse about morality and justice and the like... I'm sure you going to Penn State and having mad love for Joe Paterno has nothing to do with it, but your interests of justice and the punishment of innocent victims does...

BTW, I especially love your comment, "You can't be responsible for all the evil in the world." Makee me laugh. Yeah, you can't be responsible for all the evil in the world, but you are responsible for those evils within your control.
Cajuncowboy;4958531 said:

McDonalds CEO is found to be raping children at a Ronald McDonald house. The SVP finds out about and contacts his internal security and they discuss it and choose not to do anything about it.

Your solution is to punish the McDonalds restaurants and it's employees by forcing them to cut wages, hours and benefits. (NCAA sanctions) Further, you think it is wise to also force them to charge more for their food. (NCAA Penalties) and oh by the way, let's make all of the people who work for McDonalds a pariah along the way.(Media witch hunt).


...walking into this late, but I do have a question for you Cajun.

If the exact perpetrators in your belief would have been punished and no one else given what you believe you know about the links in the sordid affair what would have happened to Penn St. the insitution, Joe Paterno and the football program?

How would the media, the public and the college football fans reacted?

From my point of view it it looks like a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Neither side would be happy.

Curious though. How do you think things would have played out with what you felt should have happened legally?
Cajuncowboy has been extremely hostile to others in this thread, even those that did not engage directly with him.

Penn State grad?

I can't believe Corbett did this. Several weeks back when the story first came out about this challenge, they all made it sound like Penn State and the state legislature had an issue about HOW the NCAA was spending their fine money (NOT in Penn. funding sexual abuse programs) and then this drops and he's challenging them on the ENTIRE suite of punishment.

I think its crap that the entire athletic program was punished but I also don't feel too badly given the scope of what happened, and how many people knew about it.

What did they expect was going to happen if it was ever found out?
DIAF;4971540 said:
Cajuncowboy has been extremely hostile to others in this thread, even those that did not engage directly with him.

Penn State grad?

I can't believe Corbett did this. Several weeks back when the story first came out about this challenge, they all made it sound like Penn State and the state legislature had an issue about HOW the NCAA was spending their fine money (NOT in Penn. funding sexual abuse programs) and then this drops and he's challenging them on the ENTIRE suite of punishment.

I think its crap that the entire athletic program was punished but I also don't feel too badly given the scope of what happened, and how many people knew about it.

What did they expect was going to happen if it was ever found out?

There's a separate lawsuit regarding the fine and the NCAA just put a hold on any disbursments of the first payment until it's settled.

I've asked this before but no one seems to want to answer...what's more likely: at least 31 people conspired in a coverup or one person in McQueary, who has told at least 3 different versions of events and has placed the date as much as a year apart, was less than truthful?
Not really surprised that no one is talking about the Paterno family report.

Former US AG and PA Governor Dick Thornburgh basically shredded the Freeh report's falsehoods. Freeh responded, was caught in a lie and has tucked his tail.
StanleySpadowski;4998975 said:
Not really surprised that no one is talking about the Paterno family report.

Former US AG and PA Governor Dick Thornburgh basically shredded the Freeh report's falsehoods. Freeh responded, was caught in a lie and has tucked his tail.

Of course not. It doesn't serve their hatred for Paterno or Penn State.
the willingness to accept anything except reality reminds me of what Lenin said about useful fools.
burmafrd;4999824 said:
the willingness to accept anything except reality reminds me of what Lenin said about useful fools.

That is so true.

People accepted the Freeh report despite so many holes it wasn't funny due to them wanting it to be true. People didn't even bother to look at Freeh's financial connections to Penn State, his mentor being on the Second Mile's board or his proven history of embellishing concepts to fit his narrative.

Now a report comes out by three of the most distinguished scholars in their respective fields and there are crickets because it doesn't fit the agenda. Even people who want to dig up Paterno just to spit on him should read Clemente's portion of the report. It may save a child some day.
burmafrd;4999824 said:
the willingness to accept anything except reality reminds me of what Lenin said about useful fools.

Kinda like some in this thread who don't want to look at reality and view ALL the information.
Love how the lemmings like canjon and spad just keep on swallowing the mystique of saint joe.

Only true fanatics refuse to accept the reality that their saint allowed continuall molestation of young boys.

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