Packers Cheerleader responds to cyber-bullying

WV Cowboy;4998743 said:
The comment about what the guy would do to her, from behind, with a bag over her head.

Say what you want, call it what you want, .. but I hope our society never reaches a point when that is accepted.

Maybe it already has, ..sad.

The post above yours tells you that some already have.

Sad but true.
Shiloht88;5001440 said:
Constitution be damned got to protect an adults feelings.

The fact that it accepted is the point. Some people have no standards of morality anymore.
Shiloht88;5001440 said:
Constitution be damned got to protect an adults feelings.

Just about the dumbest argument I've ever seen made.

No one wants to take away his right to say what he wants. People would like to see him injected with a dose of common sense and morals to where he wouldn't think that just because he has the right to free speech that it means he should say, or post, such stupid, ignorant, and moronic things.

But by all means be more offended by the fact that people think the guy is an idiot for expressing such garbage then the fact that he acted like a useless piece of garbage.

Afterall, it is your right.
CanadianCowboysFan;5001344 said:
who hasn't said that about some woman at some point in his life?

I don't know which would be worse, ... that you actually mean that, ... or you just say it to be a jerk to stir the pot to get a rise out of normal people.
Oh, the bleeding hearts in this thread. The girl is a cheerleader for a pro football team. They get attention. That's what they want. I know for a fact this isn't the first time a cheerleader has been called ugly and other things. And it won't be the last.
WV Cowboy;5001521 said:
I don't know which would be worse, ... that you actually mean that, ... or you just say it to be a jerk to stir the pot to get a rise out of normal people.

please, men say stuff like that all the time and unless the posters on this site are different from other men, they have too (for most part)
I'll say it. She's not ugly in the least. I find her features to be attractive. I like brunettes and usually date ethic women. She doesn't look ethnic, but I do find her attractive anyway.

I do think she's sensitive, but aren't most women? She's young, so things like this affect you more so than if you were aged a bit. And I would have respected her approach more if she would have spoken about it and put a voice to her pain.

As it is, I find it cliche' the way she went about it and fail to understand why it's getting so much attention.
CanadianCowboysFan;5001732 said:
please, men say stuff like that all the time and unless the posters on this site are different from other men, they have too (for most part)
Being a gentleman is never passe.

Some of the stuff I read online makes me wonder if some males are simply 5 yr olds picking for a fight that became adults without leaning anything except how to do their trash talk online.
CanadianCowboysFan;5001732 said:
please, men say stuff like that all the time and unless the posters on this site are different from other men, they have too (for most part)

Once again, are you just trying to stir the pot, .. or do you actually believe most men say things like, .. "the only way I would do her is from behind with a bag over her head."

Trust me, there are a lot of men that do not think, or talk that way.

Although I do remember a couple of guys saying stuff like that when we were sophomores in H.S. though.
HAHAHAHA! This thread has proven what I have known for a long time.

The narrative has been exposed.

You just can't hide who you really are forever.

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