Pacman suspended for 2007; Henry suspended 8 games

If anything is working against the NFL is the lack of enforcement by the last Commish on the conduct rules that were put into place after what certain Cowboys and Ravens did. In the past the NFL did wait for the legal dispositions before metting out punishment and because of this the NFLPA may find a loophole to at least put off the suspensions until they can get even more lawyers to look at this. Upshaw is nothing more than the NFL's version of Rev. Al and Jesse Jackson.
Upshaw is not stupid- the great majority of the players are CLEARLY for this; if he tries to stop it, he is putting his nice cushy job in jeopardy.
Doomsday;1451624 said:
Im not so sure the NFLPA will fight these suspensions, there are a lot of influential players around the league that appear to be in favor of more harsh penalties and want to see the league cleaned up.
The NFLPA's duty is to rep the players. And granted there were concessions to allow the team to stay in contact with the player during the suspension, but I can't just imagine they not do something, especially if the player requests their assistance.
I'm not giddy about the move, but Goodell was clearly out to make an example of these two, so he made it strong.

I'm just not following the new commish's logic.

Haynesworth assaults a player on national television, and gets a couple game suspension. These guys did something out of sight, have not been convicted of much of anything that I recall, and they're suspended longer.

It's all about handling the public's perception I guess. People are tired of "thugs" :rolleyes:
The NFLPA would be stupid to go against the wishes of the majority of players; and Upshaw would face A LOT OF pressure if he tried. Not to mention the panel that was specificaly put together by the NFLPA apparently signed off on it.
Haynesworth got a 4 game suspension, which was pretty long by the OLD standards. Goodel had just taken over only like 5 months previously- he was still finding his feet in the job. This has been percolating for months= I really doubt he would have done this if he wasn't sure it would stick.
Hostile;1451605 said:
I think you mean "due process" Fuzzy. Habeas corpus means "you have the body." It is a mandate by a judge ordering a prisoner to appear before him.

Even the due process was'nt violated. As the commissioner gave Pacman a chance to present his case, and then made his decision on the evidence given. The fact that pacman refuses to stay out of trouble got him a suspension. Goodell said it right, the NFL is a privilege not a right. And to many times a player thinks that hes so good, hes above the law. Pacman might be able to get around the law enforcement, but if hes no longer employed by the NFL. Then he will no longer have that protection, and then he might decide to get his head out of his butt, and follow the got dang rules.
FuzzyLumpkins;1451562 said:
What I dont like is the standards Goodell tried to use in the contracts. I mean he justifies doing this on the basis of ridicule?

i also think hes a bit premature on the basis that Jones hasnt even been convicted of a crime yet. if he is exonerated then the NFL is going to get the hammer big time. habeas corpus being violated is a pretty compelling argument.
I agree with this 100% except the last sentence. I don't think you know what the term "habeas corpus" means.
WoodysGirl;1451636 said:
The NFLPA's duty is to rep the players. And granted there were concessions to allow the team to stay in contact with the player during the suspension, but I can't just imagine they not do something, especially if the player requests their assistance.

Like what, WG? Allow them to be set free because they did not have any conviction? Allow them to return to the behavior that caused this mess in the first place?

If Upshaw is smart, he will fully indorse this move for the good of the players first, and then the reputation of the NFL. However, I do agree with you somewhat that they might have some type of hearing on the matter because that is what the Union is for, but if they try and overturn it, and if they succeed? Man, no player would be scared of anything!

Times change and if someone will not adhere to dicipline (children too) something drastic has to occur and a president set for the rest of the NFL to see and follow...
burmafrd;1451642 said:
The NFLPA would be stupid to go against the wishes of the majority of players

This is an oxymoron. The NFLPA are the players. Majority rules and a majority of the players would determine what the NFLPA does.
Hostile;1451605 said:
I think you mean "due process" Fuzzy. Habeas corpus means "you have the body." It is a mandate by a judge ordering a prisoner to appear before him.


Do I detect a legal scholar? Hos is a man of many talents.

As far as my opinion goes, I'm wondering if Goodell jumped the gun a little bit. I applaud the suspension, because a business has a right to dictate how it's employees act to a certain extent... But if Pacman is later convicted, then what? Will there be a steeper punishment to come?
superpunk;1451639 said:
I'm not giddy about the move, but Goodell was clearly out to make an example of these two, so he made it strong.

I'm just not following the new commish's logic.

Haynesworth assaults a player on national television, and gets a couple game suspension. These guys did something out of sight, have not been convicted of much of anything that I recall, and they're suspended longer.

It's all about handling the public's perception I guess. People are tired of "thugs" :rolleyes:

I think at the time, under the current rules and regualtions, he couldnt do much more than that. Though it was horrendous, it was only that one move, and he didnt sit on his chest and beat the crap out of him. It was a debate whether he should be gone for the year, and some said it was to light. But its all about what Goodell knows he has the power to do.
superpunk;1451639 said:
I'm not giddy about the move, but Goodell was clearly out to make an example of these two, so he made it strong.

I'm just not following the new commish's logic.

Haynesworth assaults a player on national television, and gets a couple game suspension. These guys did something out of sight, have not been convicted of much of anything that I recall, and they're suspended longer.

It's all about handling the public's perception I guess. People are tired of "thugs" :rolleyes:
Haynesworth got 5 games, not just a couple.

As for PacMan, I didn't think he would get a full year suspension. But when watching his interview with NFL Network, it was clear he was gearing up for battle. I don't know if the suspension will stick, but it's clear he was preparing for it.

The problem with Pacman's case is that he didn't inform the team of the case in GA where he was arrested of something involving an officer. That's a clear violation of the personal conduct policy. So regardless of the other incidents, they had him by the nads on that alone.
peplaw06;1451656 said:

But if Pacman is later convicted, then what? Will there be a steeper punishment to come?

If Pacman is later convicted, he might have to serve some years in prison!

burmafrd;1451645 said:
Haynesworth got a 4 game suspension, which was pretty long by the OLD standards. Goodel had just taken over only like 5 months previously- he was still finding his feet in the job. This has been percolating for months= I really doubt he would have done this if he wasn't sure it would stick.

It was 5 games.
5Stars;1451664 said:
If Pacman is later convicted, he might have to serve some years in prison!


Whoops... I shoulda been more suspefic:D

More punishment from the NFL...

He'll get a slap on the wrist from the court, just like Sean Taylor.;)
superpunk;1451639 said:
I'm not giddy about the move, but Goodell was clearly out to make an example of these two, so he made it strong.

I'm just not following the new commish's logic.

Haynesworth assaults a player on national television, and gets a couple game suspension. These guys did something out of sight, have not been convicted of much of anything that I recall, and they're suspended longer.

It's all about handling the public's perception I guess. People are tired of "thugs" :rolleyes:

Nobody has ever been suspended more than 2 games for an on field incident except for Haynesworth, and he got 5 games. Plenty of players have been suspended a year for off the field issues.
5Stars;1451649 said:
Like what, WG? Allow them to be set free because they did not have any conviction? Allow them to return to the behavior that caused this mess in the first place?

If Upshaw is smart, he will fully indorse this move for the good of the players first, and then the reputation of the NFL. However, I do agree with you somewhat that they might have some type of hearing on the matter because that is what the Union is for, but if they try and overturn it, and if they succeed? Man, no player would be scared of anything!

Times change and if someone will not adhere to dicipline (children too) something drastic has to occur and a president set for the rest of the NFL to see and follow...
Set free? They weren't sent to prison. They were suspended from playing in the NFL.

Again, the NFLPA works for the players. If one of their players request their assistance, then they have a duty to represent them by going before the commish or arbitrator or whoever handles such matters and pleading their case for them.

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