Papa McNabb Opens His Pie Hole on Kolb

phillycard;1483877 said:
What a stupid a** article. Good job Philly media living up to your hack job reputations. this is a non damn story. and no one hates the eagles more than I, but they need to just give it a rest already. If I weren't a Philly fan for my other sports teams, I'd just laugh it off, but I have to read garbage like this for the rest of my teams as well.
I hear ya dude. 610 rips the phils all the time. But the media totally goes after the eagles, its like they want to screw their own team up. They will carry this to the point of ripping team chemistry and then blame the athletes and coaches for being problematic.

Being a cowboys fan i cant help but laugh at times, but when i look at it from a nonbiased view i have to say that its pretty sad and that a lot of athletes handle the BS better than I would.
phillycard;1483877 said:
What a stupid a** article. Good job Philly media living up to your hack job reputations. this is a non damn story. and no one hates the eagles more than I, but they need to just give it a rest already. If I weren't a Philly fan for my other sports teams, I'd just laugh it off, but I have to read garbage like this for the rest of my teams as well.
tell us why you are really mad
phillycowboyslover;1484434 said:
what good is a QB when you have NOOOOOOOO recievers.

i mean, who the HECK are they gonna be throwing to up there?

it's bad when you WISH for trash and stinkston. they got nobody!

And they still beat your scrub secondary, which is even worse.

I could care less about what Mcnabb's dad has to say. It's stupid that they even interviewed him.

I also don't agree with them picking Kolb with their 1st pick. I think they should have waited another year or two to draft a QB. Plus he's a Cowboys fan.
peplaw06;1484435 said:
Why are McNabb's parents so visible in the media?? I could be wrong, but I only remember very few instances where some athlete's parents are accessible to the media. Kellen Winslow and Archie Manning come to mind. The thing is, most of the time that happens, the father is a former athlete.

So why are the McNabbs out there? They strike me as overly sensitive. I know Papa Mac didn't say a whole lot, but why did he say anything at all. At least when Winslow and Manning were talking there was some huge media feeding frenzy going on. Here?? The Eagles drafted a QB... Who cares? Why does daddy have to come to the rescue and give sonny a vote of confidence.

This just cements in my mind that McNabb is a weak individual. He pretends to be this big leader, but mommy and daddy stick up for him when the big bad media is involved. If I were him I would be telling them to muzzle it.

Exactly what I was thinking. Why is McNabb's Dad doing an interview in the first place??

Everyone took McNabb's side in all the T.O. stuff but it is becoming clear that McNabb brings on a lot to himself but is quick to blame someone else in a very subtle way so aas to still loo kas though he is taking the high road.

Each year with every injury and frustrating playoff exit the problems seem more and more obvious. Hey great job Philly media keep it up!!!:D
Phoenix-Talon;1485079 said:
No more or less than any other media in any other town.
You're kidding, right? Would you equate the tenacity of, say, the New York City based media with that of St. Louis? I think not.
In philly if you are the type of athlete described as "blue collar", hardworking standup kind of guy, the fans and the media will love you and sing your praises.

If you are more of the "golden boy" or "poster boy" type of athlete or someone who has made a big splash by signing a fat contract in FA the media here will target you and rip you pretty bad.

Maybe its that way in most cities, just seems like it can be very brutal here in philly. I really cant beleive more players dont lose their cool and get caught flipping the bird or yelling obscenities.
They were talking about this on Mike and Mike on ESPN this mourning on the way to work.

Basically, it was implied that a member of the front office (the name escapes me) had a hard time getting in contact with Mcnabb, kind of like he was purposely trying not to be found out of protest.

I really have to go back to what the Great Bill Parcells use to say around these parts about competition. Remember he talked about how all his best players not only welcomed competition but relished it.

I don't know all the facts, but if McNabb's mental psychy is disturbed by the Eagles drafting a QB in the second round, that really does present a picture of a guy that is extremely weak mentally.

- Mike G.
mickgreen58;1485149 said:
They were talking about this on Mike and Mike on ESPN this mourning on the way to work.

Basically, it was implied that a member of the front office (the name escapes me) had a hard time getting in contact with Mcnabb, kind of like he was purposely trying not to be found out of protest.

I really have to go back to what the Great Bill Parcells use to say around these parts about competition. Remember he talked about how all his best players not only welcomed competition but relished it.

I don't know all the facts, but if McNabb's mental psychy is disturbed by the Eagles drafting a QB in the second round, that really does present a picture of a guy that is extremely weak mentally.

- Mike G.
Andy Reid tried to call him and his calls were not returned. So they had a sit down discussion yesterday. I can see both sides. If you're Donovan you're asking why Donte Stallworth is gone, there are WRs on the board who can help and instead you take a QB to groom as my replacement.

On the other hand, if I am the Eagles I note the fact that 3 of the last 4 years Donovan has gone down to injury and that last year Jeff Garcia was the saving grace of the season, but he is gone to Tampa.

I don't understand the jealousy of players about who their backup is and how well he does. Play better than him. That's the simple advice.

Oh, and tell your parents not to bring attention to your possible displeasure. First his mom over how well Jeff Garcia was playing and they may not want him back, now his dad is saying 31 other teams would employ him if the Eagles don't.

That is a bad move.
bigbadroy;1484861 said:
this guys parents talk too much

Just as Jimmy did it carrying the water to deflect criticism, Dad McNabb has voiced complaints as a father that he can get away with, without his son looking like a whiner.

Good move by the McNabbs.

Here are the facts as I see them:

1. McNabb has had to suffer thru some horrible WR assortments bercause the cheap Philly management couldn't stand to pay a franchise QB and put together a decent WR/TE group.

2. By relying on an under talented (Donte Stallworth, Pinkston, Thrash) WR corps McNabb has had to throw on the run most of his career and he's been highly effective at it---but the typical injury effects are taking their toll.

3. Never having a grind-it-out running attck his whole time in Philly has also left the burden on his shoulders.

4. Andy Reid is a West Coast offense guy and a very good coach, but how does it make sense to run a W.C. offense without a stud tight end? Last year and two years ago were great draft years for Tight Ends and the Eagles did nothing while Parcells overstocks the position with Fasano. Because the TE is the QBs best friend when he's rushed.NE,Indy,SD,NYG, Batimore, Dallas, Atlanta are all stocked with TE studs. McNabb needs a security blanket in the WCO.

The selection of Kolb after letting Jeff Garcia go makes no sense--unless there is a contract clause in McNabbs contract allowing an Eagles early escape. McNabb has 5-7 productive years ahead of him.

Dad was right to spout off. Something's up in Philly and as a Cowboy fan I'm hoping they're working on moving McNabb.The guy was playing at an MVP level the 1st 1/2 of the year.
NorthDalal;1485323 said:
Dad was right to spout off. Something's up in Philly and as a Cowboy fan I'm hoping they're working on moving McNabb.The guy was playing at an MVP level the 1st 1/2 of the year.

I totally disagree.

Donovan McNabb is a grown man and his parents really shouldn't be making statements of this nature.

Donovan's mom should stick to peddling Chunky Soup Commercial and leave playing time, Donovan's future and why the Eagles front office made the moves that they made to all parties employed by the Eagles.

Donovan and his parents can sulk, complain, take shelter and not answer his coach's phone calls all day long, but the simple fact remains, they drafted a QB in the 2nd Round and nothing is going to change that.

Nobody is saying he should like the move, that is a different conversation, I am just saying he should handle it like what Tom Landry would say A Pro and go out and compete and continue to play at a high level and try not to puke :laugh2: .

- Mike G.
DallasEast;1485085 said:
You're kidding, right? Would you equate the tenacity of, say, the New York City based media with that of St. Louis? I think not.

No I'm not kidding! I'm not certain about city based media in St Louis, but i can tell you about Baltimore, Washington DC, New York, and Philadelphia!

So I'm sticking with my initial statement more or less than any other city that I'm aware of.
Phoenix-Talon;1485545 said:
No I'm not kidding! I'm not certain about city based media in St Louis, but i can tell you about Baltimore, Washington DC, New York, and Philadelphia!

So I'm sticking with my initial statement more or less than any other city that I'm aware of.
You may not or do not know it, but you have answered my question. Thanks.

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