Chief;2205200 said:
A lady whom I respect a great deal, told me recently that these aren't actually ghosts -- that they are demons who like to toy with people.
I've heard this theory before. It lines up scripturally if you believe that to be truth.
But there is also a scriptural reference to the ghost of Samuel (or his mentor - I'd have to look it up) making an "appearance" to his apprentice if I recall. That would seem to indicate that perhaps there are genuine appearances rather than or in addition to counterfeits.
I know multiple people at work who are insistent they have had friendly encounters with ghosts at the same previous job site.
Myself, my most suspicious experience was while I was doing a book study of sorts on the topic 20 or so years ago. I had heard that delving into such study often stirs those spirits and perhaps it was. Or perhaps it was an overactive imagination stemming from giving the topic so much focus.
Simply put, I was lying in bed in the early hours of the morning when out of the blue I felt an overwhelming sense of an unfriendly presence that proceeded through the front door and rushed like the wind into my bedroom to stand over me. I recall at that time feeling certain it was real. I was absolutely frozen in bed, didn't look, didn't move a muscle until that awareness went away. I honestly don't know if that was real or imagined.
My sister had a ghostly visitor make an visual appearance multiple times in a duplex she and her husband were renting, again years ago.
My eldest daughter, probably 2-3 or so at the time, said she saw angels walk by her bedroom door with suitcases in hand in the middle of the night.
In both of the last two situations the rooms & houses were prayed over and annointed with oil at the doorposts and the visitations ceased.