Parcells a great talent evaluator?? Hutchinson

So your going to tell me that you wanted to keep Hutchinson when he was here? There were maybe 5 guys on this whole board who wanted to keep Hutchinson and I can probably name them all.

You can name me then. I've taken the abuse for supporting Hutchinson. Hate to say I told you so....... We should have at least let him compete in camp.

It takes a little bit of time. The guy didn't play that bad as a Rookie if you consider the situation. Parcells never gave him a shot. He looked pretty good in Europe. Then, he's cut. The longer I am around Parcells, the less I think he is as great as many seem to think.

Great job Hutchinson. I hope Parcells was watching the whole thing. I know Jones was and I bet Jones is smiling. :)
Unforgiven said:
Great job Hutchinson. I hope Parcells was watching the whole thing. I know Jones was and I bet Jones is smiling. :)

Somehow I dont think he's smiling. Crying maybe.
tyke1doe said:
Didn't Hutchinson also beat the Commanders while he was quarterbacking the Cowboys? :rolleyes:

Look, it's easier for a backup to come in and do damage his first start because teams don't have much film on him. Just give Hutchinson time and we'll see how he fares.

Besides, even if he does pan out, how were we going to keep Hutchinson, Carter, Henson Testaverde and Romo? The numbers just didn't favor Hutchinson. Sorry, but there is this thing called a roster limitation.

Let me be the first to call BS on this post.

It's simply a case of a guy having a chance to play and work out the kinks. Why do you think 15 teams went to his original workout? If you never give the guy a chance to improve, it will come back to bite you.

Parcells never gave Hutchinson a chance. Who's the fool now?

What's you role Chad? Your role is that of an improving young QB with a large amount of talent and potential who is slowing moving towards becoming a very good NFL QB, and maybe competing for a starting job next year. Your role is to sit and watch as the Dallas Cowboys continue to fumble around with QB's because that genius Parcells decided that you could not win in the NFL.
Bababooey said:
Somehow I dont think he's smiling. Crying maybe.

Crying, but also smiling. He saw something in Hutchinson and Hutchinson is moving in that direction. Parcells won out and Jerry released him. but, there is a part of Jerry that is smiling anyway. imagine if we had stuck with him in 2002 and again this year. We might actually have us a QB.
I will say this. I never thought Hutchinson ever got a fair shake but hey, lots of guys over the past few years don't get a fair shake. What I'm saying is that lots of guys were lighting torches in the village square for Hutchinson. If your not one of them, then maybe you got a beef. If you were, then you got no room to say anything.

That's the perspective I'm seeing this from.

I think this is a valid statement...Parcells had a quick hook on Hutch...for whatever reason...and as a guy who has a strong hand in talent evaluation, he's going to be second guessed...He's already said he made a mistake when he started Brunner over Simms...if you're in the game long enough, you're going to make mistakes. No big deal. I recall us letting go of a guy named Jimmy Smith

It's one game for Hutch...I always liked him because of his toughness and I thought he had a great arm...let's see what he does over the long haul though...
Wolverine said:
He aint won the Super Bowl without Billichek. Billichek has won 2 Supre Bowls without Parcells. Parcells is to old for the NFL. Get younger coach who will devlop players. Not turn our team into a rest home.

Belicheck has not won a SB without Weis and Crenell, does that make him a bum coach too?

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