Parcells is a Punk

kevwun said:
Are some of you insane? Bill Parcells demotes Henson to spite fans on the internet? If some of you can take off the tinfoil hats for a second and think that maybe a guy like Parcells, who sees Henson everyday in practice, has seen enough to convince him that Henson's not the answer.

Maybe Ive seen enough of Parcells to know he's not the answer.
Doomsday101 said:
I think way too much is being made about this. Henson has a 8 year deal that can get voided to 4 if he reaches 15% of the snaps this year or 30 % in the following 3 years. Romo on the other hand is a FA after 2005 season. I think the Cowboys would like to give Romo some oppertunities before he reaches FA. I do not see this move as Parcells or the franchise slamming Henson or giving up on Henson.
That's crap. You know as well as I do that Parcells is slamming Henson just to make Quicksilver, Outlaw Heros, RcaldW, and Wolverine angry! :rolleyes:

(Actually, your post is money!)
i would assume romo is getting a chance because parcells wants to see what the kids got. the guy has been here for 2 years so he's obviously got his time in to warrant a look. henson will get his chance but right now, if what parcells says is true, that there's not much difference in their performance, then let's see for next season's sake if romo is worth keeping.
WOW, I would say this was the most idiotic thread I have read, but for some reason there are more hanging around the board.

The only thing in this whole thread that makes sense is Rack's first post.

Things around here are turning into something like reading the National Enquire.

Pretty soon it is going to be Parcells is just doing this because this little green man abducted him, and said if Henson starts he would take his daughter to Mars and make her his bride.

Get Real people.
Rack said:
Yes, Parcells works his butt off day after day trying to do what he can to win games, but he benches the backup QB in favor of the 3rd QB, just to anger fans that KNOW Drew Henson is the next Troy Aikman. Parcells is sticking it to the fans on purpose! It's all a big freakin' conspiracy! Parcells never intended to win in Dallas. He hates the cowboys and took the job just to ensure they the stay in the cellar of the NFL.

I swear I wish some of you people could "hear" yourselves and/or read the complete and utter CRAP you post here.

All of you need to replace the helmet with your heads....


Would this be an appropriate place to say ... "Rack em" ;)

P.S., If you're the Outlaw Heroes I'm familiar with on another forum, I'm rather surprised at your offering. If not, my apologies.
Quicksilver said:

My thoughts exactly when I read one of your "Oh us poor fans. BP is demoting Henson on purpose just to piss us off. Boo friggin' hoo".

Maybe Ive seen enough of Parcells to know he's not the answer.

From reading your posts I think it's safe to say you don't have the knowledge to determine whether BP is the answer or not.

WOW, I would say this was the most idiotic thread I have read

Read more of Quicksilvers, rcaldw, and wolverines posts and that feat will be topped in no time.
Rack said:
My thoughts exactly when I read one of your "Oh us poor fans. BP is demoting Henson on purpose just to piss us off. Boo friggin' hoo".

From reading your posts I think it's safe to say you don't have the knowledge to determine whether BP is the answer or not.

Read more of Quicksilvers, rcaldw, and wolverines posts and that feat will be topped in no time.

your keyboard must be sick of you.
Quicksilver said:
your keyboard must be sick of you.

Yeah, it can't understand why I bother replying to such outrageously, ridiculous and idiotic posts. Like the one I just did.

OW! My keyboard just bit me!
Outlaw Heroes said:
Bottom line: Romo's being made #2 is just BP's way of saying "**" to the Henson backers. Thought you were going to get to see the kid now that the playoffs are a remote possibility? Not so fast, people. Bill wants to remind you that HE is running this team, and no matter how wrong he was about Vinny, he's not about to let the Hensonites get the best of him. Seem petty to you? It is. But what did you expect from this guy? However accomplished he may be as a head coach, he's never tried to fool anyone about his being a disgusting human being.

Hmmm... first off.. congrats on an original post.. I think I've read this theory like 80,000 in the last couple days on this board. Anyway, maybe .. just maybe Parcells is smarter than you and is trying to put things together. Wasn't he the one who took a chance on Henson? Doesn't he see the QB's and the entire team day in and day out? Let's give this some time before we declare the guy a punk geeez!??
Waffle said:
That's crap. You know as well as I do that Parcells is slamming Henson just to make Quicksilver, Outlaw Heros, RcaldW, and Wolverine angry! :rolleyes:

(Actually, your post is money!)

LOL, another classic distortion of, at least, what I've said. Should I repeat it again???? hhhhhhhhhhhhhh(sigh)

Here we go.

The harder ANYONE pushes Parcells, be it Jerry, be it fan base, be it media, the more Bill Parcells has to prove that it will be HIS WAY.

This is not a tinfoil wearing fan that says this, as recently as yesterday, I think it was, Tim Cowlishaw and Ed Werder said this, and THEY GET PAID TO HAVE OPINIONS.

Parcells even acknowledges that this is said about him, because when he gave his "we have the player to lose speech", he began with, "I'm not being stubborn", which of course means he knows that many people think he is just being stubborn.

So, interact with our true views, don't construct a straw man and tear it down then declare your victory!
Hmmm... first off.. congrats on an original post.. I think I've read this theory like 80,000 in the last couple days on this board. Anyway, maybe .. just maybe Parcells is smarter than you and is trying to put things together. Wasn't he the one who took a chance on Henson? Doesn't he see the QB's and the entire team day in and day out? Let's give this some time before we declare the guy a punk geeez!??

Yes, he was on board before Henson was on board, but I've said, and still stand by it, that his whole attitude about Henson changed as soon as people started calling for him to play ahead of Testaverde. Now, if Bill goes from Testaverde to Henson it looks like Bill is doing what MANY PEOPLE thought he should have done all along. We can't have that! We can't have Bill following the path of the "common idiot fan or sports writer". We have to prove our superior wisdom in EVERY decision. So, we will demote our #2 to #3 and play our #3, and START HIM against Washington the following week.

See how smart Bill is? Man, and to think that a fan could know ANYTHING about football. Wow. From now on, I'm just going to eat my chips, drink my diet Pepsi, watch the games and have Bill come on the next week and tell me what I saw and heard.

Kind of like Dan Rather after a Presidential debate.
The harder ANYONE pushes Parcells, be it Jerry, be it fan base, be it media, the more Bill Parcells has to prove that it will be HIS WAY.

Bill Parcells can care less what the fans and media think. I think he's wise enough not to let people of lesser knowledge effect his decisions, and that includes Jerry Jones.
Rack said:
Bill Parcells can care less what the fans and media think. I think he's wise enough not to let people of lesser knowledge effect his decisions, and that includes Jerry Jones.

Now, FINALLY we arrive at a point where we understand each other and can just respectfully agree to disagree.

Rack, I really don't think thats true. I think there are people, Mike Martz being one as an example, who HAVE to always prove that they "know more, or know better".

I think Parcell's ego keeps him from following the path of conventional wisdom.

You may be correct, I have my doubts.
rcaldw said:
Now, FINALLY we arrive at a point where we understand each other and can just respectfully agree to disagree.

Rack, I really don't think thats true. I think there are people, Mike Martz being one as an example, who HAVE to always prove that they "know more, or know better".

I think Parcell's ego keeps him from following the path of conventional wisdom.

You may be correct, I have my doubts.

I'd agree with you about Martz, to an extent. But I think Parcells is too focused on other things to worry about the media and/or fans.

Plus, it's a different circumstance. In Martz' case they questioned him cuz he didn't run the ball enough to win. In Parcells' case the fans/media just want to see Henson play. They don't think we'd win with Henson. Parcells just doesn't think Henson is ready. And think about it, the kid hasn't played but just over a half of football in 4 years, but now he's supposed to come in and play the most difficult position in professional sports against a level of competition much superior to what he's ever faced before?

This is a special situation here. It's not like he's right out of college. If he were, I'd want him thrown to the wolves too. And if I thought Henson didn't have talent I wouldn't care if he were thrown to the wolves. But he does have talent so I want to make sure his confidence doesn't get so "Shot" that he goes in the tank. If a normal rookie QB's confidence were so easily shaken I wouldn't care cuz I'd feel he wasn't worth it anyway, but again, this is a special situation. It wouldn't be fair to treat him that way. I'd like to send him to Europe to face some lesser defenses and treat it as sort of a "Stepping stone" to the NFL. He needs playing time, but throwing him at NFL defense is too extreme for a guy that hasn't played in 4 years. Let him face some lesser defenses, get comfortable with that, then he'll be ready to take on the challenge of facing an NFL defense.

Hell, Hutch sucks testicles, but it appears NFLE even improved his game. Imagine what it could do for Henson and his vastly superior talent?

I think BP moved Romo up to #2 cuz he's afraid Vinny might get hurt and would rather chance Romo getting destroyed then Henson getting destroyed. Of if he gets tired of watching Vinny stink the place up he can replace him with Romo and not worry about having to chance Henson.

There's a ton of different ways to look at it, but I'm confident Parcells only has the Cowboys and Henson best interest in mind.

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